Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 773 Interests

For modern people, city entry tax is a very strange thing, but in the Middle Ages, city entry tax was a very important tax.

At that time, cities had high walls for defense, and they were all built on main roads. If you want to take a convenient road, you have to pay city taxes. If a trader finds that his profits are not as good as taxes, he will not Come again.

Two competing devils are better than an angel. The lord wants to raise taxes, but the merchants will not come. Inland cities, apart from the little tax on the farmland, there is also a city entry tax. The only thing that can guarantee a stable income is salt. .

People must eat salt, and if they don’t eat salt, they will become like the white-haired girl. When they owe a debt to the Venetian and cannot pay it back, they have to sign a contract, and only the Venetian is allowed to sell salt. Merchants are not allowed to buy salt here.

The Genoese Bank started later than Venice, and the first bite of fat has been snatched by the Venetians, but they can give those kings preferential treatment and owe the Venetians money? No problem, the people of Genoa helped to pay back, you go to Genoa to save money and borrow money.

Siege is not easy. Venice is surrounded by the sea, forming a natural moat. The army cannot enter the city without the help of sea ships. At least those knights wearing armor and riding war horses may not think of "pontoon bridge" "this thing.

Venice has no city walls, because it is a trading city, but ships have to pay taxes to enter Venice for trade. The customs house in front of Notre Dame of Ankang is used to stop merchant ships from entering the city without paying taxes.

The lagoon itself also serves as a "primitive natural labyrinth". Once an enemy invades, the residents of the Republic of Venice will use chains, ropes, and boats to block the entrance and exit, and attack the enemy behind the built towers, fortresses, and fences. And dismantle the guideposts or turn off the navigation lights. At this time, due to the complicated underwater situation, the enemy's ships can easily run aground without guidance, and become a situation where they can only be beaten and cannot fight back. The soldiers of the Republic of Venice can also sneak attack or surprise the enemy through the complex terrain of the lagoon.

But Venice still has city walls, they guard against the Genoese, and the cities without walls are also limited to the outer lagoon, while the inland areas of the Republic of Venice, such as Mestre, Treviso, Trevignano, etc. The city still has a city wall, the navy can also land, and the siege equipment can be transported by ship. Besides, the Genoese occasionally play pirates.

St. Paul's District was developed relatively late. The shape of the Grand Canal is very similar to an inverted "S". This shape represents miracles and mysteries, just like Slytherin's snake-shaped logo.

As long as there is golden land along the canal, most of the palaces along the canal were built from the 14th to the 16th century, but the St. Paul district of Venice was inhabited by poor people in the 9th century.

There is real land in São Paulo, not by piling down to create new land, and it is much cheaper to build a house in this kind of place.

It is very close to the ** Bridge, the former red-light district of the slums, and the houses in this area are also extremely dense, which is how the poor live.

Coming here from the extremely luxurious Rezzonico Palace, there is a feeling of coming to another world. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the venue of the Carnival Masquerade Ball is here, not St. Mark's Square.

It is certain that the law and order in the slums are chaotic. Linda Lingxiang cat was dismembered, stuffed into a suitcase, and then thrown into the lagoon.

She is a tourist, maybe one person, caught by malicious gangsters; maybe two people, brutally killed by her lover.

The place where she was dumped was the Soul Casino, which is remote and few locals go there, but the place where she was kidnapped could be anywhere in the city. She thought it was possible for the locals wearing masks to maintain traditional culture A wandering murderer.

Rich people look for excitement when they feel that life is boring. Anyway, no one knows who the other party is wearing a mask.

Carnival is not only a carnival for human beings, the price of freedom is vigilance. In London, there are also monsters with human skin like Jack the Ripper. For them, the masquerade ball is the best place to find prey.

There are many modern buildings in St. Paul's Square. After all, not all houses need to be protected like churches and palaces. The moment Pomona saw them, she lost hope of finding clues.

An old city like Venice, which is specially protected in the sea, cannot stop excavators and reinforced concrete.

"Will Peruzzi build the bank in a favela?" Monica asked Gianluca, not far from her grandmother's house in the São Paulo district.

"There's a palace near here." Severus looked at the tourist map and said, "Let's go there and have a look."

