Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 732 The Ferryman of the River Styx

Venice is the overlord of the ocean, but their local population is not large. It is obviously not enough to recruit locals on board. Hiring foreigners to work for them is the simplest and most effective way.

Genoa, located on the northern shore of the Gulf of Genoa in the Ligurian Sea, is another center of the Italian shipbuilding industry. Their rise was earlier than that of Venice. The Genoese established a nautical school and library and established a navy very early. They learned a lot of nautical knowledge from doing business with the Arabs on the other side of the sea, and learned the experience of robbery from Arab pirates. Soon they abandoned their teachers and united with the nearby Republic of Pisa to expel the Arabs from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Understanding Caesar does not have to be Caesar, the "good" Venetians will not become pirates like the Genoese, they hired pirates with money.

In addition to the Normans, there were Saracen pirates in the Mediterranean in the Viking Age. The main target of the Saracen pirates in the 8th and 9th centuries was southern Italy. Even in the Ottoman Empire, the navy of the Ottoman Empire was composed of pirates. For example, the Ottoman Sultan appointed pirates Kerte Gor was the commander of the navy, and the famous red beard in pirate history also became the commander of the Ottoman navy after dedicating the North African area to Suleiman.

Religion and philosophy all teach people to be good, but many times we have to live side by side with evil. After disembarking from the pier of Torcello Island, the small arched bridge that is not far away is the Devil's Bridge where the legendary witch made a deal with the devil.

It looked... ordinary, nothing special.

In the story of the Deathly Hallows, the three brothers used magic to build a bridge over a river, which made Death feel very angry. The bridge built with magic will leave an aftertaste, but the building built by Muggles will not. This bridge is very ordinary. , it is even cruder than ** bridge, at least that bridge still has railings to block it.

"How does it feel?" Severus asked behind her.

"Nothing," she said disappointedly, expecting something strange to happen.

Then, she felt something wet touch her neck.

"We're outside." She pushed away the hand that was groping on her body, but Mr. Sheng showed his Italian side, clung to her tightly, and moved his hands on her body.

She felt herself being entangled in a boa constrictor.

The residence that the Duke of Lorraine arranged for them was full of the Mediterranean style of southern Europe. Influenced by the Medici emblem, red was widely used in the interior decoration of luxurious mansions at that time, and the hotel they originally booked was like that.

But the mansion they live in is not like that. A woman's paradise is her bedroom, which is luxuriously built but sparsely furnished. On the wall is a scene of Troy king Tros leading his three sons hunting.

Tros liked Ganymedes very much, and invited the best teachers and guards for him, and taught him to fight, hunt and swim in the Mediterranean Sea.

One day Zeus overlooked the world from Mount Olympus, and saw Ganymedes playing with his friends on the grass of Mount Ida in Crete. His mentors and guards were guarding the beautiful young man carefully. The king of the gods was immediately attracted by Ganymede's beauty, and he swooped down in the form of a huge eagle. Wherever he went, there were lightning, thunder, and heavy rain. Covered by the wind and rain, the huge eagle came to Ganymedes and gently captured the beautiful boy. The mentors and guards rushed over to stop it, and the hounds barked; Zeus ignored the chaos on the ground, led the boy higher and higher, and disappeared into the sky.

What the mural painted was the chaotic scene. The people who were hunting were turned upside down by the sudden squall, and they could watch the beautiful boy being captured by the eagle.

The angry king of Troy tried to shoot the eagle, and the scholar and teacher in ancient Greek robes looked at the sky, avoiding or preventing the angry action of the king of Troy.

In mythology, in the blink of an eye, Zeus took Ganymedes to Mount Olympus and changed back to his original appearance. He couldn't wait to get Ganymedes together, and then appointed him as a wine boy.

The furniture of that period has unique shapes, often with curly tendrils of flowers and leaves, and the canopy bed is supported by thick pillars decorated with bulbous roots. The huge canopy is thick and dignified, gorgeous and beautiful, and there are also panels depicting Leda and swans.

The velvet from Genoa, Italy, the silk from Lyon, France, and the tasseled pillows from Persia, can be seen from the off-white bed curtain, not far from the carved glass window.

Through the transparent window, she watched the sun rise and set. The Grand Canal of Venice has a distinct style during the day and at night.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, she hoped that she would not sink into the pleasure brought by the devil, but she found that she was sinking deeper and deeper, and it was almost impossible to extricate herself.

"Ahem." Alessandro coughed dryly, and she woke up from that flashy dream. At this moment, she found a boat moored not far away, and a group of tourists came.

He let go of his hands in disappointment, and she immediately turned around to sort out her untidy clothes.

The Church of Our Lady of Ankang did not install that ugly mask on the lintel, perhaps because it felt that it damaged the beauty of the building. Without this kind of warning device, the "monster" entered the church.

He was very greedy, making her think he wanted to eat her. After Cronus overthrew his father Uranus, he became the king of the gods in Greek mythology, and it was predicted that he would be overthrown by his own children, so As soon as the children were born, they were swallowed by him.

Cronus is the combination of the creativity and destructive power of time. The Battle of the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic destroyed all time converters. They are constantly repeating the process of destruction and reshaping, as if creating and destroying the universe is just a thought something in between.

"I asked the locals, the devil and the witch agreed to come to trade on Christmas Eve every seven years, and then he would appear every Christmas." Monica said embarrassingly.

"What a coincidence that Harry Potter came to Godric's Hollow just before Christmas," Severus said.

Pomona had heard about it, and Nagini had tricked Harry and Hermione into taking on Basilda's form, and then attacked them at home.

Pomona leaned on his arm, trying to calm her body, but when she closed her eyes, a heavy gasp echoed in her ears.

The charm of Venice at night is created by lights, but electricity was not found in the Middle Ages, and there were no electric lights. Lighting relied on oil lamps and candles. If candlelight dinners represent romance, then every day in the Middle Ages was romantic.

The cycles of the solar calendar and the lunar calendar are different. The November 21st of the calendar corresponds to the beating lunar calendar. Maybe there is a moonless night in a certain year that corresponds to that day.

"What's their deal?" Severus asked.

"The baby that just died and his soul," Monica said. "That's weird, what does it want that for?"

If it weren't for Lily's sacrifice, Harry might have become a baby who died under the Avada Kedavra curse.

At this moment, a gondola floated slowly along the river.

She suddenly had a strange idea, maybe the "devil" wanted the witch to bring their corpses and souls to trade because he was afraid that the children would get lost.

Is that so?

She's really not sure at all.

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