Once there was such a choice, there were ten children, and they made an appointment to go to the railway to play. The 9 children chose to go to the new railway track, thinking it was exciting, and the only child stayed on the old railway track. When the train came, the driver had no time to brake. He could only choose between killing one child and killing 9 children.

If Pomona chooses, she will choose to run over those 9 children and take the new track, because she is not the only one on that train, there are hundreds of passengers, she will not take the risk of derailing the train and go on the old track railroad track.

She likes children very much, but sometimes, children will make wrong choices. The reason why social animals live in groups is to rely on numbers to win.

The clan will protect the cubs to a certain extent, but they will not protect everything. It is the dead end that the nine children have found by themselves, just like the Muggles pulling the eyelids of the Sleeping Dragon.

Similarly, Marcandobeo Justinian also had to face such a choice, whether to sacrifice the interests of Venice as a country to allow the Holy See to continue to exist, or to let Rome go bankrupt due to financial problems, which eventually led to credit bankruptcy. Christianity exists.

Just like the emperor wanted to unify Rome, the Pope wanted to unite Europe and jointly deal with the threat posed by the Ottoman Empire to the Mediterranean Sea. Before Innocent XI came to the throne, Pope Clement X sat on the throne. Although he is 80 years old, he is still very ambitious, trying to defeat the aggressive arrogance of Louis XIV of France.

Louis XIV continued to expand his royal power, strengthened his control over the church, and ignored the Holy See. In 1673, an imperial decree was issued announcing that the king would appoint bishops to fill vacancies and tax the newly appointed bishops. Clement X made a speech and angrily refuted it. But after the Black Death, the situation of the Holy See is not what it used to be, and the King of France doesn't take his opinion seriously at all.

Clement X reorganized the finances of the Holy See, increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. However, he allocated a huge sum of money to assist the Polish King Jan Sobieski to fight against the Ottoman Empire. In the Battle of Vienna in 1683, the equipment of the Polish hussars and the Clementine who came like an "angel" at the critical moment of victory or defeat The tenth pope's gift has a great relationship.

Before Marcandonio Justinian, there were three doges during the accession of Clement X in 1670, Alvese Contalini, Nicolo Sagredo, and Domenico II. Contarini.

Venice’s army has always been weak, while the navy adopts a mercenary system. Poland’s inland location is beyond the reach of the Venetian navy. Under the Pope’s call, spending money to buy equipment for the Polish cavalry is what a devout believer should do.

When the Ottoman Empire focused on land warfare, the navy should theoretically relax, but the fact is not as they thought, the Ottoman Empire's navy is still strong.

Venice misappropriated the navy's armaments to support the army. This is a more rational choice. The problem is that people in the Holy See are not like this.

Compared with Protestants, Catholicism is much more gorgeous and spends more money, which is why the two popes cut expenses and rectified their finances.

Extravagant consumption, extravagant spending, no matter how many sources there are, you have to sit and eat. The Roman Copper Table Law classifies wasteful people as incapacitated people like mental patients. Venice in the 17th century is no longer the sea empire that used to be rich in money. .

Information about Marcandonio Justinian is hard to find in this public library, but there is one about Alvese Contalini's love affair.

Alessandro Stradella is a famous Italian composer. Although he is not as well-known as the devil's trill, he mainly wrote religious festival songs, and used the orchestration of the concerto to accompany the aria, replacing the previous The pipe organ is a representative of Baroque music, and once composed music for the Queen of Sweden, and is a representative of chamber music.

He offended great men, embezzled church funds in Rome, and made great men's wives and mistresses in Venice.

So it's no surprise that he's occasionally received death threats.

He later served as music teacher to Agnes, the mistress of Alvese Contalini, and the two eventually eloped when the Doge sent assassins to assassinate Alessandro Stradella, after all the beheaded Marino An example of that was there, but Stradella got away with it.

They fled to Genoa, and the two had a peaceful life for a while. Finally, Stradella was assassinated. The hired killer was the famous Italian Lomerini family, but it is unknown who the killer was.

