Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 692 Magic spell

A long time ago, there was a powerful country in the far east, and the subjects there were very lucky, because they had a wise emperor and a benevolent and thrifty queen.

Unfortunately, although their crown prince had a brilliant mind, he had a crippled body. The other sons of the emperor saw that they had a chance, and they were eager to move.

However, according to the oriental rules, if the crown prince dies, the prince's son should also be appointed as the crown prince.

But in the face of huge interests, the adult sons of the emperor did not take this rule seriously at all.

The reason why the emperor married so many concubines was to ensure enough heirs, and it was also a kind of political marriage. Those concubines had prominent family affairs, some were the daughters of important ministers, and some were former princesses, each of them was so ambitious.

But there is only one emperor's throne, so these people fight each other and hurt each other. Although the family is related by blood, they have no kinship at all.

Both the emperor and the prince love the queen, but the queen's health is getting worse and worse. Buddhism has absorbed too much money and people, almost leaving that powerful empire without an army, so the emperor established Taoism as the state religion after the founding of the country. Buddhism is suppressed.

In order to restore the queen's health, he ordered the rebuilding of more than 390 abandoned temples to pray for his beloved wife. However, such touching love between husband and wife, mother and child, still failed to win back the queen's life from the hands of death.

Both the emperor and the crown prince were devastated, but the crown prince's son was born at this time, and the new addition gave the grieving family a little hope.

But at this time, Li Chengqian began to rebel as he grew older and suffered from foot disease, and the emperor tried his best to restrain him.

The courtiers criticized him for being too extravagant and having fun with the eunuchs. The prince's wet nurse once persuaded the ministers that the prince was too old to always criticize and criticize him in front of his face, but the courtiers still cared about me and hugged the beheaded Dangerous persuasion, words are eager to wait for the prince to listen to him immediately.

Later, the crown prince began to dote on a Taichangle man who was "beautiful in appearance and good at singing and dancing". The emperor was furious and killed the handsome young man. The crown prince was very sad and paid homage to him in the palace.

Throughout history, those princes who embarked on the road of rebellion and failed, often ended up with a different ending. But when it was the crown prince's turn, the emperor was silent.

He loves his son, and once had full hopes for the crown prince, but the crown prince openly conspired against his younger brother, who was also loved by his father and had the heart of conspiracy, after failing to assassinate him.

After experiencing a series of wrong choices, the crown prince brought himself to a dead end.

This is a problem often faced by many wealthy families who allow illegitimate children to have inheritance rights. Family separation and competition for family property have torn down the pretense of family affection in the past, and it is time to fight.

The emperor was exhausted by state affairs and family affairs, so he found a place for him to escape, a young, beautiful, intelligent girl named Wu.

This is often the case when people reach middle age. The people they could rely on have left one after another, leaving only a group of people who can rely on themselves. The heavy pressure makes people breathless, and a young and simple-minded woman can make him relax.

The emperor liked Wang Xizhi's Fei Bai very much, so he taught her how to write. He experienced the fun in the process of teaching, so he also taught her how to deal with state affairs.

Even some imperial edicts were drafted by Wu Cairen.

Martial talents are very favored by the emperor, but they have no offspring. After the emperor's death, such low-level concubines will be sent to the Ganye Temple to become a monk. Who would like to go to a nunnery at a young age? Before the sick bed, she flirted with the new prince, but she did not change her fate in the end. After the emperor died, she had her long hair cut off and became a nun.

She didn't want such a fate, she wanted to break free, so she took a chance, approached her old lover and new emperor, and handed him a love poem.

Love is the most suitable weapon for women.

But sometimes it doesn't always work.

Li Zhi ascended to the throne and experienced a bloody fight. He is not as weak and incompetent as in history and legends.

The privileged class represented by the clan needs to be weakened. According to Li Chunfeng's prophecy, a woman surnamed Wu will succeed the Li family. A "superstitious" minister like Changsun Wuji will definitely do his best to prevent her from becoming a queen.

