There is a profession called shipwreck hunter. There are many secrets hidden in the depths of the vast ocean. There are many sunken ships in the sea that carry many treasures.

According to research, in 1857, a ship full of gold bars, gold powder and gold coins sank at sea due to a hurricane, and 425 people on board were drowned. The gold on this ship came from California. At that time, it was the time of the gold rush. It is reported that there were 3,100 gold coins, 45 gold bars, and 72 catties of gold powder on board. The disappearance of this huge amount of gold has also had a certain impact on California's economy.

The gold coins on these sunken ships are not only the value of gold, the value of one has exceeded 800,000 US dollars. Similarly, the items on the Titanic were also bought. The shipwreck hunters in the movie were looking for the heart of the ocean, a blue diamond that looked very similar to the "hope" that Louis XVI once had.

The storming of the Bastille by the people of Paris was also instigated. This stemmed from the long-term accumulation of contradictions and finally broke out. If those nobles who wore "exquisite" chaps in the salon knew how to fight, or how to negotiate with others, So as not to end up being decapitated by sans-culottes.

The new nobles replaced the old nobles, and the newer nobles replaced the new nobles. Generation after generation, this is not a problem. The incompetent was replaced by the capable. In that thorough revolution, even the hidden wizards were found. It can be seen How chaotic the situation is.

But Napoleon went too far in invading Venice, and even the emperor just flirted with Switzerland and did not really attack Switzerland. No wonder he dared to bypass the Pope and crown himself directly.

This little Corsican is very arrogant, maybe because he read too much about the monarchy. Machiavelli denied the generally accepted morality. He believed that the monarch must be as cunning as a fox and as fierce as a lion. If he is too kind, he will perish of.

He turned the French Republic into a monarchy. The chaotic French Republic and the thousand-year-old Venetian Republic are two completely different concepts, but he was lucky. The Venetian Parliament voted to surrender. This is the Venetians themselves Selected.

What he does next is not what a civilized person should do. It is a good thing to tear down the prison gates of the ghetto, but that also has his own purpose-money, a lot of money, Venice is not as rich as he thought , he needed to expand his army to conquer all of Europe.

The military uniforms of Napoleon’s period were beautiful and handsome, as were the military uniforms of **, which were designed by the painter Hitler. If they wanted to wear military uniforms, they would join the army, and those young people boarded their pirate ships just like that.

The rapid expansion of the army requires payment, and there is also the issue of food and grass. There is a saying in ancient Chinese military strategists, which is "before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first." For the army, food and grass are the top priority. However, Napoleon practiced the method of fighting to support war. The Western European plains became very rich after the Renaissance. Abandoning the baggage can speed up the marching speed. The same is true for the German Blitzkrieg.

The rapid movement of the army can reduce the logistics pressure on the army to a considerable extent. Almost all of his 600,000 expeditionary forces are fighting, and they do not need to prepare logistics like other military strategists. He overhauled the logistical supply system that relied on warehouses in eighteenth-century warfare. In the past, the army used tents, and marched in long queues in units of legions. Tents were removed, soldiers camped out, and hundreds of carts carrying tents disappeared.

In this way, there will be a phenomenon, that is, the plundering of the occupied areas. The French bandit style of play makes Napoleon Panama disgusted except for Britain and France. These countries are formed like the anti-government alliance Anti-French League.

When the countries of the Anti-French Alliance are fighting a war of words over the so-called "division of political forces in New Europe", many people in France feel more disgusted with the returning Bourbon family, and instead miss Napoleon's France.

Napoleon seized this opportunity and took a ship "Quick", which was commissioned by the British to deliver supplies to Elba, bypassed the British cruisers, tricked the French cruisers, and landed in mainland France.

He assembled an army, overthrew the newly restored Bourbon dynasty, and proclaimed himself emperor again.

On June 28, due to the failure of the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to St. Helena again, and the Bourbon Dynasty was restored again.

He thinks about everything quickly, and if the opponent wants to make a quick decision like him, then naturally his chances of winning are greater.

After the French army entered Moscow without bloodshed, the Russian army set fire to the city. The fire for three days and three nights turned Moscow into ruins and ruined Napoleon's last hope of obtaining supplies here. With the arrival of cold winter and heavy snowfall, Russia is not as rich as Western Europe, and there is no food for him to rob in the countryside. The heavy snow has hidden the whereabouts of the Russian army and ruined Napoleon's last fantasy. Afterwards, Napoleon began to slowly walk towards Waterloo.

