For locals in Venice, Carnival is not actually the most important festival, but the Salvator's Day on the third weekend of July and the Gondola Festival on the first Sunday of September.

After the plague in 1630, people built the Church of Our Lady of Health. In 1576, the Black Death ravaged Venice and claimed 50,000 lives. On behalf of the people, the Governor asked God to end the plague and promised to build a cathedral, which is now the Church of the Savior on Giudecca Island.

At that time, Venice still had enough energy. It took only 18 years to build a church of the same size as the Church of Our Lady of Sanctuary on Giuccardi Island. · Longner was completed after his death.

From the age of thirty-three to his eighties, a man spends the most golden time of his life accompanying the Church of Our Lady of Ankang. Young people in their twenties are young and energetic, but they are frizzy and impulsive.

When you are in your thirties, you are becoming mature in all aspects, which is the best period of psychology and physiology. Isn't it a pity that Baldassare Longner is not here to spend his energy with a living woman at this time, and accompany a cold building? ?

This is why the Church of Our Lady of Ankang is the most photogenic church in Europe. It condenses a man's life's efforts, and both men and women think it is graceful and luxurious.

In the eyes of American writer Henry James, the Church of Our Lady of Ancon is like a lady standing by the door of the salon. Her dome and scroll decoration, fan-shaped buttresses and statues together form a gorgeous crown. Broad steps cascading down to the ground resemble the train of a robe.

But Pomona felt that this metaphor was not accurate at all. The Republic of Venice was once known as the queen of the Adriatic Sea. Who saw a lady of a salon standing at the entrance of the salon wearing a crown.

Today's breakfast they took place in the cloak the Queen wore to her coronation.

There is no soul in Venice without a picnic. The police do not allow picnics, but tourists should launch their own creativity to "picnic", frantically testing between legal and illegal, "I just like your picture that you are so angry but can't Arrest me."

On the day the Church of the Savior was built, the Governor crossed the temporary pontoon bridge from the driftwood pier to the Church of the Savior to make a pilgrimage. This tradition of more than 400 years has continued to this day. Every Savior’s Day, residents on Judeka Island spontaneously build an annual temporary pontoon bridge, which is named “Savior Bridge”. The Savior once performed miracles. Humans do not have the power to walk on water, but they can reproduce it in this way.

At 10 am on Saturday, the religious activities on the Day of the Redeemer began with the "Holy Mass of the Counselor and the Nine Diocesan Clergy" and continued in the afternoon. The religious activities of this day have two important moments, namely " After the official opening of the "Savior Bridge" and the fireworks display at 12 o'clock in the morning, both sides of the pontoon bridge at night and the waterway of the Grand Canal in Venice are full of people who come here with their own boats. Full of wine and food. The whole of Venice is on the water brightly lit, decorated with branches and colorful balloons. Ships gather in the waters of San Marco and the Giudecca Canal. Thousands of gondolas come together, each with ten, two Ten, or even thirty lanterns. Music was played, and men and women in cool attire carefully prepared tables on board, filled with traditional Venetian dishes for dinner. Everyone eats, drinks, dances, tells jokes, and people in uniform lead the dance, singing and singing.

Although the panic of the epidemic brought Venice to a standstill, it also slowed down the pace of life in the entire city. In the words of the Venetians: "It's rare to take a breather. Wouldn't it be a pity not to enjoy it?"

This rhythm of life in Venice was realized after experiencing a catastrophe. "Just in time" does not necessarily mean spending tomorrow's or the day after tomorrow's money today, but it can also mean spending what you usually save, together with negative emotions. Splurging out, like Xiao Biesheng's newlyweds, sleepless all night.

There is a night watch custom in northern China, and it is also held on the Savior’s Day in Venice. After the fireworks clear at 12:30, the pontoon bridge will be used by civilians. Older people with less energy go home to sleep, and young or energetic people leave Judeka Island. Paddle to the Lido Island to continue the all-night party, where you can watch the sunrise.

Summer nights are also cool, men wear tea to recharge their batteries, traditional black and white clothes, and straw hats with red hoops. Ladies wear loose black shirts and white aprons decorated with red ribbons. Outside the shirts, they wear long-sleeved black or blue velvet jackets and wear a big flower on their heads. No one stops them from swimming in the sea.

