Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 695 Rainbow Room

A long time ago, the Snow Queen of the North Pole had a magic mirror, and all beautiful things would become very ugly in this mirror.

One day she accidentally shattered the magic mirror, and the falling fragments flew into people's eyes and into people's hearts, turning people's hearts into ice cubes and turning them into cruel people.

The girl Gerda and the boy Kay have lived together since childhood. One day, a piece of debris flew out of Kay's eyes and penetrated into his heart. Kayi immediately changed, becoming ugly in everything. He thought the rose was ugly, so he tore it off, ignored Gerda, left her and left alone.

Gerda didn't know what made Kay change, and wanted to talk to him, but when she went out, she found that Kay was taken out of the city by a big sleigh. On the big sleigh was Snow White. And Xue Hua, took Kay to fly to the far North Pole.

Kay disappeared, Gerda was very sad, she was determined to find Kay. She went down the river in a small boat, with flowers blooming on both sides and orchards everywhere.

She met an old woman beside the cherry orchard, and asked her about Kay. The grandmother wanted to keep Gerda, so she invited her to eat cherries and combed her hair. Gerda gradually forgot about Kay.

Time passed quickly, one day she saw a rose in the garden, and suddenly thought of Kayi. She asked Rose where Kay was. Rose said: "Kay is not dead, go find him!" Gerda escaped from the garden while the grandmother was not paying attention. Summer is over, she's been here too long, she needs to hurry.

Gerda was desperately on her way, but was caught by a female robber on the way. The female robber wanted to kill her, but the robber's daughter saved her. Gerda told the robber's daughter about looking for Kay. In the middle of the night, the turtledove raised by the robber's daughter whispered to her: "Kai was taken to her palace by the Snow Queen."

The next morning Gerda begged the robber's daughter to let her go to Kay. The robber's daughter asked the reindeer, "Do you know where the Snow Queen is?" The reindeer said, "Of course, I grew up there."

The robber's daughter secretly sent Gerda out of the gate and asked her to ride a reindeer to find Kay.

The reindeer ran non-stop with Gerda on their backs, and the day finally came, and they came to a hut to inquire about news. An old grandmother lived in the house, and she told Gerda: "The Kay you are looking for lives in the Snow Queen's palace." The old grandmother told her: "You must take out the magic mirror fragment in his heart, and he will The power to change back to the original Kay is in your heart." The reindeer carried Gerda to the Snow Queen's palace, and the wind was biting and the cold was getting colder. Walking, walking, I don't know how many ways to go, Gerda finally saw the Snow Queen's palace.

The Snow Queen's palace is made of snow, she is not at home, and only Kay stays in the big and empty ice palace.

Gai was blue from the cold, and sat blankly in the empty ice palace. Gerda rushed to hug Kay and called him: "Kay! I finally found you!" But Kay was very cold and ignored her at all. Gerda was very sad, and wept loudly, and the hot tears flowed to Kay's breast and entered his heart. Hot tears melted the small fragment of the magic mirror in Kay's heart, and Kay also burst into tears. He wept so hard that the little shard of the magic mirror was flushed out of his eye by the tears, and he exclaimed joyfully: "It's you, Gerda, where are we?" They joined hands, Walk out of this huge ice palace, ride a reindeer, and run quickly to your hometown.

How lonely it is to live alone in such a luxurious and magnificent palace, so the Snow Queen is always as cold as ice, without happiness or warmth, and only the cold wind of the arctic and endless loneliness accompany her.

At this time, it would be nice if we could hug each other to keep warm.

The Austrian mountain town of Innsbruck sits on the Inn River, the most popular attraction in travel magazines is the Golden Roof, and it is also a world-famous ski resort.

Apart from the good news of leaving Bavaria, she was really not in a happy mood. The only strange thing was that the station in Innsbruck was not a train station, but in front of a tavern. Pomona flipped through the special edition of the travel magazine Wizard Only to find that this German-style edelweiss tavern has existed since the Middle Ages.

Munich was just north of Innsbruck, and she suddenly wanted to drink some beer.

"How long before we get rid of those vampires," she said disgustedly as she soaked in the tub, drinking champagne.

"If even you hate them, I think their efforts to defend their rights in the wizarding world are in vain." Severus lay lazily on the other side of the bathtub, looking at the scenery outside the window.

The snow-capped mountains have only two colors. In order to make the winter less monotonous, the residents of the town paint their houses in colorful colors, which looks like a rainbow falling into the world.

