If Florence had the Medici family, then Venice was founded by the Patici Passo family.

During the rule of the Participaso family, the city of Venice has grown to its present size. The family's first governor, Agnello, was born in Heraclea but immigrated to Leto early on, and he expanded Venice to the sea by building bridges, canals, breakwaters, fortifications and stone buildings.

Agnello was succeeded by his son Giustiniano, who stole the relics of St. Mark from Alexandria, brought them back to Venice, and made him the patron saint of the republic.

In the early days of the founding of Venice, the family struggles were very fierce, and they were supported by various forces. The first governor of Venice, Orso Ipato, who was assassinated, was elected by the Citizens Assembly. He opposed his succession. The author was appointed by the Byzantine Empire, and many believe that his death was instigated by Bishop Eutychis of Ravenna.

The assassin who assassinated him was not caught. The Orceolo family is very prominent in Venice. It is impossible to kill a member of the Orceolo family who is the governor so easily. Four years after his death Here, neither Constantinople nor the civil assembly elected a new governor, and the military governor performed the governor's duty on his behalf.

The Orceolo family was also married to the Hungarian king. It is difficult to see traces of those ancient families today, but the houses where they once lived still remain.

The Orceolo Hotel that Severus booked was the former residence of this family. The rooms are very ordinary, and some windows are still painted. Who told the Doge of Venice that he was short of money and had to pay a window tax.

But this place is in a great location, only 5 minutes walk from Piazza San Marco. If he couldn't find where she was, he'd be smart enough to remember that he had booked a hotel and she'd be waiting for him there, except that the hotel was all Gryffindor red, and the viper would Very uncomfortable stay.

An elderly woman can't help being soft-hearted. Not only did she intend to stay in that hotel, but she also secretly left the key in the restaurant. Who would have thought that Dean Hufflepuff, who advocates fairness, would cheat .

This may be the reason why she can't do great things.

Masses are usually held on weekends, and there are people who come to pray in the church. Italian primary schools close early, and students can leave at 1:00 pm, so many children from the children's choir can come to the church to practice.

The children's voices singing hymns are so beautiful, it sounds like voices from heaven. The contrast between Italian children and British children is really too great.

Heaven needs a guardian, otherwise it will be invaded by outsiders. Severus is like a villain in Hogwarts Castle, but he is also fulfilling his responsibility to protect the castle and the children.

Demons do exist, but they have human skin and cannot be easily discovered.

Somewhere in this church lies the cursed stone statue before which the woman who lived for appearances died.

This area is not far from the Golden House. The houses are not as dirty as the old slums, but they are by no means as luxurious as those near St. Mark's Square and on both sides of the canal. It can only be said that the "middle class" lives.

There was a legend when France began a large-scale manhunt of the Knights Templar throughout the country. Venice and the Knights Templar are two organizations that have been familiar with and have cooperated for a long time. They both have a systematic and complete financial information network covering Europe, and they are both engaged in financial lending business, providing credit to the European royal family. Therefore, some people believe that the Temple Most of the properties of the Knights were transferred to Venice and Italy in advance.

The governor of Venice at that time was Pietro Grazia. This family was very prominent not only in Venice, but also in the whole of Italy. However, now that their family business has opened to Turin, there are only some small businesses left in Venice.

Their house is next to the Holy Cross Church, a little distance from the Bridge of Sighs and the Doge's Palace, and only a few streets away from the Old Post Office, a few minutes' walk away.

In addition to the magnificent church of San Marco in Venice, there are also small churches such as the Holy Cross Church and Pomona in the Church of St. John and Paul. It has no characteristics at all, and tourists will not come, but in Here you can find peace away from the world.

"How do you feel? Are there ghosts here?" Monica asked with great interest.

She heard some whispering voices, but they were not human voices, more like the rustling of snakes.

"Be careful," said Pomona. "That might be a hundred times more terrifying than a ghost."

"What could it be?" asked Alessandro.

Pomona ignored him.

She pulled down the invisibility cloak while no one else was paying attention, and Alessandro and Monica gasped together at the moment she was invisible.

She followed the sound and walked towards the back door of the church. After opening the door that smelled of wood, she came to a cemetery, which was densely covered with tombstones.

The cemeteries of large families are often luxurious, with marble floors and reliefs of family celebrities, but civilian cemeteries are not so luxurious.

Like all Renaissance buildings, St. John and Paul Church is surrounded by buildings on all sides to form a courtyard. Not only are there tombstones everywhere on the grass in the middle, but there are also under the vaults.

These steles are all black marble, with the names of the tomb owners and their statues written on them.

When the plague is widespread, no one will have the time to dig graves to bury the dead one by one. Generally, a mass grave is dug. No matter what their status is, they are all buried together. If the nobles will leave a tomb, just like Pomo It is the same as the stele that Na sees now.

Venice has one of the most haunted plague islands, Poveglia.

The old cities in Europe now look beautiful and look like fairy tales, but in fact almost all of them are related to the Black Death.

Forty years after the French hunted down the Templars, the Black Death began to hit Venice. The Governor ordered all ships that were about to dock to be tied to the shore, and the crew and cargo were to stay at sea for 40 days to avoid the introduction of the plague. The Italian word for "forty" is quarantine, and the word "quarantine" in English evolved from it.

Not only that, but they also turned their attention to Poveglia Island, an uninhabited island not far from San Marco Square in the city center, and set up a special quarantine station on the island. At first, those who showed symptoms of the plague, such as fever, severe toxemia symptoms, swollen lymph nodes, pneumonia, etc., were brought here for isolation.

Later, as the epidemic became more and more serious, the Venice Council panicked and sent those who only had fever symptoms to the island.

Since then, the Black Death has made a comeback in 1575 and once again hit Venice hard. During these three years, as many as 50,000 people died of the Black Death, and Titian was among them.

The Black Death struck again in 1630, killing nearly a third of Venice's citizens. In 1793, several cases of plague were found on two merchant ships. The Napoleon regime occupying Venice directly ordered the island of Poveglia to be quarantined for the epidemic until 1814. It is estimated that about 160,000 people died around the island of Poveglia. Lost here.

The end of the world will be like this, people will die everywhere on the road, or else it will be an empty city, after the plague, new people will live in again, without knowing what happened before.

They continued to live hard, running around for three meals a day, and then waited for the plague to strike again, maybe not the Black Death, smallpox, cholera, group death again and again.

Dead and reborn, born and then died, there are only a few people who can leave a tombstone, and the vast majority of people don't even leave their names.

When the Great Plague hit London, there was only one doctor, Simon, left.

The nobles and the rich ran away, and they took all the horses, leaving the helpless poor to fend for themselves in the city.

It is the royal family who chose to abandon their own people, so it cannot be blamed for the people to abandon them, just like what Theodora said: If the only way to find safety is to escape, and there is no other way, I will not choose the road of escape. The man who wears the crown should not live in failure. The purple robe is the most beautiful shroud.

Pomona took off her hood and mask, thinking that revelers should not be welcome in this place.

That's when she discovered that those smooth black marble monuments looked like a mirror, reflecting her face.

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