With this woman, Li Zhi can solve Minister Gu Ming. The conflict between them is on the issue of legislation. The emperor advocates lenient punishment, but Changsun Wuji regards the law as a tool to eradicate dissidents. Li Ke, the prince born to the princess.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was a well-known tyrant in Chinese history, but Li Yuan was a subject of the Yang family after all, and the position obtained by "conspiracy" could easily be usurped by "conspiracy". Therefore, in Tang law, treason is a "heinous" felony.

In the later period, if Wu Zetian's cruel officials wanted to kill people, they would falsely accuse them of treason. In the spirit of killing mistakes, Wu Zetian killed many people, and the power of these powerful families was eradicated.

The later plan was as smooth as Li Zhi thought, but what he didn't expect was that there was a problem with his body. He suffered from a serious headache, which could only be cured by Ming Chongyan, who claimed to be able to summon ghosts and gods.

Regarding this period of history, Pomona has carefully studied whether Li has a family history of genetic diseases, or whether he has fallen into the scourge of witchcraft like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Later, she discovered that Li Chengqian's illness was very similar to polio. Paralysis can occur in all parts of the body, especially the lower limbs. It is an infectious disease that Roosevelt and the last king of Germany, William II, both had. Children's incidence is higher than that of adults, but it does not mean that adults will not be infected. Before the advent of universal vaccines, there was almost no cure.

The disease is transmitted through contact with sick people or food contaminated with the virus. In the acute phase, patients can excrete the virus from feces and their upper respiratory secretions and spread it to others.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a habit of eating fish sticks. Maybe Li Chengqian ate sashimi with polio virus on his body, or someone who took care of his daily life had asymptomatic infection. A sneezed on his food, and then unfortunately infected.

As for Li Zhi's illness, it is quite mysterious. Although Wu Zetian later became entangled with many men and even had a male harem, she may still love Li Zhi the most, and she cares about his health very much.

She is an emperor who likes to build houses very much. After moving the capital to Luoyang, she built magnificent Qitian buildings, including Mingtang.

The Mingtang is the place where the emperor met with the princes and held sacrificial activities in the pre-Qin period of China, and it was the place where the emperor declared politics and religion. Feng Shui mainly refers to the place where the earth's air gathers in front of the cave.

In "Book of Rites", there is an article "Mingtang Position", which records the style and etiquette of Mingtang. She was ingenious and designed a Vientiane Shrine, which is magnificent and allows the public to visit. place.

There is a bright hall in Luoyang, so where is the bright hall in Chang'an?

This sudden inspiration made her start to read the documents. There is Xiannong's Altar outside the Mingde Gate. According to the etiquette system, the emperor would worship the heavens in the southern suburbs and the earth in the northern suburbs. The emperor would start from Zhuquemen and come along Zhuque Street. The ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven was held in the southern suburbs, but Xiannongtan is not a bright hall.

Later, she looked through the materials again. Before Tang Chang'an was renamed Chang'an, it was called Daxing. Before Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty moved his capital to Luoyang, where did Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty Yang Jian worship the sky?

Even the materials in the Dunhuang Grottoes do not record that the Tang Empire wiped out Yang Sui's traces very thoroughly. Apart from being cruel, the Yang family seems to have done nothing good.

She found some clues after looking through the history of Buddhism. The Sui Dynasty advocated Buddhism. Tang Xuanzang had to translate the scriptures after returning to China. It only existed during Tang Zhongzong's time.

Daxingshan Temple was first built in the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, Sima Yantai to Taikang, and was originally called Zunshan Temple. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty Yang Jian expanded the Zunshan Temple in the second year of Kaihuang. Because the temple is located in Jingshan Square in Daxing City, the capital, it was renamed "Daxingshan Temple".

In the annals of Chang'an in the Song Dynasty, the entire Jingshanfang is Daxingshan Temple, which is an uncommon phenomenon.

Jingshanfang is next to Zhuque Street. In the row where Jingshanfang is located in Chang'an Waiguo City in Tang Dynasty, there are nine squares in a row, and Jingshanfang is the fifth. If it is placed in a queue, it should be occupied by the leading dancers. The C position, so she checked the relevant information and found an interesting phenomenon.

