"I wish I was on a hill far away, sitting there and weeping for my love.

Until every tear is shed, you are the one I love the most when you fight for your country.

Go, go, fight for your country.

It may be better for me that you go away quietly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to restrain myself and run into the arms of the person I love the most.

I'll sell my stones, I'll sell my reels.

Even if I sell my only spinning wheel, I will buy a steel sword for the one I love.

You will be my forever love.

Go, go, fight for your country.

It may be better for me that you go away quietly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to restrain myself and run into the arms of the person I love the most.

I will dye my petticoat red, and I will pray to the world to protect my lover.

Even if my parents want me to die, you will always be my heart.

Go, go, fight for your country.

It may be better for me that you go away quietly.

You will be the person I love the most forever. "

"What's the meaning of your song?" Severus asked, looking her in the eyes.

"You haven't answered me yet, are you a bard or a prince." Pomona half-lyed on the bedside, arranging his half-long hair with her fingertips.

In addition to kissing, eating, and talking, the mouth can also sing. What she sang just now was a French song.

The French are really patriotic, especially during the French Revolution, when the country was in chaos, the surrounding countries were also spying on this fertile land.

At that time, there were capitulationists in the country, and there were also main fighters. Napoleon led his soldiers and crossed the Alps to invade Italy just like Hannibal did back then.

This is a dangerous move to survive, just like Sun Yat-sen launched the Revolution of 1911. If the Manchu Qing government is not overthrown, China will have no future.

One, they don't treat the people as human beings, the Han people are the slaves of the Manchus.

Second, do not listen to advice, and comprehensively enslave education to the people.

Third, there is no sense of urgency and self-improvement.

At that time, the men could not even be the backbone, not to mention the pillars. In Farewell My Concubine, Cheng Dieyi, who disguised himself as a woman, was not born gay, but was tortured by an eunuch when he was young. For people like the old eunuch, she only thought of the word pervert.

The "rocks" sung in the lyrics are not real stones, but jewels such as rubies and emeralds. In order to equip her lover, the girl sold all her jewels. Any parent who meets such a foolish daughter will definitely mad.

But she hoped that he would come back alive and nothing else would matter.

Some wars are unavoidable. Rhett went to the war when he knew the situation of the Southern Army was over. This was his obligation as a southerner.

Scarlett didn't understand, she hated him to death.

If Rhett stays, they can get married and live a relatively peaceful life in the troubled times without being very rich in Terra.

Scarlett doesn't need to kill people, Rhett will take care of everything, but the "captain" left, leaving the woman behind in the bloody sunset, heading for the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke and blood.

What an asshole of a man.

Scarlett is not guilty at all for sleeping with him for three hundred dollars, no reason, because he is the bad guy Rhett.

"what's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking." He was lost in thought. "Am I a poet or a prince?"

"Are you happy?" she asked softly.

He stretched.

"I don't know what the French think," he said while stretching. "Why support same-sex sleeping together? What's wrong with heterosexuality?"

"Do you think the wizarding world will make homosexuality legal?"

Severus laughed out loud, "Your joke is hilarious."

The population of wizards is even smaller than that of Muggles, and if homosexuality is legal, the population is estimated to decline.

Dumbledore's two boys, Albus is dead, Aberforth lives with the goat, and the blood of the family is dying.

Wizards will never be able to legalize same-sex marriage, and Albus and Grindelwald's relationship is destined to be impossible to make public.

Even that would tarnish Albus's reputation, he might be seen as the kind of idiosyncratic person who wouldn't be allowed into a school full of kids.

"I feel sorry for him," Pomona said.

"You shouldn't cry for him." Severus said coldly, "He asked for it all."

She didn't want him to speak in that cynical tone again, so she kissed him, which was strange, only four days from February 23, and her mentality had completely changed.

"Can I be a poet and a prince at the same time?" He asked in a good mood, "Tell me what you sang just now?"

"Learn some French, sir," she said triumphantly, echoing what he had said before, sitting up and putting on her dressing gown.

"You used magic on me?" he said behind her.

"You used magic on me." She turned around and fiddled with her snowflake earrings, "And it's black magic."

She was sure that Albus would not recognize her now, now that she was covered with "rocks" all over her body, shining brightly, she looked very dazzling.

Women have the right to pursue beauty at any time. Although Swarovski crystals are expensive among ordinary crystals, she likes those designs.

"It's a shame we missed the Crystal Worlds and just passed by."

"Come and lie down." He reached out to her.

She looked at the ugly prince and was too hypocritical to agree to his invitation.

She held the magic wand, and let it spit out white smoke while circling in the box, and summoned her swan patron saint, and then she let it fly out of the car window.

"What are you doing?" he asked looking at the flying swan

"Experiment." She said, "The Patronus can send messages, so if it can show me what it sees, I will send it to the Crystal World."

"Aren't you afraid that the Patronus will frighten those Muggles?"

"They are artists, and they will think it's the muse." She said playfully. "Besides, who would refuse a swan?"

She picked up the travel magazine on the table and flipped through it while eating ice cream. Fortunately, at lunch, she cleverly took a chocolate ice cream and kept it warm with a freezing spell.

If it is too hot, eat something cold to cool down. Italy is located in the Mediterranean Sea, and the weather is relatively hot. In summer, the most famous thing besides pizza is ice cream.

The sweet taste made her feel extremely happy.

"I know why people say French girls are extra attractive," he said, lying on the bed and watching her.

"Put on your clothes quickly, it's time to go to the next stop."

With a flick of his wand, Severus drew all the curtains down.

"That way they can't see anything." He said in the suddenly dark box. "How about we share that ice cream?"

"You know, I thought about it before, take the Hogwarts Express with you, and I will prepare lunch, and we will have lunch together." Pomona licked the spoon, "I still have a little food in my pocket, let's have dinner How about not going to the dining car?"

"Why?" he asked incredulously.

"I don't like Joseph." She sat on the edge of the bed and scooped a scoop of ice cream to his mouth.

He stared at her, slowly opened his mouth and ate the bite of ice cream.

That sight made her feel extremely uncomfortable, she looked down at the ice cream in her hand, and began to concentrate on getting in touch with the Patronus she released.

The free bird flew over towering mountains and dense forests, just as the phoenix Fawkes once did in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, sending a dementor trying to attack Muggle climbers to him. chased away.

Then it gave a triumphant cry and continued to fly towards the Crystal Palace.

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