"This place has been refurbished, and I can't find it anymore." Pomona said hopelessly.

"If I find a basement when I buy a house, I'll keep it," Severus said. "There used to be a lot of factories in this area."

"How do you know?" Monica asked.

Severus curled the corners of his mouth and smiled meaningfully. "It's like my neighbor here."

Pomona looked at the people in grotesque costumes.

Wearing emerald green witch robes and a witch hat, Minerva won't be as abrupt as walking in Muggle London. It's not "crazy" at all, and it looks extremely "normal".

From the 13th century onwards, the northern Italian city-states developed due to maritime trade, wool and textile industries. However, wool produced in Italy is cheap but too hard, and wool fabrics are far less soft than silk fabrics, so they can only supply local demand.

In addition to spices, the goods imported into Italy also include rice, oranges, apricots, figs, raisins, face powder, medicines and dyes such as hematoxylin, magenta, alum, cotton and raw silk. When the silk industry developed first in Italy and then in the south of France, imports of raw silk increased as well as cotton. Brocades from Damascus, shrines from Baghdad, gauze from Mosul, and cotton yarn from Gaza shipped to Europe are also very popular.

There is a famous painting of the market in St. Paul's Square. Cloth is mainly sold on the ground, and there are also many styles of women's clothes. Southwestern Spain has a Mediterranean climate, and the summer is hot and dry, which provides sufficient heat for the growth of cotton.

The emergence of new materials transformed the Italian textile industry from woolen to cotton, and sails were also used extensively.

In the 15th century, the Ottoman Empire occupied Constantinople and Crimea in 1475, which cut off the trade routes between the East and the West, and dealt a huge blow to the commerce in northern Italy. Especially after the Great Geographical Discovery, the change of trade routes and the development of commerce in other parts of Europe caused Italian merchants and commerce to lose their special status and role, and the Mediterranean trade declined from then on.

Today's impressive castles in the Crimea peninsula were built using credit from the Bank of Genoa, which lies on the Adriatic Sea, and Genoese bankers in the early 16th century had already established relations with the most influential in Europe. The feudal lords of the country established good relations, including tax exemption rights for some goods.

The church has the privilege of tax exemption, which makes the wine produced by the church have a price advantage compared with ordinary wineries. The Venetians also have it, but the wine they sell at that time is no longer an ancient grape variety like Dorona.

The wine made from that kind of grapes is golden yellow and has a very dry taste. It looks like champagne, and it also looks like a well-being agent. Since the second half of the 12th century, the woolen cloth produced in Flanders and northern France has been exported by Italian merchants. Genoa also became the main port for exporting woolen goods to the East.

The Champagne Fair is a cross-border bazaar and trade center formed in the French Champagne Earl's Territory from the 12th to the 14th century. Intersection of two passages between Spain. The oriental goods from Italy and the goods from northern Europe are gathered here, thus becoming one of the commercial centers of Europe. The fairs are held regularly every year in the four cities of the territory, Provins, Laney, Troyes and Basil-Aube.

Bazaar trade was an important form of commodity exchange in medieval Europe, and it was a trading center, especially a wholesale trade center. The bazaar is protected by the lord where it is located and pays taxes to the lord. A fair lasts from several days to several months, and each city generally does not exceed twice a year.

At that time, European land transportation was not safe, and "Robin Hood" often blocked roads and robbed. The Earl of Champagne tried his best to ensure the safety of merchants in the market and the safety of the road leading to Champagne.

Each market in Champagne is strictly organized, and disputes are adjudicated by a market court composed of one citizen and one knight. In the first week of the market, merchants from all over the world come to set up stalls on the streets of the city, followed by 10 days of cloth and woolen transactions, 11 days of leather transactions, and then 19 days of transactions of various other groceries, and finally a few days for settlement .

Under the protection and patronage of the Earl of Champagne and Brie, the Champagne Fair will be held along a fixed and predictable route between the four major cities according to the annual religious festivals, including the four cities in the Earl of Champagne. There are six fairs held for at least six weeks each. There is an interval of one to two weeks between each market to allow merchants to transport goods, so that the Earl of Champagne has a market all year round.

