Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 680 Knight's Hillside

There is a famous assassin in Chinese history, his name is Jing Ke, and his story is included in Sima Qian's "Historical Records of Assassin Biography".

At that time, the Yan State could no longer defeat the Qin State on the frontal battlefield, so the Prince of Yan State took advantage of the opportunity of handing over Fan Yuqi's head and land to the judge, and asked Jing Ke to assassinate King Qin Yingzheng.

He may be the closest assassin to success. Ying Zheng was forced to flee in the palace by him. No one around the soldiers dared to stop him. In the end, a doctor smashed Jing Ke with a medicine box to save Ying Zheng's life. It may take a few more years for a divided China, or it may never be unified again.

The First World War was also caused by an assassination. Being an assassin requires extraordinary courage, wit and luck. At that time, there was another person, Qin Wuyang, who carried out the mission of assassinating Qin with Jing Ke. He went out of order on the spot and almost showed his flaws. , it is very difficult to assassinate a terrible person, and it is not as simple as outsiders think.

The Slavs also have their own myths, but today, the Nordic myths have begun to rise again, but their myths are still heresy and no one will spread them. They are different from the Germans and migrated eastward. There are many modern Russians. They also claim to be Slavs. Like the Germans, they are barbarians in the eyes of the "Romans". Modern European civilization was developed on the basis of the Renaissance.

Goethe outlined the spirit of modern European civilization in "Faust" in this way: Driven by desire, people make endless struggles towards the endless world.

This spirit is different from the dullness of the Middle Ages, and also different from the liveliness of Greece and Rome.

Compared with the restraint of desire in agricultural society, the development of industry and commerce is even more inseparable from the stimulation of desire. In the framework of Western philosophy, "human nature" is expanded into three dimensions: "Reason", "Emotion", and "Desire". Together, they synthesize the "truth", "beauty" and "goodness" of the realm of life.

During the Renaissance, the three were relatively in balance, thus giving people the impression of being "sturdy" and "brilliant".

Modern people place too much emphasis on rationality, while emotions and desires are relatively suppressed. This is in an unbalanced state, and ignoring the problem of emotion is not a trivial matter.

Neglected children have mental health problems. Ron is the most neglected child in the Weasley family. He is mediocre in all aspects, so his jealousy is also relatively strong.

Jealousy is caused by others being better than oneself in a certain aspect. When others are in good times, they slander and slander, and when others encounter misfortune, they make trouble. Although Ron is malicious, he does not make trouble when Harry is isolated by the whole school. When Harry needs help He will help when he is in trouble, and he is still a good buddy.

Being a lone ranger is not a good feeling, even the most flashy seeker needs protection, and the goalkeeper position is indispensable. In order to win the game, everyone put aside their prejudices and worked together. This kind of friendship is really puzzling.

Both Severus and Pomona were "nerds", not in the same world as the athletes.

The snow will reflect the sunlight. In order to prevent himself from being burned to ashes by the too strong sunlight, Severus Vampire Snape applied a layer of sunscreen potion to himself, which should have added olive oil, which would be protected by the sun. It smells like fried steak after heating.

She took out her pocket watch and checked the time. It was only after 11:30, but she already felt that she was so hungry that she could eat a hippogriff.

The healthy breakfast in Switzerland does not make you hungry at all, and you need to eat high-calorie foods at high altitudes.

Anyway, it was not far from lunch time, so Pomona took out the supplies she had replenished at the foot of the mountain just now.

German food without sausage is soulless. A frankfurter sausage sandwiched in a long bun, dipped in mustard or ketchup becomes a world-renowned delicacy - hot dog, served with British black tea and German pork Fried pies, that's their lunch!

"Why no vegetables?" The Potions Professor frowned after studying the ingredients of the hot dog.

"Do you like vegetables?" Pomona asked with her mouth full of food, chewing.

"Vitamins are essential ingredients for the human body, and it has nothing to do with whether I like it or not." He threw the hot dog aside in disgust and started eating fried meatloaf.

Pomona just remembered that she had never seen Severus with a partial eclipse. He ate up all the vegetables in the stew. Master Malfoy was a picky eater, no wonder he was as thin as a sprout.

"I can charm a little vegetable to grow."

"No." He looked around the surrounding terrain and said, "I don't want to eat vegetables grown on the ancient battlefield."


"The Battle of Grindelwald, the Teutonic Knights and the Polish-Lithuanian Allied Forces."

"Oh, I see." Pomona remembered immediately, and Severus looked at her suspiciously.