During the Kaiyuan period, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty set up a school slave market in Anshanfang, and Tang Gaozong also set up a luoma market at this location. After Wu Zetian became emperor, the Luoma market was abolished.

Among the rituals of the week, there is the ritual of archery, and it is beautiful to miss the mark. In the school hall, whoever shoots the right shot is the winner. The Tang Dynasty not only overhauled the code, but also revised the Zhou ritual. If the school hall in Anshanfang is a kind Shooting ceremony, then Anshanfang may have been the Mingtang of Daxing City in the past. When Li Yuan entered the city, did he demolish the symbolic building of the former emperor?

Li Zhi's setting up a cattle and horse market in the Mingtang of the previous dynasty is equivalent to setting up a cattle market in the Palace of Versailles. Those beautiful courtyards and fountains are bound to be destroyed and become dirty and messy.

Those ghosts who live in Versailles must be very angry.

In China, it’s equivalent to shitting on other people’s ancestral graves. Mingtang is also a gathering point of earth energy in Fengshui. She doesn’t know much about Fengshui, but if Ming Chongyan really knows the art of ghosts and gods, then he can cure it. It is not surprising that Tang Gaozong, who was cursed by ghosts and gods, suffered from headaches.

Westerners always choose places with beautiful scenery to build palaces, and never consider the issue of Feng Shui. There are often rumors of ghosts in those old castles.

There have always been mixed feelings about whether there is an "afterlife" and whether there are ghosts.

It was the desire to speak to the dead that made seances so popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

People who hope they don't have it because of fear. The East believes that there is a god in the sky. If you have nothing to hide, then there is no need to be afraid.

I am afraid because I have ghosts in my heart, and if I don’t do anything wrong, I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Compared with glory and wealth, a peaceful sleep is the real enjoyment.

How long have you been insomnia? Do you feel heavy pressure? Don't you ever suspect that your life is actually very unfortunate? Even if you should be very happy in the eyes of others.

A king, if he has good looks, great wealth, and a smart mind, everything that ordinary people want, then what else does he want?

eternal life? or something else?

Still in the far east, there was a young emperor who had a strong enterprising spirit and burned the palace luxury goods left over from the previous dynasty. He created the prosperity of Kaiyuan and the Anshi Rebellion.

His original wife, Queen Wang, did not bear him a child, but another woman surnamed Wu gave birth to him, so he wanted to abolish Wang Liwu on the grounds that he had no future.

Although the courtiers made generous statements, used the Book of Rites of the Spring and Autumn Period, and opposed their parents' vengeance, in fact, according to the Chinese etiquette system at that time, there was a principle of "seven outs and three don't go out", and one of the three not to go out was the couple in need. Can't rest.

Queen Wang accompanied Li Longji through the most difficult years, but unfortunately when it was time to live a better life, he wanted to divorce her and make way for the favorite concubine.

Men always selectively forget, they can't figure out why King Zhao Wuling was imprisoned in the sand dunes and starved to death? What did he do?

The first crime was a concubine messing with his wife's position. He canceled the marriage with South Korea and gave Wu Wa a place, which violated the covenant of the vassal states. The second crime is that he intends to divide the two monarchs, which is tantamount to splitting his own country.

King Zhao Wuling's mind is not sober when dealing with family affairs. Even if he is talented, what is the use of such a king who is not sober?

Li Longji has been influenced by women all his life. His grandmother Wu Zetian is a terrible woman, his wife Queen Wang is a virtuous woman, Concubine Wu Hui is a smart woman who can give birth to children, and Yang Yuhuan is a lovely and beautiful woman who can relax his spirit. He fears and loves women. Anyway, he does not have homosexuals like Li Chengqian and Prince Zhang Huai. A person cannot have two extreme emotions of fear and love for the same thing at the same time. If so, then this person is not far from going crazy. Far.

Ludwig II worshiped Louis XIV, but used the head statue of Louis XVI's Queen Mary as a fountain decoration. He loved the luxury of the King of France, and at the same time he took the fate of Louis XVI as a warning, even if he was not spiritual He's going crazy too.