"The physical diseases of werewolves can be cured, but their mental diseases are unreasonable." She fiddled with the rose petals floating on the water, looking at the crystal snowflake earrings happily, they looked so beautiful.

She'd never tried taking a bath on a train, and it was amazing.

"Do you want to play with rubber ducks?" He lit a cigarette and laughed sarcastically, looking very mature.

"Eileen bought you pajamas with red hearts all over it." She countered not to be outdone. "That's why you don't wear pajamas, right?"

The old bat remained motionless as if petrified.

Sometimes, Eileen really ignored Severus too much.

Pomona couldn't help but be thankful that with such a "big baby", it was difficult for her to be distracted from taking care of the children. They are really the kind of family that is not suitable for having children.

It is really tiring to help others take care of children for more than 30 years.

She was lounging on his shoulder, and the Muggles had built a road at the Brenner Pass through the mountains to Italy, but wizards hadn't taken that road.

One is to avoid violating the international secrecy law, and the other is because the scenery of the Alps is so beautiful that passengers can enjoy the process.

Of course, the sweet thing is that the longer the better, who doesn't want a husband with good staying power.

Oh, Roman women can still be unhappy and divorce their husbands because of that, they are so happy.

The purpose of travel is not the destination, but the process of the journey, so many people disagree, what's so interesting about the process of travel?

The race is so urgent, only focus on the finish line, the process passes by in a flash, and it is over before the fun is over.

Go to bed fast, happen fast, end fast...

He was the only one with a relaxed face, smoking a cigarette and enjoying the philosopher's time.

In the past, Severus was a hard worker, relying on physical strength and strength like young people. After returning to human society, he learned to slow down and master the rhythm, saving energy more than before. Obviously someone taught him, and this The "enthusiastic teacher" is most likely the group of pure-blood nobles.

What do men talk about together? Birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. They talk about academics when they are with scholars, and sports with athletes. Only they know what circle they are in.

"My mother loved him," Severus said after a long silence, "but he betrayed her."

Tobias Snape, a man who doesn't love anything so deeply, after the novelty of marrying a witch, there are endless troubles in life, and love is polished on trivial things.

"You are luckier than Tom, at least you still have your mother."

"She's never read a fairy tale to my bed." Severus said annoyed. "You're the first woman to read a fairy tale to me."

Pomona recalled.

"I read it to you after my seclusion."

"How lucky I am to hear my first fairy tale after the age of 38!"

"Don't be so childish!"

"Do you see how naive I am?"

She has nothing to say.

As far as ordinary people are concerned, sooner or later they will get tired of being together for such a long time. What's wrong with the two of them?

As the black swan necklace and the white swan necklace get closer, they French kiss again.

Sometimes, the reason why a girl becomes a girl is not because she wants to be a girl, but because everyone reminds her of this fact.

Even homosexuals can have masculine and feminine sides.

Men are characterized by aggression, while women are characterized by tolerance. Melanie and Scarlett are not homosexuals, but their personality patterns are similar to those of homosexuals.

There will always be one side giving way to the other. If neither side gives in, there will be tit-for-tat and quarrels and fights.

The pressure from the outside world is already strong enough. If there is still internal strife among our own people, nothing can be done.

In the end, unable to bear the pressure, many homosexuals returned to heterosexuality. They are hidden in the crowd, and ordinary people cannot tell them apart.

A man who likes the same sex, finds a woman to marry, as if that woman is his disguise.

Don't do this kind of thing that delays each other.

Pomona supports the legalization of homosexuality. Marrying the same sex or marrying the opposite sex is just another choice. If the old madman and the old fool can legally get together, it will not be so much trouble, but the premise is to clearly distinguish between rights and obligations. Just like heterosexuality.

Especially the issue of adoption and inheritance. Caesar gave Octavian an empire, but the adopted son was not his own. Without the absolute advantage of blood relationship, other blood relatives and outsiders like Anthony would come to disrupt the situation.

The Roman Empire, which Augustus worked so hard to unify, eventually split.

Although she doesn't know what the consequences will be after passing this bill, many of the corruptions in the Han and Jin dynasties were related to "male pets", and there were also in the Ming Dynasty, which would damage the masculinity of men. Maybe China is not suitable for passing it. Anyway, France is now demonstrating for this matter, and there is a lot of trouble.

Between the right choice and the easy choice, the vast majority will choose the easy one. If a woman finds out that her husband is gay, how would it feel?

Pomona felt that it should be more disgusting than cheating.

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