Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 688 Song of Innocence

Once upon a time, there was a cute little girl who liked to wear a red velvet hat given to her by her grandmother.

One day, her mother asked her to deliver food to her grandmother, and told her not to walk too far off the main road.

Little Red Riding Hood is very playful. When she sees delicious berries, she stops to taste them. When she sees beautiful butterflies, she chases them. She spends a lot of time on the road.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, it would be too late to go home if she didn't take the path, so she went against her mother's advice and walked into the forest.

The forest has always been peaceful. Suddenly, she encountered a creature she had never seen before. It had pitch-black fur, white teeth and a big mouth, but its voice was very gentle and pleasant.

The creature asked her: Where are you going?

Little Red Riding Hood was innocent and kind by nature, so she told her the purpose of coming to the forest.

That creature is actually a wolf. He is cruel and cunning by nature. When the wolf finds out, he tricks Little Red Riding Hood into picking wild flowers. He then runs to the cabin in the forest and eats Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother, pretending to be a grandmother, and intends to eat her in one bite when Little Red Riding Hood comes to find her grandmother. Lose.

Later, Little Red Riding Hood met a hunter in the woods. He asked why Little Red Riding Hood was alone in the forest so late, so Little Red Riding Hood told the hunter about going to her grandmother and meeting a wolf on the way.

The hunter is very familiar with the behavior of wolves. He didn't tell Little Red Riding Hood, but pretended to leave, but actually followed her quietly.

Grandma was sick and weak, and her mother prepared a piece of cake and a bottle of wine for her. After arriving at her grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A hoarse voice came from inside.

"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood," she said, and then she asked "Are you grandma? Why is your voice so hoarse?"

"I have a cold." The wolf coughed and said, "You just need to pull the latch. I don't have the strength to get up."

So Little Red Riding Hood went through the half-hidden door, and saw her grandmother lying on the bed, with her hat pulled down so that her face was completely hidden, she looked very strange.

"Hey, grandma, why are your ears so big?" asked Little Red Riding Hood.

"In order to listen to you better, my dear."

"But grandma, why are your eyes so big?" Little Red Riding Hood asked again.

"To see you more clearly, my dear."

"Grandma, why are your hands so big?"

"I can hold you better."

"Grandma, why is your mouth so big and scary?"

"I can eat you in one bite!"

As soon as the wolf finished speaking, he jumped up from the bed. At this moment, the hunter who followed the wolf appeared. He raised his shotgun and killed the wolf and saved Little Red Riding Hood.

Muggles tell children through fairy tales not to be too naive like Little Red Riding Hood.

In the world of wizards, there are a group of people who take fairy tales seriously. One of them is the principal of a magic school, a white-bearded grandfather who is said to be 150 years old.

When he was a young wizard, he also took the Defense Against the Dark Arts class like other children at Hogwarts. At that time, this class was not cursed. In the class, the teacher taught him to identify a magical creature called red hat. animal.

This dwarf-like animal lives in burrows in ancient battlefields or where human blood has been stained. Although they are easy to drive away with spells or charms, they can be very dangerous to a solitary Muggle, who will try to club him to death in the dark of night.

They are a kind of goblins, short and strong, looking like old people, with long white beards and a pair of vicious red eyes, with sharp eagle claws on their hands, and a pair of iron boots on their feet, they run very fast.

They usually live in castles and watchtowers on the border between Scotland and England, and sometimes move to unnoticed places, such as the Black Forest in Bavaria.

Most of the Black Forest is covered by pine and fir trees. The reason why people call it "Black Forest" is because the forest in the forest area on the mountain is densely covered. It looks dark from a distance, but the forest has a beautiful scenery and waterfalls. , meadows and hot springs, wild roses and berries in summer, and cuckoos called "cuckoo cuckoos".

On cold nights every year, farmers in mountainous areas stay at home and carefully carve wooden figures and utensils.

There was a lonely old carpenter who carved a piece of wood that could talk and laugh into a puppet.

A fairy took pity on the old man and made the wooden man move and talk like a real child. The old carpenter was very happy and dressed him in beautiful clothes and gave him a schoolbag so that he could go to school like a real child.