Monogamy is beneficial to men. If the system of multiple concubines is allowed and illegitimate children have the right to inherit, then women will be vassals to rich and powerful men, just like peasants and nobles in ancient feudal society, who have no money man cannot marry a wife.

Only when she finds out that she will become a burden to her parents and brothers if she doesn't marry again, will she marry the pastor like Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice, she doesn't love the pastor, the problem is that she can have her own home, Xia Lotter was as happy, even if her husband was not as good as Bingley and Mr. Darcy.

A man dreams well, he has a group of women waiting to invite him into his bedroom, it is convenient for him to support polygamy, the question is, has he recognized the reality he is in?

The so-called benefits do not necessarily refer to money. People who are not clear-headed have nothing to do with him, and he will use fallacies to argue.

Fuck you, for the benefit of the country, women should get married and have more children as if they had completed their mission, and you want to brainwash the girls with the tricks of the ** population farm?

Plato's "the best love exists only between men" can go to hell, look what else he said? He believes that if a man and a woman want to get married, they should meet naked under the guardianship of a credible notary. After everyone is satisfied with each other, they get married. As long as there is a guardian present, both parties can meet naked.

Is this a blind date or an inspection at the mule and horse market?

Pomona took out her wand and burned Plato's book with a blazing fire.

"Why did you burn it when you stopped reading it?" Severus sat on the other side of the sofa reading a book, and he seemed to think that Pomona's burning of books was barbaric.

"What are they singing about?" asked Pomona.

This train is going to Vienna. The people who got on the train just now held a concert in the second-class carriage, playing flutes, tambourines, harps, and guitars together. The songs they sang are very medieval, with cheerful and deep, ups and downs, but It's still sung in German.

"Under the full harvest moon, playing hide and seek in ancient shadows, with ghostly accents and demonic pride, the town whispers, Is he the one who comes to free us from Satan? Then Take us to a distant foreign country, sing for us, poet, let the singing take away our sorrow, we will echo the harmony, listen, please listen, can you hear the melody that lingers in your heart? This tune is right Weave a magic spell around you, we should have discovered it, it camouflages in daylight, it gives answers to prayers, it hides too well for our eyes to see the true answers, sing for us, poet, this The tune will weave a spell and trap you here."

"It sounds like a terrible song." Pomona said with lingering fear.

"This is the Black Forest." He shrugged, as if he should listen to such eerie ballads in Bavaria.

"I remember that Quirrell met vampires and banshees, and he always smelled of garlic. Is that forest Albania or Bavaria?"

"Interesting." Severus curled his lips. "Why do you think so."

"There are banshees in the ballad just now, and there are vampires here." She said in a panic, "Which one is bigger, the dark forest in Albania or the one in Bavaria?"

"There is a Black Forest everywhere, that's why Muggles hide in castles, no matter how big or small the Black Forest is, as long as there are monsters hiding in it, they won't dare to go." He said in a deep voice that was very suitable for reciting spells Say "Lockhart said he met a vampire and he made that vampire eat nothing but lettuce, would you believe it?"

"It's possible to use a powerful Imperius Curse or the Oblivion Curse to cause brain damage." Pomona sneered, "His Oblivion Curse works well."

"You don't believe he can get that vampire righted by his rhetoric?"

"Do you think he can beat a banshee with a smile?"

"He was handsome and dressed with great taste."

"Shut up, Severus." She rolled his eyes at him, then turned her gaze to the car window.

In fact, she didn't look at the scenery outside the window, but at her own reflection on the glass. The new pair of snowflake earrings were heating up, making her look like the Snow Queen.

"I love magic." She whispered, and then hummed to the melody outside, tapping the soles of her feet unconsciously, as if she was dancing.

She remembered that the place where Veela danced would bring misfortune, and now she needs good luck, even if she wants to dance, she can only endure it. She danced at Furong's wedding, but the Burrow was attacked that night, and the Triwizard Tournament also It was closed because of Cedric's death. Some superstitious believe that she would rather believe what she has or not. After all, maintaining awe can make people control their impulses, think twice, and being cautious is a good habit. Develop it.

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