Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 775 Governor's Special Drink

Venice’s lagoon is one of the important migratory routes for migratory birds in Europe. The business of gondolas in winter is much worse than in summer. After all, not everyone can accept spending tens of euros in a boat to blow the wind. .

If you are in a boat with them and you are shivering from the cold, but they hug each other for warmth, the single ones can't wait to push them off the boat and show you the man in the world Questions that I don’t know how to answer: The wife and mother fell into the water at the same time, which one should the man save?

At this time, it would be nice to have a brother. One person saves the other without losing his wife or mother. The question is, is the brother reliable?

Birds also live in groups, but they don't have the intelligence of humans. They will light fires to keep warm, penguins will gather together for the winter, and migratory birds will fly to warm places. The lagoon is very lively in winter.

But when the natural enemy appears, they will only run away, and will not organize to resist. Those who have been eaten have become a link in the food chain. Only when their chicks are attacked, the parent birds will attack.

People and animals are sometimes very similar, especially group behavior, Jung called this "collective subconscious mind" also known as the soul of the world or the memory of the universe, it is not a forgotten part, but something we are not aware of all the time . Jung once used the analogy of an island. The small islands above the water are the consciousness that people can perceive; The seabed is the collective subconscious.

Thoth is the god in charge of the "Akasha Secret Record", which records all the activities of all living beings, including all the lives that have ever lived and will live.

Every child with magical talent will appear in a book at Hogwarts. At that time, a woman in an emerald green witch robe will write a letter to each child according to the name in the book, informing them to come to the magic school. read.

But not everyone will go. Fat monks also have hidden wizards in the seminary and in the church. They help people who are plagued by plague and other problems, let them find peace and safety.

It’s just that sometimes, demons also get involved. They deceive the world with lies. They can cure all diseases with holy water, or they can achieve pregnancy by looking at holy objects. People who have nowhere to go donate money to them, but they can’t solve any problems. .

Those people who are clean and bright on the outside and inside are very beautiful, but they are only a minority after all.

There are people in this world who are superficial, and there are people who are as beautiful as a rainbow. Until one day, you will meet a person who is as beautiful as a rainbow. After you meet that person, other people will be just clouds to you.

Pomona hoped that she was not a cloud in Severus' eyes. The living and the dead competed, and the living lost more, but it was very difficult to compete with Lily Evans, because she lived in the sun, who See the rainbow appear at night.

Lily couldn't forgive Severus because he was obsessed with black magic, and she felt that as long as black magic was used correctly, it would be fine.

It's a pity that God is not fair to her, she appeared too late, the greatest advantage of Severus is his devotion, he has died once, sometimes she doesn't know if she is dreaming, or standing on the side of Eris Before the magic mirror, be just another person who is wasting time in front of the mirror.

"It's hopeless, this area has been turned upside down, and it's impossible to find any clues," Monica said.

"What was the house used for after the Peruzzi bank collapsed?" Severus asked.

"Edward III stopped repaying the loan, Peruzzi went bankrupt immediately, all the assets were mortgaged, and in the subsequent liquidation, the depositor only got less than half of the deposit." Gianluca said, "You know that the real estate transaction in Venice left How many certificates do you have?"

"Why are you looking for a needle in a haystack and continue to look for clues to the Knights Templar? They obviously don't want to be found." Pomona said with a burst of inspiration, "Your purpose is to persuade the Vatican to deposit money in your bank. Why don't you protect St. Francis's?" What? I remember that the Swiss are not protecting the Pope of this faction."

In fact, Clement VII was quite profligate. He was the illegitimate son of the Medici family. After his father was assassinated, he was raised by his uncle. Concerned about the interests of the Medici family.

"The current pope is not from this faction," Monica said.

"How about we go to the island?" Severus said. "What else is there to see on that island?"

"There's a monastery on the island," Monica said.

"Oh, sounds good." Severus smirked bitterly. "How dare you take two wizards to a dead monastery."

"He hated the Abbey," Pomona explained to Monica.

"Who likes a monastery? I'm not a monk!" Severus swore. "The old fool made the school look like a monastery. He wasted my best years."

"You really think you're the only one who can attract girls?" Pomona said angrily.

"I attract you, don't I?" He said arrogantly, so angry that she lost her ability to think.

"We can go to Le Vignoles, where there is also a viceroy who specializes in wine." said the rich man Gianluca.

"The kind the Doge drinks?" asked Pomona.

"That's right." Gianluca shrugged. "They still use traditional crafts, and there is a well-preserved fort nearby."

"I think you've already decided, haven't you?" Monica said helplessly.

"Is it far there with a gondola?" Pomona asked.

"Sandy is coming in the afternoon, so Leonardo's boat is not needed." Monica said, "San Francisco Island is only accessible by private boat."

"I said no."

"Those islands are not far away, and I think the cypress garden of the monastery is very beautiful." Monica ignored Severus' protest and said directly to Pomona.

Pomona looked around and saw that there was a long slope here. Indeed, as Monica said, the St. Paul district had been turned upside down.

Although the Peruzzi family was Venetian, it occupied the main position in Florence before the rise of the Medici family. From the middle of the 11th century, it was intertwined with the rise of the entire Florence area.

The prosperity of the Peruzzi family was inseparable from the prosperity of the textile industry at that time. The main business of the whole family was the textile industry. They bought high-grade wool from the UK, and then sold it to high-end places such as Paris and Naples. Spices connect from the East.

The Peruzzi family was also the creditor of the British and French kings, so they monopolized the sales of British wool and the French wheat export trade. In 1338 and 1339, King Edward III of England launched the Hundred Years War for France and borrowed 1.25 million from Peruzzi and Bardi. GBP, of which GBP 750,000 for the purchase of military equipment, at an interest rate of 50%.

Although it is said that Edward III borrowed money and did not repay his losses, it is wrong for bankers to lend usury. High profits under high risks are not a long-term solution. Speculators often suffer their own consequences, and life also experiences ups and downs. fell.

This small area has witnessed the ups and downs. Many families got rich overnight, and then suddenly closed down and disappeared. The property that once belonged to them was transferred to others, and the hard work of my life was gone.

Although Edward III's refusal to repay the money hurt the vitality of the two banks, but what really killed them was the bank run. Small citizens put all their property in the bank, and after hearing the negative news, they went to withdraw money, just like Nash equilibrium If the person who withdraws money keeps withdrawing money and finds that there is always money to take out, then he will deposit the money back. There is no bank vault insurance in his home.

It was built and repaired, repaired and demolished, anyway, it was a cheap brick house, no expensive stone was used, and the only things worth preserving were a few churches.

From Clement V to Gregory XI, they were all French popes. The topic of the Holy See is not suitable for chatting in this secular city. There are too many secrets in it.

The Bible says that no interest can be charged on lending money, let alone usury, but even 1% interest, as long as it is profitable, cannot stop people's greed. This is the root of the US subprime mortgage crisis. Money is too easy No, speculators can't help it, they make money and then squander it, buying all kinds of luxury goods. When they really need money to save the market, they probably can't afford it. If they don't jump off the building, they have to go to a monastery-like prison for high-IQ criminals. Lived the rest of my life.

"Let's go after lunch, I want to eat suckling pig," said Pomona cheerfully. "I heard that's the new Italian food?"

"There are good cooks on that island," Gianluca said.

Pomona didn't bother to talk to him.

There is no roast suckling pig dish on the table at Hogwarts. If the taste is good enough, there will be another dish on the table of the school banquet in the future.

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