Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 763 Rainbow Bridge and the Big Cow

The clock in the bell tower of San Marco not only tells the time, but also the time of high tide and low tide.

In addition to the lion of San Marco, the symbol of Venice is also the goddess of justice. They are on the bell tower. The symbol of justice is the scales. Libra is between twenty-three and twenty-four, which occupies a small space compared with Capricornus.

Capricorn is a constellation that symbolizes the beginning of winter, and it is also a constellation that mixes good and evil. Both Severus and Tom Riddle are this constellation.

On the one hand, they eagerly hope that they can welcome the warm spring, but on the other hand, they find it difficult to overcome their inner fragility and dark side.

Capricorn is the incarnation of Paine, the God of Faun, who is half a sheep and half a fish. At the beginning, he was responsible for playing the reed flute at the banquet of the gods. At the beginning of all love stories, we always present our best side to each other, and hope In exchange for sincere love, Paine is ugly, even though he has always loved the fairy who plays the harp in the temple.

There is a lake at the end of the Tianhe River. No one dares to set foot in it, because its water is cursed. Anyone who steps into the river will turn into a fish and never turn back.

Just as the gods were holding a banquet, the multi-headed, hundred-eyed beast suddenly rushed into the banquet venue. This monster roared and overwhelmed the mountains and seas, and all the gods could not subdue it, so they fled one after another.

The fairy who was playing the harp was so frightened that she stood there, not knowing what to do. Seeing the monster go towards the fairy, the timid and shy Pan En jumped out, picked up the fairy and ran away, the monster chased after him. Pan En knew that he couldn't outrun the monster at all, and suddenly remembered the lake at the end of the Tianhe River in desperation, so he ran desperately towards the lake.

He held the fairy high in his hands, and stood in the middle of the lake by himself.

The monster knew how powerful the cursed lake was, so he had to give up.

After the monster left, Pan En carefully moved to the bank to put down the fairy. The fairy is very grateful and wants to pull Paine up, but Paine's lower body has turned into a fish. Zeus created Capricorn in his image, and Capricorns are also rigorous and restrained like Paine, and have their own unique understanding of happiness.

There is a dense drizzle in the night sky, and the Mediterranean Sea is rainy in winter. This kind of normal weather is particularly troublesome for Venetians. If anyone’s house is soaked in water, they will be very unhappy, the furniture will be moldy, and the wallpaper will be damaged. Bubbly, the point is that it's a sign that the city is sinking, and there's nothing they can do about it.

It's no use continuing to frown, it's better to have fun in time, no matter how flooded Venice is, the locals can have a good time.

This is the so-called "optimistic" attitude in the face of disaster.

"What are you thinking?" Mr. Love Saint whispered in her ear. It was Alessandro who was in charge of rowing them to the Church of Our Lady of Health, and the others had already left.

"Thinking of Pan," she said in a voice only two of them could hear. "Do you think he might be a mermaid?"

"We're going to church to hear mass, and you're thinking 'the devil'." He said in that charming voice, "You're such a wicked witch."

Pan is a symbol of creativity, music, poetry and sex, as well as panic and nightmares.

The holy mass is the most noble sacrifice of Catholicism. According to the Gospel records, Jesus took wheat flour bread and wine respectively at the last supper, thanked for the blessing, and turned the bread and wine into his own holy body and blood, and gave them to the disciples Eat, drink, and order the disciples to do so, in memory of him; after the supper, Jesus is delivered, bearing a heavy cross, along the Way of the Cross to die on Calvary, sacrificing his life.

People gathered together to commemorate him, thank him for the sacrifices he made for people, and at the same time resist the temptation of the "devil" and the nightmares it brought with his faith.

The "devil" is the shepherd who, in order to save the fairy, raised her up high to prevent her from getting into the water of the heavenly lake and turning into a mermaid, playing the flute.

"Stop." She begged softly, the voice of resistance was faintly heard in the tide.

"I didn't do anything," Severus said. "What did you tell me to stop?"

She is a person who believes in fairness and justice, but now she is becoming more and more partial, just like the scales and scorpions on the dial of the bell tower in St. Mark's Square.

Venice is a rebellious city, and the order of the zodiac is counterclockwise, which symbolizes the reversal of time and returns to the distant ancient Greek and Roman times.

At that time, the stars in the sky were shining brightly. Unlike now, you can’t see any stars because of light pollution. Only the Milky Way and constellations can be seen on the sea and mountains.

There was a little sand on her hands, as if she was still in that pink evening, and there was no one on Lido Beach under the setting sun, as if it happened just now.

"We spent this evening in the library." She whispered, "What day is it today?"

"Forget about the time," Severus said. "Nobody thinks they're in Heaven for too long."

"We have to go back." She cupped his face and said, "The werewolf will come out again on the next full moon."

"We still have time." He looked her in the eyes and said "Stop thinking about the bad things."

People often say that love has a shelf life, and once the shelf life is over, you will dislike each other. That's how the woman in the blue mask and her boyfriend or husband are, arguing over trivial matters.

Food can also be preserved with salt. In addition to trade, Venice’s wealth also includes the salt industry. Before the invention of the refrigerator, salt was the main way to preserve food. Salt was essential in ocean navigation.

Venice, the city of water, is actually short of water. This is hard for many people to imagine. Sea water is not drinkable, only fresh water can be drunk. At the same time, sea water is very corrosive, not only iron but also other materials.

Even if the Moses plan is completed, it will not take long. It is a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause.

"I read it in an old book." She put her fingers into his mouth, and the warm touch drove away the cold brought by the night wind and the icy sea water, making her feel warm and moist.

"What?" he asked.

"Moses didn't part the Red Sea. He just built a bridge made of salt over the Red Sea to let the Hebrews pass. When Pharaoh's army came, the salt melted in the water, and the salt bridge collapsed, so Pharaoh's army fell. Into the sea."

He was sucking her finger, his tongue was as flexible as a snake, and she inexplicably thought of the Single Snake Staff in her mind, and she took her hand back in fright.

"You mean salt bricks?" He smiled maliciously.

"There is a lot of salt in the sea, isn't it?" She whispered, her heart pounding, "I usually prepare it, and put it into the sea when the big flood comes, and I don't need to dismantle it, let the sea melt it. "

"How do you put it down?" he said absently, staring down her neck.

"I'm talking business to you!" she said angrily.

"I'm listening." His attitude made it clear that he didn't listen carefully.

"I'm listening," said Alessandro.

This annoyed her even more.

"Say it." He said with his arms around her waist.

"Build three bridges at the entrance, so that big ships can't get in." She said firmly, "Either disembark and land at Lido Port, or enter the city by land. You can put salt bricks under the bridge piers, and you can replenish them on the spot when they are used up. It can absorb water by itself, I remember adding a handful of salt to the water, and the volume of the water will become smaller..."

"Do you know how big the lagoon is? How much salt do you need?" Alessandro said angrily.

"It's just a way!" She said aggrievedly, "Dujiangyan uses local materials, which really saves costs and can also promote employment."

"What?" asked Alessandro.

"Did you know that Venice used to sell salt?" asked Pomona.

The native shook his head.

She felt like she was playing the harp with a cow.

The potions professor in a good mood pulled her for a kiss, and not far away, the sound of the organ in Notre Dame Church blew over with the sea breeze.

As Dama said, it sounds like the sound of nature from heaven.

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