Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 671 The Neglected Capital

The Venetian habit of wearing masks originated from a group of nobles hiding from debts. In order not to be recognized by their creditors and enemies, they wore masks and cloaks to shuttle through the streets and alleys of Venice.

Later, some people wore gorgeous masks to meet their lover in secret. They propped a boat under the lover's window sill, and climbed up with the rope she let down. Besides these heartthieves, there were also jewel thieves. This trend even spread to Spain, and was spread to South America by the Spaniards. The famous swordsman "Zorro" is also a masked man.

Before the 18th century, masks were a part of Venetian life, and the law even allowed Venetians to wear masks to work and live for most of the year, until Napoleon invaded Italy and conquered Venice, and since then mask customers disappeared.

Death Eaters also wear masks, which are black, covering most of the face, only the chin is exposed, with dark flowers on it, which looks very gorgeous.

But it is like Philip said, it is the "mask of death", because with those masks, even if the victim sees the murderer at close range, he still cannot identify the murderer unless the other party takes off the mask, so Karkaroff and Lucius Malfoy's deal, they cleared themselves of their crimes and avoided Azkaban by identifying other hidden Death Eaters.

Bellatrix never wears a mask, she is a loyal follower of the Dark Lord and is not ashamed of being a Death Eater at all.

With Voldemort's two defeats, the Death Eaters became notorious. Even those who had followed suit and joined the Death Eaters tried their best to hide that past, and the Dark Mark on their arms became the object of discrimination.

But even so, they are still much better than werewolves. The deformed werewolves cannot be covered by a mask. The carnival between werewolves and Death Eaters is always bound to be bloody and killing. Not the same thing.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss returns the gaze.

When fighting monsters, be careful not to become a monster yourself.

Righteousness masters are no different from dark wizards. In fact, they don't need to be in this profession. It is a very difficult career path, far less easy than being a chef or a company employee.

It is Harry's dream to become an aura teacher, but he is a sunny person like his mother. James is the object of his masculinity, but when he can't bear the pressure, he will look for women. Relying on Hermione, sometimes Luna, Ginny, a boy like him is not suitable to be an auror.

It was snowing when the Eurotrain stopped at Bern's railway station.

Geographically, the Alps are in the south, but the average altitude in Switzerland is relatively high. Spring is from April to June, and the average temperature is around 8°C. The snow has not melted at the end of February, and everything is covered with snow.

The special train in Xiaoxue was like the Snowpiercer, a group of Aurors and warriors stood neatly in the snow and waited solemnly.

This city hidden in the mountains contains all tourists' imaginations and appeals for ancient European cities. The ancient buildings, the magnificent railway station without modern decoration, and the traditional locals seem to have stopped here. There is an air of refined melancholy.

Although these iconic buildings are tall and majestic, the deep and quiet small town temperament here makes it easy to ignore the little bit of seriousness and utilitarianism that a capital should have here, which is not at all like London or Paris.

Albus once said that there is a street in Bern called Grindelwald, and he has always wanted to find time to visit here, but he is like a king on a chessboard, and most of the time he is stuck in Hoag Woz.

Pomona had never met the Dark Lord, but even Voldemort said he was attractive, so he was.

She tried to place the haughty blond boy in the picture in Bagshot's book, but it seemed a bit out of place, and then she remembered his wanted photos, and it fit right away.

Grindelwald is a free "musician". He should be able to feel the magical rhythm in the air, but unfortunately he can't hear the voice of people.

He reused Queenie, a witch who was born with Legilimency. She wanted to marry the Muggle Jacob because of her longing for love, but that was not allowed by the International Statute of Secrecy, so the little fool obeyed Grindelwald's temptation and became A member of a criminal gang.

A woman is much easier to control than a man, especially when she has extraordinary talents.

Beauty is as natural as talent, and Helen doesn't want to cause a war, but Troy still perishes.

This is a gift from heaven, but also a curse, it marks a person will be different from ordinary people.

It would be a waste to discard it and become an ordinary person again. Imagine what the world would be like if Einstein didn't come up with the theory of relativity here? Or maybe the cafe where Lenin was not here thought, Russia is still under the rule of the Tsar, can the Cossack cavalry defeat the tanks and aircraft of the German mechanized army?

Although the Germans attacked Poland suddenly, the Poles resisted, but they still dispatched medieval cavalry.

They used spears and sabers to face German tanks and armored vehicles, and they defended their dignity as a soldier with their lives.

But wars are not won by bravery alone.

In this oldest small city, the most advanced knowledge was born, thus changing the pattern of the world.

It's like a grain of wheat, planted in the ground, it takes root and germinates, becomes an ear of wheat, and finally bears many, many grains of wheat.

He came not to judge, but to save the world.

Grindelwald is trying to prevent Muggles from destroying the world. Is what he said right or wrong?

"Good evening!" The leader held the captain's hand, "I'm from the Department of Magical Disasters to pick you up..."

"Don't look over there." Severus whispered in her ear "Don't get yourself into trouble, we're abroad now."

"I'm hungry." Pomona said, taking his hand. "Is there any restaurant to eat now?"

Severus looked at her and shook his head.

"Why do you keep thinking about eating?"

"are you not hungry?"

"After looking at those wounds? That's right." Severus couldn't hide his disgust and said, "You can't find a warmer place and have to stand dry in the snow."

"Maybe, we don't need to go to Venice, and we can go to Switzerland for our honeymoon." She took out a stack of tourist information, which she accidentally found in the dining car just now, maybe some passenger forgot to take it away. "There is also a hot spring here." , have you ever soaked in an open-air hot spring?"

He carefully looked at the documents in her hand.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Do they provide shampoo?"

"It should be."

"Damn it!" he cursed through gritted teeth.

She couldn't figure out what he was up to.

At this time, the four Muggles were floated out of the car, and their bodies were covered with a layer of golden liquid.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I didn't touch them." Severus said thankfully, looking at his hands, "Fortunately I'm a wizard."

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