Until the French King Philip IV took control of the territory of the Earl of Champagne and imposed the king's financial measures, the Earl of Champagne could no longer collect more taxes from the market trade, and the merchants also felt unprofitable due to the king's heavy taxes. The sea trade route from Italy to Northern Europe has been opened, which can replace the land trade across the Alps, and the champagne market gradually weakened.

In 1337, the Hundred Years War broke out between Britain and France, which destroyed the peace of Champagne and greatly affected the market trade. In addition, with the development of commerce, banking, and credit, it is much more convenient for merchants to exchange money in banks in Flanders or Bruges than in the market, and with the development of production and commerce, commodities are gradually standardized Standardization, merchants do not need to go to the market to inspect the goods before the transaction; wealthy merchants gradually send their own agents to do business without having to visit the market in person.

If the Templars want to transfer money from France to Venice, they don’t necessarily have to remit the money directly to the Bank of Venice, but they may also transfer it from Crimea through the Genoese bank.

The Knights Templar and the Knights Hospitaller are the king's big creditors in France, owning thousands of castles and huge wealth, which makes the king and bishop envy and hate. King Philip IV of France weaved charges of "heretics" to eradicate them.

In 1312, King Philip IV of France made a request, and Pope Clement V announced the dissolution of the Knights Templar. The Portuguese Knights became affiliated with the Society of Jesus, no longer engaged in military missions, and evolved into an ordinary religious order mainly focusing on overseas missions. The Spanish and Portuguese estates were transferred to two new orders: the Spanish Order of Montesa and the Portuguese Order of Christ.

Many people in the ancient East and West hated businessmen, thinking that they were mercenary and lacked faith and loyalty.

Sometimes businessmen are not clear-headed, evade taxes when it is time to pay taxes, and have vulgar and arty tastes, but kings and nobles will destroy themselves if they kill them like a piggy bank.

The same champagne market can prosper in the hands of the Count of Champagne, but it will decline in the hands of "beautiful men".

Heavy taxes will drive away some people. Tourists who are used to no city entry tax suddenly feel uncomfortable when they find themselves being taxed, which seriously affects the mood of the game. After regaining consciousness, they start thinking. It takes 80 yuan to take a few photos. Euros or even hundreds of Euros, who would do it?

Those large cruise ships that emit sulfuric acid, if the income they bring to Venice is lower than the cost of maintaining the city, then romantic Venice will also drive away tourists.

Time is also a cost. If the commute is too long, people tend to change places to rent houses. The woman who used a flower pot to stop the rebellion in 1310 got a 158-year promise not to raise the rent. She did not get "forever ".

If he owns a house, such as an inheritance, why should he spend extra money to rent a house to work?

There are low-priced labor in the slums, and these people can walk to the workshops to work. Unless the workshop owners in the distance are willing to pay more wages, why should she seek far away?

The slogan of the Knights Templar is Godwillsit (God's will).

The fundamental feature of capitalism is private ownership. The legitimacy of private property is not self-evident. For an extremely long period of time, private ownership has been shackled in shackles. Ethics, religion, and politics all have reasons against private property.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to attack the Xiongnu and called on all merchants to donate. If the merchants refused to pay on such a matter of national righteousness, were they morally corrupt?

The way Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty fought the Xiongnu was that the army wandered around in the desert, and when they encountered the Xiongnu, they would fight. During the march, they would consume a lot of logistics supplies, and eat horses after the food was eaten. Habits, such as the rules of trade bazaars, are targeted to attack, so that the national treasury will not be drained.

In the first Han-Hungarian War, only Wei Qing achieved results. The Dragon City he attacked was the place where the Huns worshiped heaven.

An Lushan used to be in the market. He was a Sogdian, and the Sogdians were also born merchants. They traded with the Turkic tribes on the border, transporting furs from the north to the south, and silk from the south to the north. I am very familiar with the situation in the Northeast during the Tang Dynasty, which is also directly related to his expansion in the Northeast.

Everyone has jealousy, not only humans, but also Asura and Indra. They are jealous of what others have but they don't have. Queen Hera is also jealous of Zeus's lovers, but you can't lose your mind and make wrong judgments because of jealousy.