Although he has always wanted to be a good boy, it is difficult to change his bad habits.

He played truant from school, lied, made bad friends, and refused to mend his ways after being cheated several times. Later, a fairy with sky-blue hair taught him that whenever he told a lie, his nose grew. He lied three times in a row, and his nose grew so long that it was impossible for him to turn around in the room. At this time, Pinocchio began to wake up, but still couldn't stand the temptation of the bad boy, and followed him to the "playing country".

A few months later, a pair of donkey ears grew on the wooden child's head, and the next moment he became a real donkey, he was sold to a circus. Soon he broke his leg on the set. It was sold by the circus owner to a businessman to skin it to make drumheads. At the critical moment, it was the fairy who rescued him. The wooden child decided to change his past, and finally one day became a child with flesh and blood.

Muggles in Bavaria firmly believe that there are witches in the Black Forest, and they often go looking for them together, but often the wizards don't meet any of them, but they encounter dangerous magical creatures such as red hats and evil spirits.

They even take them back to their own homes to raise them. If they are unlucky and encounter dark wizards and werewolves, it will be even worse.

Women often love the lover in the first passion, but love itself in the later relationship, we no longer love that person, the light of the comet will not be so dazzling forever, that night, the moonlight is your true love lover.

But if you are in the passion all the time, it is very difficult to break free from that vortex.

Dark wizards like freedom and have a strong desire to pursue power. Even a cold-blooded person like Tom Riddle will do everything in pursuit of longevity.

This desire is like a bonfire in the dark, which can illuminate the dark road ahead.

Desires, emotions, ideals, and desires have always been kept in rational cages, and once they are released, it is terrifying.

However, if it is closed for too long, there will be problems. A society without passion is lifeless. Perhaps, commodities and dazzling advertisements can stimulate people's material desires.

The relationship between "man and nature" is the axis of the new era of the Renaissance. In the late medieval scholasticism, stimulated by Arabic culture, "faith" is gradually giving way to "knowledge".

But it is the bourgeoisie and handicraftsmen who promote the Renaissance. These handicraftsmen need people's material desires to accumulate wealth, so this has formed a knot: restraining material desires to develop spiritual civilization, then there is no material basis; pampering material desires, people just want to satisfy material desires Running around all day, no time to think, thinking stays on the surface, no way to enter deep thinking, and make wrong choices on impulse.

In the battle between Qin and Zhao Changping, if the king of Qi didn't think himself smart enough to understand the truth of his lips and teeth, and lent grain to Zhao, then this war was just another episode of the Warring States Period.

If the victorious country of World War I hadn't pushed the defeated country Germany too hard in order to pass on its own domestic economic crisis, there would be no chance for extreme regimes to come to power.

Greed will lead to destruction, we all understand this truth, but in practice, we will compromise and give in due to various difficulties. The theory of historical cycles advocates that the changes in human society are simple repetitions, and the saying that has become Guiguzi is: the world must be divided for a long time, and the world must be united for a long time.

At the end of the Warring States period in China, Zou Yan once proposed the theory of five virtues, using the five elements popular at that time to explain the changes of history and the replacement of dynasties.

The Italian thinker Vico in the 18th century believed that the change of history went through three stages: the age of gods, the age of heroes, and the age of mortals. After the historical change has gone through this stage, it will return to the original era, and so on, and the cycle is endless.

This idealist philosophy and materialist philosophy believe that history is based on the development of productive forces and the process of continuous development and rise of social forms.

People need motivation to engage in certain activities, and if the motivation is not sufficient, they will not kill people, but there are also cases of passion killings.

If the second of the three brothers didn't love the girl so much, he wouldn't use the resurrection stone to resurrect her, the girl had no motivation to live, she didn't belong to the mortal world, and eventually died.

Only the third child, he was as good at disguising and hiding as the god of death, and finally escaped the pursuit of the god of death with the invisibility cloak, and left this world on an equal footing with the god of death.

Materialism ignores human emotions and desires, no wonder the god of love has gradually faded away.

