Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 702 Wisdom Salon

In addition to Schubert's serenade, "Trout" is also very famous.

Every year from November to February is the season for trout to swim back and spawn, but not all trout need to swim back. Princess Sissi hangs trout. It is said that the fish is so big that she has no strength to catch it. Not coming up, Franz just passed by, so he helped to pull the fish to the shore.

According to Muggle law, fish in the lake cannot be caught, but Pomona still manages to make it her own dinner.

A grilled trout with potatoes, topped with lemon juice, burnt and fragrant, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, paired with the famous Austrian liqueur, it is so delicious!

Severus had a soft spot for venison stew, and although the waiter tried to recommend it raw, he ate it well done.

They had venison at the next table, and the snowflake-shaped meat looked very tempting, but with the example of La Mora fish, she didn't encourage him.

Austrian desserts are so sweet that people doubt life. In addition to the common chocolate frogs in the UK, there is also a Swiss-made liqueur chocolate ball on the bus. You can hear beautiful music as long as you bite it, but its sales have been low. Chocolate Frog is good.

Sometimes children buy chocolate frogs to collect chocolate frog pictures, they don't really want to eat chocolate, and they prefer to listen to trendy music like Weird Sisters rather than listening to world famous songs.

Even Serena is considered outdated, not to mention Chopin. In fact, the "elegant music" that is now considered to be "elegant music" is also unconventional in the era of composers. There are not many musicians who are recognized alive like Johann Strauss.

Most people, like Bach, are not understood and accepted until many years after their death.

Some philosophers too, Socrates used his death to achieve an important moment in Western thought, he was annoying when he was alive, and no one misses him until he is dead.

The works of Voltaire and Rousseau are considered representatives of the French Enlightenment, and what he wrote does have a lot to learn from, but there is also something... French.

If he really got to know the barbarians, those Huns, Turks, Mongols, and Tatars, he would know how bastard the Chinese are.

Ancient China divided their country, annexed and destroyed it, and then drove those nomads beyond the Great Wall, except for Mongolia, which they themselves could not win, and finally established the Yuan Dynasty.

The purpose of the split is to create internal strife, let the nomads kill each other, consume their population and national strength, and then find the right time to attack.

As for the Vikings in the north, because of population migration, there is not much land suitable for farming in the north, not to mention that they still practice the primogeniture system. If the second sons do not go out to plunder, then there will be no food to eat.

After there is no existential crisis, people's aggressiveness will not be so strong. Many people can live with a little wealth and don't need to be rich, let alone be a great hero and live with such dreams.

In line with the principle of not bringing knowledge into the classroom without knowing what the head and tail are like, Pomona studied the life of Jean Jacques Rousseau.

He wrote a confession, he did not shy away from his ugly side of human nature, he had an affair with Mrs. What touched a lot was the love between him and Mrs. Udetot.

Rousseau's father was a watchmaker in Geneva, and his mother's family was not prominent. It was a pastor's family and died shortly after he was born. His family situation was very ordinary, but after he arrived in Paris, he was keen to participate in salons and make friends with noble women In 1742, when he was 30 years old, he joined Madame Dupin's salon. After his courtship to Madame Dupin was rejected, he wrote in his book: When I first saw her, she was one of the most beautiful women in Paris . She was dressing up when she received me, her arms were bare, her hair was fluffy, and her dressing gown was thrown loosely on her body. It was the first time I had ever experienced such a reception, and my poor head couldn't stand it, I was in a panic, I was at a loss; in a word, I fell in love with Madame Dupin.

The son of a watchmaker has never seen the romantic battles of the Parisian nobles in Huadu. He misunderstood many things, such as love and women's minds.

Madame Dupin was the daughter of Samuel Bernard and Madame Fontaine, the most famous of the three sisters, Madame de la Touch went to England with the Duke of Kingston, and Madame Darty was Conti The prince's mistress, she herself is much wiser, without any gossip and at the same time one of the most beautiful women in Paris.