Human beings need food to survive, and he only thinks about victory. The Crusaders agreed to the threat of the Venetians to sack Constantinople because they needed supplies from Venice.

The same is true for ocean voyages. You must make adequate preparations. Now, there is a device for desalinating sea water. Monica can even wash fruits with fresh water. But if she did it a hundred or two hundred years ago, she would definitely be punished by sailors. Beat to death.

In the Maritime Museum of Venice, there is a model of the Bucintoro where the Doge of Venice held the "marriage at sea" ceremony. This magnificent double-decked ship is richly decorated with gold plating, painted with lions and sea creatures, and covered with a crimson canopy. 168 people rowed, and the golden oars slapped the water of the lagoon. At the bow, a decorative figure symbolizing justice holds high the scales and swords, and the swallowtail flag of St. Mark flutters in the wind on the masthead.

Now he is sunk on the bottom of the Adriatic Sea, already rotten, and the sunken ship fragments can't be restored at all. Building a ship that is exactly the same requires gold, which is what Venice lacks now.

Almost all the members of the Archaeological Club are wealthy people. They funded the protection of some old buildings to prevent them from collapsing due to disrepair. The Moses Project is an international project led by the Venice Municipal Government with a cost of 4.5 billion euros and is expected to be completed in 2012.

Rumors of the end of the world in 2000 spread panic, but Earth was fine.

Now there is another Mayan prophecy in 2012. People have a kind of fear and curiosity about the end of the world. How will this world end? Will it be the same as when the dinosaurs became extinct.

In fact, the Titanic has reproduced that scene. People will be as panicked as the rats in the ship's cabin. They will go wherever they hear it is safe. The refugees from the Irish famine and the Jews during World War II have tried their best to escape from Europe and go to America, everything will be fine in America.

The Statue of Liberty symbolizes not freedom, but hope, and if you have hope, hell will stay away from you.

Only when you give up hope, will you, like Imerton, let go and fall into the hell full of flames and sinners.

It is difficult to save Venice, but it is not impossible, unless the sea level continues to rise, but in that case not only Venice, but all coastal cities will become "underwater cities". What's the use of that apartment? How about burying some gold, silver and jewelry, in case they are discovered by later generations when they are urgently needed one day?

Among the ships, warships, and aircraft sunk on the seabed, some carry precious cultural relics and gold and silver treasures, some hide important military secrets, and some are important secrets in their own structure. important both politically and economically. There are thousands of shipwrecks under the oceans all over the world, and there are a large number of ancient Chinese shipwrecks on the bottom of the South China Sea alone, which was an important route of the ancient Silk Road.

But to whom do those treasures belong when they are salvaged?

In 2001, under the leadership of UNESCO, 20 countries signed the Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, aiming to provide a clue for the ownership and management of countless seabed assets. But many countries have not participated in this convention, so the status quo is a mess. Even if the ship sank hundreds of years ago, the current government of the "original country" will stand up and demand control; on the other hand, no country will easily give up the good things in its own waters. Every discovery is followed by international friction, and no one is really polite, unless it is proved that the sunken ship is really just a cultural relic.

If the golden ship in California is found, all the treasures inside belong to the United States of America, but no one will snatch the ship that Napoleon sank. It was originally gilded, and now it is rotten.

How "rational" and "civilized", it is no wonder that some people can do the thing of melting the gold plate on which the words are recorded in order to obtain gold.

The heart and eyes are full of gold, and now it has been exchanged for banknotes. How many murders have been caused by the uneven distribution of spoils in the sea?

In fact, the Titanic could hit the iceberg, or it might not sink, but that is just a hypothesis. The captain made a decision to avoid the iceberg. This is the way he chose. Of course, he will sink with the ship.

A "leader" is like a captain, driving a ship, big or small, sailing on the sea.

The captain made a wrong decision, causing the whole boat to sink. How could he escape alone?

The advantage of democracy is that this decision is made by everyone. Even if it is wrong, the minority will be ignored by the majority. Just like the soldier who was rude, "not fitting in" will kill you.

This kind of collective unconsciousness of people is terrible, and it cannot be cured by any medicine. Pomona closed her eyes, as if she could already hear the sound of sonar. Since people come from the ocean, they must go back to the ocean. A few years later, the next species may study human skeleton fossils like dinosaurs, or study mammoths, guessing what happened at that time, he died suddenly while eating.

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