Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 700 The Night Song of the Wanderers

Both the nobles and the royal family have many servants, but it was a feudal society. After the constitutional monarchy, the number of servants in the British royal family decreased a lot.

The Malfoy family did not have the same title as the Justin family, and their servants were house-elves. The Lorraine family didn't even bring a house-elf with them when they went out. It was really not like the rulers of Austria in the past.

There is a walk-in cabinet on the special train, which casts expansion magic, stores as much food as a warehouse, and even has a small pond dedicated to raising fish. The Lamora fish that Joseph sells are raised in the fish pond.

Originally, the crime scene should be protected, but in order not to affect everyone's mood after taking pictures and collecting evidence, Louis arrived in Salzburg and the chef who replaced Joseph got into the car. He used the "locker" normally and did not protect the scene at all. consciousness.

There are only more than one hundred guests in the entire train, and besides, some people have already eaten or brought their own food, it is easier than feeding thousands of young people in Hogwarts and all kinds of magical animals. too much.

Originally, she wanted to volunteer to be a chef, but was stopped by the two father and son.

Draco's ability to take care of himself is terrible, he can't survive in the wild.

But he is a doctor, without him other people would die if they got sick and injured, so he was lucky to choose this profession.

Although Salzburg is the capital of the Austrian Republic of Salzburg and the fourth largest city in Austria, it is only a small town with a population of 150,000. The Archduke of Lorraine was extremely exhausted after venting and eating black root grass. The level of medical treatment in the small town cannot treat him.

According to the professional opinion of "Draco", the Grand Duke's current situation is not suitable for traveling by magic transportation. The final solution is to take the train back to Munich in Salzburg.

It is very difficult for Britain to build a railway from London to Hogwarts in Scotland, but there are many wizarding railways in Europe. Master Malfoy, who was arrested by the godfather from England and didn't know anything about the situation, is just in Salzburg. Get off the car and accompany Lorraine's family to Munich.

It seemed that she didn't need to do anything, just continue to enjoy her honeymoon trip. What happened just now was just a small episode, and the train continued to wind its way among the mountains.

Black wizards are like black root grass, the body is black, but a few people will bloom white flowers, most black wizards are still revelers in the dark night, to create chaos and kill for fun.

When a man pursues a woman, he must date, watch movies, play games, and experience the so-called "threshold effect" in Murphy's law in order to achieve his goal.

And it’s not that troublesome between men and men, you understand my purpose, I understand your purpose, I think you are good, and you think I am good, hit it off, not as troublesome as a woman.

Men who like the opposite sex will feel very disgusted if they find that the same sex is interested in them. It is invalid for homosexuals to use the "threshold effect" to make the other party agree to their request step by step.

Albus may have been born with that orientation to have that relationship with Grindelwald.

As for Grindelwald, if you live on a desert island and there is a very ugly woman and a very beautiful man, most men will choose the beautiful man.

People with good body and good looks are more likely to be taken care of in love and work, while ugly people are more likely to be discriminated against. Quasimodo, the bell ringer of Notre Dame de Paris, looks ugly, but he has a beautiful heart.

Asmeraldara fell in love with the handsome but frivolous and frivolous military officer Feibis who shouldn't be loved and rescued her. He was able to save her from the danger of being chased by gangsters, but he couldn't bear the pressure from society. Meralda was buried in a mass carnival public execution, but the ugly Quasimodo who had chased her avenged her and pushed the vicar who obeyed his words from the bell tower.

Love and desire can make people lose their rationality, and love and war can make people lose their reason.

Amors or Mors, love or death, a man desperately wants to be with a woman, but the woman refuses to live with him, which undoubtedly makes him feel painful.

He gave love, but the woman didn't give him what he wanted in return, which is why Baro killed Helena.

Helena wants to pursue wisdom, but Barrow hopes that she can respond to his love. He is her fiancé, of course he has the right to control her, and Barrow wants to control the free eagle.

Keep saying no to him and he will become violent, extreme jealousy can lead to violent issues as well.

Women are afraid of men because they are afraid that men will kill them.

Men are afraid of women because they are afraid that women will look down on them.