When a man looks at a woman, he always has a beautiful imagination, thinking that while she is outstanding in beauty, she should also be of noble character, just like when a woman looks at a man, she thinks that he should be an excellent person because he is handsome.

Ethically, father and son should not share a wife, Wu Zetian once served Li Zhi and his father, Yang Yuhuan served Tang Xuanzong and Shou Wang, many people rumored that the son of Mr Du Bin’s ex-wife was pursuing his stepmother, he was beautiful And ambitious, about the same age as his stepmother and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Artists have no taboos and are very open-minded. Besides, there is no evidence for this. Can men and women not have pure friendship? So Rousseau continued to pursue Madame Dupin.

If a woman wants to appear particularly beautiful in front of her sweetheart, she will find someone who is ugly and stupid, so that the other person will focus on her.

Mrs. Dupin found a wife for her ex-boyfriend who was ugly and gentle, and this kind of woman was easy to control.

Although women are easy to be manipulated by men, there are also cases where men are manipulated by women. This is actually very simple. Mrs. Dupin used Rousseau to make her "step-son" jealous. When Rousseau lost this use value, he was abandoned by Mrs. Dupin up.

There are many famous people in Madame Dupin's salon, Monsieur Nair, Abbe Saint-Pierre, Abbe Salier, M. Fourmont, M. Benny, M. Buffon, M. Voltaire, these people should be very decent, no damage her reputation.

Rousseau was not qualified to speak in front of these leading figures, so he boldly wrote letters. She suppressed his letter for two days without even mentioning it. On the third day, she returned the letter to Rousseau, and said a few words of reproach in person, in a tone so cold that it was chilling.

In the East, putting makeup and eyebrows on a woman is called "the joy of the boudoir". A decent woman would not show her morning makeup to men other than her husband. Rousseau himself wrote that he never accepted this kind of entertainment , from the very beginning Madame Dupin was sending the wrong signal.

Little Mr. Dupin suddenly suggested to Rousseau that Mrs. Dupin thought he went to see her too often, and asked him not to go again.

The minds of these two people are very complicated, and they are also very dark. Maybe not every Parisian is like this, but they represent an upper-class atmosphere, scheming, rotting bodies and Twisted souls, bullying a young countryman who has never seen the world will not make them look superior, but their scandals will be recorded by Rousseau and "lived forever".

The filth in Paris is not only the sanitation, but also the heart. Rousseau left Paris in the second year and went to the French embassy in Venice to work as a secretary for the Earl of Montagu.

Perhaps Mrs. Dupin's past made him see through the so-called "beauty and wisdom" aristocratic women. His real lover, the Countess d'Oudeteau, is not beautiful at all, with pockmarks on her face, rough skin and short-sighted eyes. , her eyes are a little too round, but despite this, she looks young, lively, gentle, and always affectionate. Her long black hair was naturally curly and fell to her knees, and she was petite and exquisite, and her every move seemed awkward and charming. Very ingenious. It has the kind of pleasing witticisms that sometimes come out of the mouth without thinking, she has many talents, she can play the piano, dance well, and write a few pretty little poems. As for her character, it is almost Angelic, a good heart is her foundation, and she has all the virtues except prudence and strength, especially in people, she is so reliable and socially loyal, even her enemies, Don't hide anything from her.

In addition to women worshiping money, men also hate women for keeping things from him, especially "social" issues.

The Countess d'Houdetot could not hide from anyone what was on her mind, and could not even suppress any of her feelings. Rousseau was convinced that she talked about her lover even in front of her husband, just as she talked about her lover in front of her friends, acquaintances, and everyone. It's like talking about her lover in front of her.

The Countess of d'Houdetot did not love the Count d'Houdetot, they had an arranged marriage, and her lover was M. Saint-Lambert, who was in service, a soldier and a poet.

