Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 727 New Student

There are many, many churches in Europe. Tourists from the East may find it very fresh at first, but after seeing too much, they will feel aesthetically tired. Apart from being gorgeous, they are complicated. Why is there nothing new?

This is why various churches claim to have holy relics or the bones of saints, and there will always be people going for the "pilgrimage".

Gothic architecture is characterized by rose windows and sharp roofs like swords. The sculptures will not leave the house, and the movements and eyes look rigid, while the sculptures of the Renaissance are much more flexible, and the sculptures do not move. Attached to the house, take St. Peter's Square in the Vatican as an example, those saints "stand" on the top of the church, overlooking the people on the square.

The baroque roof is rounded, like a woman's pannier, and the patterns on the ground of the main hall look like flower petals. A glass lamp is hung on a long rope between the ground and the dome.

Venice is good at making glass. The red part on the lamp is like a rose. It cleverly connects the two spaces, as if guiding the "god" in the sky to the top of people's heads.

The "covenant" of the ark refers to the covenant that God made with the Israelites, and the ark is the ark that placed the covenant that God made with the Israelites. This covenant was obtained from God by the prophet Moses on Mount Sinai Two tablets of the Ten Commandments.

The ark was to be hammered out of gold with two cherubim, and they were to be placed on both ends of the cover. One cherub at one end, and one cherub at the other end, put the cherubim you made on the two ends of the cover.

The general church promenade has three entrances from east to west, and meets the north-south corridor at the altar to form a cross. The Church of Our Lady of Ankang divides the worship room into six, which are distributed around the center in a circular shape and on the central axis. The most is a group of sculptures of the Virgin Mary.

In the six chapel rooms, to her left is a box carried by an angel. It is not the Ark of the Covenant, but it looks like the Ark of the Covenant. Behind it is a painting of a woman looking up at the sky with her hands clasped, a Things floated, shining brightly.

The church was built because of a promise that the contract with the Venetians was the Virgin Mary, not Jehovah, but this secret should not be known to others.

The first commandment of Moses: "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me."

It sounds like a vow made at the time of marriage: in the days to come, no matter whether you are poor or rich, whether you are sick or healthy, you will always be loyal to each other and love each other until you are old.

But there are only a handful of people who can keep their wedding vows, and there are countless people who have cheated on their spouses. These people have not seen any punishment for breaking their vows.

So the Venetians could choose not to build this church when their finances were tight, even though they had vowed to build a church for Maria if she would let them survive the Black Death.

Don't be afraid, go against your oath, anyway, there is no god in this world, let alone divine punishment.

Venus is very cute, but she has several terrifying siblings, one of whom is the goddess of revenge. The taste of revenge is so delicious that few people can resist it.

A poor boy was dumped by his first love, and he attributed his fault to her dislike of poverty and love of wealth. In order to get revenge on her, he tried hard to become a "successful person". All he wanted to ask was "Look at me now, Do you regret it?"

When a woman is hurt by a cheating husband, there are other ways besides crying. Gaia castrated Uranus. This is easy to implement. Put sleeping pills in his meals, and do it after he falls unconscious. A pair of scissors to open the belly of the fish is enough.

A woman may go to jail because of this, but the joyful mood is really hard to describe in words.

This is where blood oaths and unbreakable oaths are so fascinating. There is a hidden force that "sees" the person who made the oath. If he breaks the oath, he will be punished, and the betrayed party does not need to do it himself.

Bella knew how unreliable men's oaths are, they love empty words and big words, but the Venetians put their oaths into practice, no matter how difficult it is to implement.

The Church of Our Lady of Ankang is not big, and it will be over soon after walking around, but considering the history of its construction, it is different.

What is faith? Isn't it just being able to persevere to the end even when the test is the most severe?

How many men and women are there who can share joys and sorrows when they swear? The vast majority of people are still believers in the "God of Wealth", the first wife of Wall Street bear Jesse, who needs cash to trade stocks, and she quit when he asked his wife to sell jewelry.

At the critical moment, she failed to share weal and woe.

Killers generally work for money, but there are also those who do not perform tasks for money. One of the four caliphs was assassinated by a slave.

Among the many Venetian governors, there were traitors who surrendered to the church, the king, and the emperor in order to obtain hereditary rights, and made a lot of efforts to maintain the republic of Venice. The 1100-year republic system is not so It's easy to do.

On the right hand of the Virgin is the altar of Saint Anthony, the forerunner of the Christian monastic life.

When St. Anthony was about eighteen to twenty years old, his parents passed away one after another, and they handed over their huge property and only sister to him.

Once, when St. Anthony was walking on the road, he repeatedly thought about how the apostles gave up everything and followed the Lord. St. Anthony was thinking these things as he entered the church while the Gospel was being read

Jesus said to the rich young man, "If you want to be perfect, go and sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; you will also come and follow me."

This sentence deeply inspired St. Anthony, causing him to keep part of his property for his sister, and sell the rest to give to the poor. Not long after, I heard another saying: "So don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries; one day's troubles are enough for one day." St. Anthony then gave up all his property and entrusted his sister to the respected and the faithful virgins, he enters the monastic life.

Voltaire said: "There is nothing more famous than the Siege of Malta."

The Governor of Sicily, who planned the Battle of Djerba and survived the battle, wrote a blunt letter to Philip II: "We must learn from our lessons and work hard. If your Majesty can be made the master of the sea, even if the generals wait for everyone Selling, I will be the first to sell myself, and the ministers will not hesitate. Only when you control the sea can your majesty enjoy peace and your people can be protected. If you can't control the sea, what awaits us will be the fierceness of the west attack."

Putting everything together, betting on things like national luck, dare to come?

The Battle of Changping in China, the Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked the Huns.

Japan's Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War.

Numerous campaigns between the Christian League and the Ottoman Empire.

Venetians like to gamble very much, so they lost all their property and had to hide from debt collectors by wearing masks.

But at the same time, they also have times when they don't gamble, especially things related to "ghosts", "cursing" and "witchcraft".

Kissing under the Bridge of Sighs will give you eternal love, what a cute lie.

If you want to stand under the bridge, you have to hire a gondola. A boat costs 100 Euros. It would be cheaper to share it with others, but who would share it with their lover? Even the boatman was superfluous.

Love is a luxury, so it fits so well with the luxurious style of the Renaissance.

"Do you want to learn fencing?" Pomona asked Alessandro.

"What?" the eighteen-year-old boy asked confusedly.

"I heard Italian fencing is pretty good," Pomona said.

Italian fencing is a classical school, which incorporates the kind of passionate, unrestrained, rigorous, proactive, adventurous, fierce and fierce character, which will make this football boy an attractive man.

"No! What's the use of forgetting to learn it." Alessandro said in disgust.

"My cousin is an idiot." Monica said with a curled lip. "Can I learn?"

"Aren't you going to Milan to study fashion design?"

She shrugged.

"You know, Venice has never had a female doge." Pomona smiled and said, "Have you ever thought about it?"

"I could start by running for mayor," Monica said. "Will you help me?"

"Ask your family first." Pomona continued to visit the Church of Our Lady. "What you want to create is a family. You can't do it alone, my dear."

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