Everyone will look down on men who use violence against women, but if women rely on this to do whatever they want and use verbal violence to attack men, even if men are not afraid that women will look down on them, they will feel afraid of her.

Salzburg is the hometown of Schubert. In memory of that great Muggle musician, a violinist played that piece of music, but she did not find peace in the quiet and elegant music.

She was thinking about a question, how much Grindelwald loved Albus Dumbledore, or did he take advantage of the feelings of "women" for him like other men?

The young Albus is undoubtedly lovely. Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard for fifty-three years. The Albus he remembered was old, gray-haired, wrinkled and bearded. Very kind.

When Albus is no longer young and beautiful, will Grindelwald still love him?

In his letter to Albus, he is a person who cares a lot about his appearance. When the appearance is gone, can the soul still touch him?

"what's on your mind?"

About love, but she didn't say it aloud, this kind of powerful weapon that could defeat Voldemort in Albus's view didn't seem very reliable.

Ultimately, it is the "contract" that binds people together.

If he hadn't made an unbreakable vow with Narcissa, maybe "bad luck" wouldn't have come to them, and they should still be living in seclusion in an empty house in Scotland.

It was not as luxurious as the first-class box, but it was just as comfortable, and her daughter should have been born.

She stroked the heap of birds, snakes and cockroaches, its snake-like body coiled around her wrist, and it croaked comfortably.

She actually behaved well, not like some crazy woman who lost her child and treated a doll as a child, holding a broken doll and whispering, she just treated an animal as a human, and planned to turn an animal into a human. Birds and snakes are taught to become "human beings".

Time can't soothe the pain, it's just that too many things happened during this period of time can make her temporarily forget.

Severus said she couldn't treat pets like children.

Then Severus asked Draco to take care of the pile of cockroaches for a period of time. When Draco needed strength to fight, he didn't treat it as a "person", and almost used the growing spell to make the pile of cockroaches grow up ahead of time.

Even a kid in his early twenties is more rational than her.

Think of former Fantastic Beasts teacher Kettleburn, who had his hands and feet eaten off, those Fantastic Beasts are beautiful and dangerous, that's another "beautiful monster", but she and Newt Scamman De also hopes that there will be more "beautiful monsters", but she does not have Newt's ability to control those animals, and magic plants are more suitable for her.

"I was thinking, send you to my greenhouse and take you with me, so that we can live in the greenhouse instead of the tent." She said, "Have you seen Newt Scamander's suitcase?"

"I've heard that his magic zoo seems to be causing a lot of trouble in New York."

"Yeah, that's right." She said boringly, she almost forgot that with that suitcase, she couldn't travel by magic and had to take Muggle transportation.

"I gave you the greenhouse to make you happy, not to cause trouble for you." He patted his thigh, "Come here."

She was very obedient and got by.

She put her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes, so intimate that she seemed to be a person.

"You want to hear me sing?"

"That's right!" she said happily.

"Which one do you want to hear?"

She wanted to hear the song the boys sang about protecting the girl, but Severus didn't like it.

It would bring back bad memories for him, and she didn't think boys would really protect girls as they said in the lyrics, after all, what they said was better than what they sang.

She stretched her hand to his lower body, and whispered softly with her lips close to his ear:

You are still descended from the sky, quenching all worries and sorrows

Whoever has double misfortune, you also give him double comfort

Hey, I'm tired of floating life

whatever joy and pain

Sweet peace, come, enter my breast.

"Who wrote this poem?" He indulged her "naughtiness" and said calmly.

"Goethe." She said the German poet's name in a sweet nasal voice.

"So you like poets more than princes?" He also whispered in her ear in a low voice.

"Where are we?"

"St. Wolfgang, it's still early, how about some black tea and biscuits?"

"Now???" she asked in disbelief, a little sober.

"Isn't it now or when?" He twisted her nose. "You should read more."

"But we're on our honeymoon now..."

He ignored her, and directly took out the book on the origin of human inequality from the deformed lizard skin pocket.

"Read it," he said grimly.

Pomona took the book and hit his bewildered head with it angrily.

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