Madame d'Houdetot liked to walk, and so did Rousseau, so they took long walks in stunning scenery, and sometimes Rousseau could hug her. But that's all. Rousseau visited him almost every day, and they often had dinner face to face, and then they went to the depths of the bush, under the moonlight, and after two hours of the most passionate and lingering whispers, she left the bush and the house in the middle of the night. Friend's arms.

At that time, Rousseau was forty-two years old, not as young as when he was thirty, and his thinking was much more mature. He also married a woman he didn't love.

He thought that in addition to seeking a wife who was too talented, he should also avoid seeking a wife with a beautiful face. Madame Dupin had both. The last woman he found was a hotel laundry maid. Children, all three were abandoned at Rousseau's request.

What he gave his wife was not complete love, at least not complete love, the part of his love for women with admiration and admiration he gave to noble women, especially Mrs. Udetot, and the two got along for more than three months. The two did not hide from everyone. Rousseau said the intimacy was not in the category of secrecy.

But does Mrs. Udtotal's lover know about such a relationship? Madame d'Houdetot said: "I'm afraid your infatuation has ruined the peace of my life. Someone told Saint-Lambert, but it wasn't the truth. Fortunately, I didn't hide anything from him about our relationship. I wrote him all about you, as my heart was full of you, and I hid from him only your foolish love, which I was trying to cure, and I saw him. I took your love as one of my sins."

Pomona could feel that the countess was also in love with Rousseau, but Rousseau was a scholar, he could copy music but could not pick up an arquebus duel, and later Saint Lambert came back from the army, and he went to the The Hermitage asked Rousseau to invite them to dinner, and Rousseau received them happily.

The rivals in love have met, and a few can get along well, but Rousseau warmly blesses them, as if the countess and her son's lover are the real couple.

Saint-Lambert behaved very decently, Rousseau thought he was not much wrong, he argued, did I take the initiative to pursue his mistress? Didn't he himself send her to me? Didn't she come to see me? Can I avoid receiving her? What can I do? Had he been in my position, he would have behaved as I would, perhaps worse. Madame d'Houdetot was always a woman, and it would have been difficult for her to maintain her integrity with a more daring man. So under such circumstances, it is very rare to be able to stay within the threshold.

But Rousseau also admitted that although he made a rather glorious defense in his heart, there were too many superficial rebuttals against him, so that his insurmountable shyness in the presence of Saint Lambert made him a bit of a sinner, And Saint-Lambert took advantage of his shyness to embarrass him. For example, once, when he read to him the letter to Voltaire, Saint-Lambert fell asleep while he was meditating, and he dared not interrupt the reading.

The French used his ideas to do the enlightenment of the Great Revolution, no wonder it became Cheese France.

If he really loves a woman, he should have the courage to compete with his competitors instead of hiding his intentions.

But this is the difference between a literati and a soldier. It takes guts to kill, and the army learns the technique of killing. Facing a "barbarian", the civilized Rousseau is no match.

Pomona doesn't like that kind of Paris either, it's full of buzz, and there's no such aggressive spirit, no wonder Gellert Grindelwald wants to burn it down.

If you have something to say, just say it.

Pomona hated women like Mrs. Dupin, and she hated men even more. This was the second time Severus showed her the origin of human inequality.

Severus is of the same kind as Rousseau's rival Saint-Lambert, so this book is only an entertaining read to pass the time.

"What do you want to tell me?"

"What do you want to tell me?" He turned his back to her and asked without looking back.

"Nothing," she said distractedly, popping a bonbon into her mouth.

"Then I have nothing to say." He said calmly, obviously wanting to spend time with her.

"What are those documents?"

“The company we were going to start couldn’t start.”

"what company?"

"The Ministry of Magic has issued a new law for the company that makes the wolfsbane potion. It is not allowed to buy it without real name registration, so as to avoid any werewolves who keep a clear mind and a strong body to plot against them like they did in Chinatown last time."

"You call that a clear head?"

"For some people, that's enough sobriety." He smiled sarcastically. "They're not sober enough themselves."

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