"What books did Albus Dumbledore make you read?"

"He didn't suggest me to read sonnets. I might as well learn something useful when I have that time. If I were to command the gargoyles, I wouldn't let them guard the viaduct. Giants are like heavy cavalry. They are invincible in a straight line charge. Their way is useless at all, those gargoyles are broken after falling off the bridge, and can't continue to fight, if I were Minerva, I would delay the time and consume the giant's physical strength, anyway, the gargoyles don't care about physical exertion." She also began to watch this The terrain on the hillside is really suitable for cavalry combat. Not only is there sufficient water, but also enough meadows to provide the food the horses need, and there is also enough slope to accelerate the charge. No wonder some people list the Battle of Grindelwald as a battle for knights. The classic battle: "Felix shouldn't have those gargoyles lined up in two straight lines, so that they won't be able to take advantage of them at all. They should be arranged in a wedge formation like the ancient Roman legions, or a Macedonian phalanx at the bridgehead..."

"You know Albus didn't trust you that's why you didn't leave those gargoyles to you?" he reminded.

"I know," she said listlessly, "that's why I thought he was having an affair with Minerva."

"It's surprising that his lover is one of the most dangerous Dark wizards ever." Severus smiled. "Have you brought a picnic cloth? Let's go to the grass."

She didn't think much of it, so she spread the picnic cloth she brought with her on the meadow to prevent grass clippings from sticking to her clothes.

The old bat who was responsible for moving the food didn't care about the food at all, took out the wand and cast a spell, then threw her down on the tablecloth.

"What are you doing!" she yelled.

"I used the Muggle Repelling Curse just now, and now we don't have to worry about being disturbed." He leaned on her body and asked with a smile, "Which one do you think is smarter, you or Felius?"

"Felius," she said pitifully.

"Why?" he asked again.

"Because, he won't be the same as me now." She put her hand on his muscular arm. "It's daytime."

"No one can control him," Severus said, "and no one wants to use him. That's why he's smarter than you."

He looked into her eyes as he searched her coat pockets and asked, "What are you thinking right now?"

"I don't want to be a woman." She said feebly, "Can't you see my talent and wisdom?"

"Of course, I can see it." He found the flannel bag and picked up the grass clippings on her body. "What do you think makes the White Wizard and Grindelwald so close after only knowing each other for a few months?"

"They understand each other."

"Because they are men, men are action-oriented, and once they have a goal, they will take action. The same thing, women think more about feelings. You always think a lot. I like to watch you use your brain, but some At the time, you really thought too much."

He started rummaging through the contents of her bag in front of her.

"What are you looking for?"

He took out a stack of papers, which happened to be letters from Albus and Grindelwald.

"He taught me to use a Pensieve to organize my memories. I don't want to live on that like him. I can't look at a picture of Gellert Grindelwald and think about fucking him."

"Don't say that!"

"He has no desire for you. You are as pure as Arianna. He can't stand other men thinking about you. He disgusts me and I disgust him. I won't sleep with him. I haven't slept in that bed, the bed in the principal's office, do you know where I slept in the last year?"


"I have nowhere to go," he trembled. "I let Robbie stay at the house in Spinner's End, but I swear I'm going to get out of there. I don't want to go back to that house. I should let him go slowly." To die instead of murdering him at his begging, I knew that was a bad idea."

"Don't think about it." She hugged him.

He wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed her eagerly, the taste of meat in his mouth was not as sweet and intoxicating as sweets and wine. Originally, she was not hypoxic, but now she felt very dizzy, as if she had altitude sickness, and felt like vomiting.

Just before she suffocated, he let her live, but she was held tightly, and his waist moved.

"We are on the ancient battlefield."

"I know, I reminded you." He panted like a galloping horse.

Through the clothes, he couldn't do anything to her, but this action expressed his desire, the paper was blown by the wind on the mountain, and the Deathly Hallows signed by Grindelwald and Albus dangled in front of her eyes come and go.

If the resurrection stone can see ghosts, can she hold it and see the ghosts of those who died in battle?

Her hand felt for the pulse of Severus' carotid artery, which was very strong and full of life.

The one who is doing nasty things to her now is a living person, not a corpse.

The Renaissance in Europe was from the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, so Europe in the fifteenth century happened to be in the period of the Renaissance. Medieval Europe was from 476 to 1640, so Europe in the fifteenth century was also the Middle Ages.

Does the knight's sword fight for a god or a goddess?

There are secrets hidden under the surface of calm, no wonder Grindelwald's meadow is so green, because it has been watered by blood.

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