Not all Cupids are like the drunk Socrates said, coveting the beauty and wealth of the rich gods, there are also little fools who like the poor and dangerous werewolf Lupine, and Severus is so bitter A mean and bad-tempered "love saint".

The Room of Requirement uses the Mind Acceptance Charm, turns around in front of the door three times, and it can feel what it needs when it thinks about it.

Severus had learned, and he had invented a new trick, with the Daydream Charm from Weasley's Wraith Shop, which wasn't sold to boys under the age of sixteen.

She rejected the request of the real world, but was forced to accept his dirty imagination. A black wizard will always be a black wizard. Her brain as pure as white paper knew some strange knowledge, as if she had been poisoned.

She cried and pushed him away, refusing to continue to accept this kind of mental torture. However, after returning to reality, she still couldn't get rid of his restraint. Now they are in the moving box of the train, and the forest is outside the window. What's more sad is that no hunter came Save her.

They were newlyweds on their honeymoon, who would bother to bother them so much.

People even smiled ambiguously, wishing the bride with rosy cheeks to give birth to a baby early, and the "experienced people" are always particularly indulgent to young couples.

Many people are familiar with Platonic love, but few people know Socrates' love.

Socrates: "Son, why are you sad?"

Lovelorn: "I'm broken in love."

Socrates: "Oh, that's normal. If there's no sadness in losing love, love probably won't taste much. But, young man, how did I find that you are even more devoted to losing love than you are to love?" ?”

Lovelorn: "I lost the grapes I got, this regret, this loss, you are not a human being, how do you know the bitterness of it."

Socrates: "If you lose it, you lose it. Why not keep going, there are still many delicious grapes."

The lovelorn: "I will wait until the sea is dry and the rocks are gone, until she changes her mind and comes to me."

Socrates: "But that day may never come."

Lovelorn: "Then I will commit suicide to show my sincerity."

Socrates: "If you do this, you will not only lose your lover, but you will also lose yourself, and you will suffer double the loss."

Lovelorn: "What do you think I should do? I really love her."

Socrates: "Really love her? Surely you want your loved one to be happy?"

Lovelorn: "That's natural."

Socrates: "What if she thinks it's a blessing to leave you?"

Lovelorn: "No! She once told me that she is only happy when she is with me!"

Socrates: "It was once, it was in the past, but she doesn't think so now."

Lovelorn: "That means she has been lying to me?"

Socrates: "No, she has always been faithful to you. When she loved you, she was with you. Now she doesn't love you, she is gone. There is nothing greater in the world. If she no longer loves you, but pretends to have a lot of affection for you, even marry you and have children, that is the real deception."

Lovelorn: "But, she doesn't love me now, but I still love her bitterly, how unfair it is!"

Socrates: "It's not fair, I mean you are unfair to the person you love. Originally, it is your right to love her, but it is her right to love you or not, and you want to exercise your rights How unfair it is to deprive others of their freedom to exercise their rights at all times!"

Lovelorn: "According to you, all this is my fault?"

Socrates: "Yes, you made mistakes from the beginning. If you can bring her happiness, she will not leave your life. You know, no one will avoid happiness."

Lovelorn: "But she didn't even give me a chance, do you think it's hateful?"

Socrates: "Of course it's abominable. You should be happy now that you've got rid of that odious man, son."

Lovelorn: "Happy? How is that possible, but how can I put it, I was abandoned by someone."

Socrates: "Time will heal your wounds."

Lovelorn: "I wish I could have this day, but where should I start?"

Socrates: "Go thank the one who abandoned you and bless her."

Lovelorn: "Why?"

Socrates: "Because she gave you loyalty and gave you new opportunities to find happiness."

Lily was a good girl, she dumped Severus very quickly, she was not like some girls who obviously no longer loved that boy, but pretended to have a lot of affection for him, and used him to achieve her own goals.

If you don't like it, please reject it clearly, this is what an honest and good girl should do.

As for the bastard kid who kept pestering her, Pomona didn't know what to do, she had to fight him off herself, or find someone who could fight him off to protect her.

The black wizard's superstitious belief in power can bring him happiness, this kind of person is really disgusting.

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