Gondola is specially for slaughtering tourists. The locals row a boat called "Traghetti". It is almost exactly the same as Gondola, but it does not have so many decorations. Renting 40 Euros a day is more cost-effective than Gondola, but the premise is that tourists You must be able to row a boat by yourself, and be familiar with the tides and intricate waterways of Venice.

Knowledge is power, knowledge is power, knowledge is money.

sapientia edificavit sibi domum.

Those who can join the Brotherhood are not religious fanatics with big limbs and no brains. The worship of sacred knowledge is the basis of Masonic ideology.

It is not acceptable to be unable to accept the worship of the goddess. To be a "righteous person" should not bully the weak; similarly, the "weak" regards "the strong cannot bully the weak" as a creed, adhering to the theory that the weak are innocent, and it is not advisable to do anything wrong. Especially for women, there is nothing wrong with enjoying the taste of being worshiped, but they cannot be ignorant and self-willed, otherwise they will be pushed down from the altar.

A man is afraid of a woman because she is afraid that she will look down on him. A woman is afraid of a man because he is afraid that he will kill her. If you don’t want to die, just be a smart girl.

Among those who seek after personal pleasure and esteem, luxury inevitably arises, and soon develops to the culmination of socially induced misfortune.

Can a luxurious life really win the respect of others? Especially when civilians have no money for food and basic living?

The aristocrats during the French Revolution did not expect this, and still pursued the ultimate beauty of Rococo. It is true that silk-topped shoes would stain the beautiful artwork when they stepped on the mud road, but at that time, they should worry more about the shabby clothes around them. , They want to rob and kill, do you have the ability to protect yourself?

There is a virtue in being alert and temperate during a rave.

While the other Death Eaters were using the Killing Curse freely, killing in a free-for-all orgy, Severus and Lucius Malfoy didn't, and they looked like good guys.

However, they are a little bit far from being a real good person.

Cunning is the trait of Slytherin, and avoiding the most serious is their means.

No wonder he thought of Venice, a city full of profiteers.

If you want to find a place to build a treasury, it is of course a solid piece of land. A city built in the mud like the main island is not a good choice, but Torcello Island is very suitable. Those old houses can be refurbished. Baroque-style architecture, but the anti-theft device in the underground vault has to use your brains. Concrete is not always so safe.

When a store owner is irreplaceable, he will be proud and set all kinds of harsh conditions, but if someone competes, he will put down his figure and meet the needs of customers.

The best example is when the Beiyang Navy bought warships. Two competing devils are better than one angel. Because of the competition between Britain and Germany, the warships bought by the Qing Dynasty were world-class.

Where is the money? Why does it have to be in the Alps?

On regatta days in September, the crew races in the canals, dressed in clothing from the past.

After the opening parade, there are youth competitions, then women, and finally men. The finale is often at the end. Women row canoes, and men row rowing doubles. Only when two people work together can they produce greater strength. If they do their own things, then two men may not be able to win a woman.

It's embarrassing to lose to a girl, but instead of bullying her, isn't it a good way for boys to learn from their lessons and find reasons to improve themselves?

If a man is dumped by his first love, he strives to become famous, and then tries to break up the woman's family and put her in misfortune. He turns his head and asks the girl, "Did you see it? You don't regret it later?", the girl Will smile and say "No sir, I'm so glad I did that."

Angels are bright even after they fall, and a villain who pretends to be good will not lose his true colors no matter how he pretends.

The appearance is often inconsistent with the facts themselves, and the world is often easily deceived by superficial decorations.

There are some people, like actors in brightly colored costumes on the stage, clumsily performing a one-person stage play, appearing on the stage for a moment, and then quietly retreating quietly. This is a fool's story, full of humor and commotion, but Nothing.

This is the Lockhart in her eyes, the "warrior" who was named the best smile by wizard magazine.

Only in front of Severus would she care about her appearance, she had always looked down on women who attracted men with their appearance, she thought she was a bit wise, but he made her feel unconfident.

Her point of view is not even clever.

So a person like her is really not suitable to be a "leader".

Perhaps the Fountain of Brothers at the Ministry of Magic has it right, a wizard holding his wand high up, pointed skyward, surrounded by a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house-elf.

She is suitable to be a follower. After all, it is really much easier to obey orders. It is really blissful to enjoy a safe and comfortable life without having to use your own brain.

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