During the French Revolution, the sans-culottes were incited by the bourgeoisie to deal with the feudal aristocracy. However, the Great Revolution did not end human inequality. Social conflicts turned into rich and poor, speculators who disrupted order and ordinary civilians who obeyed order .

The bourgeoisie came to power without solving the problem of soaring food prices, and the Jacobin dictatorship ended after the collapse. In the years since, France has been in political turmoil and economic chaos. Domestic speculation is rampant, black market transactions are prevalent, prices are soaring, and inflation is extremely serious. In this situation, Napoleon came to power after launching the Brumaire Coup, established a military dictatorship, and prevented risky speculators through violent suppression.

In addition to taking legal measures, three important codes aimed at safeguarding the private property rights of the bourgeoisie were successively enacted, namely the Civil Code promulgated in 1804, the Commercial Code promulgated in 1807, and the Criminal Code promulgated in 1810. Support the development of industry and commerce. In order to promote industrial production and trade activities, the Napoleon regime vigorously promoted the protective tariff policy on the one hand, continuously increased the import tax rate, and prevented foreign industrial products from entering the French market; Make national orders, reward the use of machines, carry out competitions, implement the patent system, hold expositions, etc.

According to the Napoleonic Code, women's dowry rights are in the hands of men, and women like to buy clothes when they have money, which will promote the development of the textile industry. In the Napoleonic era, the government focused on military industry in various production sectors.

A new crop rotation system was implemented in farming techniques, decrees were promulgated to protect forests, prohibit deforestation of trees and blind land reclamation, and rewards were given to the planting of new crops or the expansion of existing crops. In addition, the Napoleon regime also plundered a large number of merino sheep from Spain, which enabled the country's sheep industry to develop rapidly and solved the problem of famine.

However, few people know that he robbed the Bank of Genoa, and he confiscated all the assets of the bank, which also brought an end to this long-established bank.

Post-Reformation Protestants practiced strict secular asceticism and believed that the qualification for salvation was professional success.

But now people misinterpret career success as the amount of accumulated personal wealth. "A lot of money is a successful person." They spent 300 million US dollars to buy a 99-year property right of a palace, which is written in the contract. The problem is that Venice still has 20 years of property rights. It will sink in 30 years, and the buyer will only be able to live in an underwater palace as a mermaid.

The Italian government implemented the Moses plan to protect Venice, but this project is impossible to solve the problems of flooding and sea level rise, and the ship will still sink.

Spending hundreds of millions of dollars in vain, poverty really restricts the imagination of ordinary people.

Francois Pinault built a museum in Venice because the French bureaucrats refused to grant him land use.

He doesn't care, if it's a waste of time, it's a waste of time. With the current madness of luxury goods, his loss will soon be made up. The "beautiful man" did not achieve the goal by using power, but the French Gucci empire achieved it with a few bags and clothes. The magic of "fashion" is really amazing.

From what the Bible reveals about man's nature and destiny, the question of property and all other human concerns are part of God's plan of creation and redemption.

In the Bible, God's approval of private property is based on the principle that divine power is higher than human rights. Only based on this can a person's private property rights become inalienable.

Renaissance churches were built to serve the divine right, but the content inside was created by the artist himself.

The system of forced contributions, partly aimed at overcoming the misuse and abuse of property, sacked Constantinople and made Venice rich, but Constantinople fell into pagan hands and Venice declined.

If leaders do not balance rights and responsibilities properly, they will act at the expense of others.

When some good wishes go astray, the final outcome is helpless.

The once prosperous Venice is now empty, with only tourists bringing false prosperity.

Maybe one day this free trade city will restore the city entry tax. "Modern" guests can't accept it. Tourism drives the economy. How can someone refuse guests to come to their door?

The Venetians believe in the real God, not "the customer is God". God can separate the Red Sea, can the "customer" separate the Adriatic Sea from the lagoon?

People love to listen to sweet words, but they can't listen to bad words.

So, these thoughts Pomona decided to let it rot, it's her honeymoon, even Severus sometimes doesn't care what she thinks, and the person who used to really care what she thinks is dead , talking about these words would affect Severus' mood.

What do you play when you are not in the mood to have fun?

That is why merchant cities hate ascetic bishops.

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