Compared with the merchants and free cities of the time, the credit of European monarchs and princes was very poor. The premature death of the monarch, military failures, and unexpected disasters can wipe out the money of the lender. If the royal family defaulted maliciously, the lenders had no right to a court trial; they could not even pursue it from the successors of the princes. The lender's only sanction is no future loans. Therefore, the royal family borrowed at extremely high interest rates at that time, especially without sufficient collateral.

The domino effect brought about by the bankruptcy of the Baldi and Peruzzi families caused the entire European economy to stagnate for 100 years. bad debts.

From the end of the fifteenth century to the first half of the sixteenth century, the Fugger family of South Germany seized the dominant position once held by Italian bankers. Starting with a loan from the Habsburg royal family, the Fugger family, which started the textile industry, obtained a large number of mining rights for silver mines, copper mines, and iron mines in Central Europe and the Americas. The family successively took refuge in the two Holy Roman Emperors of the Habsburg family. Their wealth reached its peak after the 1610s, and its political influence was second to none.

The Fugger family spent 850,000 gulden to bribe the electors to ensure that Charles V of Habsburg could defeat the candidate king of France and become emperor. The Spanish Empire under Charles V became the greatest empire in Europe after the Roman Empire, but after incurring a debt of 20 million ducats, Charles V passed on the throne to his son Philip II, who took the throne in the second year of Spain They declared bankruptcy, and the Fugger family lost everything.

Fortunately, the Fugger and other families also received other compensation: a monopoly on the procurement of military supplies in Spain and the mercury mine in Almaden. Fugger Bank did not go bankrupt due to debt default, but as a commercial bank, it suffered huge losses of funds and reputation.

The period from 1557 to 1627 is known as the "Age of Genoa". During this period, the Genoese banking families that controlled the European financial industry included: the Spinola family, the Doria family, the Centurion family, the Grimalti family and the Lomerini family.

Among them, the Spinola family and the Doria family have been the dominant players in Genoa's political arena since the 1370s, and they are also the core of the Genoese system that finances the Spanish royal family.

History has taught these usury businessmen a lesson, never lend money to people who are stronger and thicker than you. The relationship between Genoa and Venice is tense, but they still have interests. Those who are pro-Spanish royal family have pro-Venice governors Yes, Stradella thought that if he fled to Genoa, he would not have to worry about being hunted down by the Governor of Venice, but he didn't expect that the big men would "help each other" in private. Hiring a killer to kill a musician is very important to the Lomerini family. Just a little bit of effort.

A banker often faces a problem. If the loaned money is not returned, he will go bankrupt if the loan becomes bad, and he will suddenly fall from the cloud to the bottom.

So who to lend the money to becomes a problem.

According to Newt Scamander, he gave Jacob the eggshells of the bird and snake, and the "silver" became collateral, and then Jacob got a loan and opened his dream bakery.

But it is not so easy for ordinary people to borrow money. According to the Matthew effect, the strong dominate the strong, and people with fame, status and wealth are more likely to obtain loans than assembly line workers like Jacob.

Ludo Bagman, the former Department of Sports of the Ministry of Magic, is a big celebrity, and it is easy for him to find a goblin for a loan. How could he default on his debt as the director of the Department of Sports and Sports?

Facts have proved that Ludo not only reneges on debts, but also runs away, and cheats the Weasley twins with Leprechaun's gold coins, and even dares to cheat the children's money.

If Lockhart goes to the goblin for a loan, he can easily borrow it, after all, everyone knows him, but if he takes a look at the basilisk in the Slytherin secret room, he will die like Myrtle, and the goblin will have to bear it Bad debts, people are dead, are they asking his ghost for debts?

The magic about the soul is somewhat dark magic in nature, and Voldemort's Horcrux is one of them.

Lightning struck the tower and then detonated the armory, what stupid Italians.

This is known all over the world.

Look at those Italian soldiers in World War II, how happy they were laughing, it really is Italian.

So how to check the weather on August 29, 1689?

Maybe it’s recorded in someone’s diary. Many people will habitually write down the weather of the day in the diary. It’s just that the weather on the sea is changeable, and no one knows the exact weather.

This is similar to what London Gas revealed. History is a little girl dressed up casually. Be careful not to tear her human skin after removing her makeup.

It should be easier for supermodels to borrow money than ordinary women. After all, they are very beautiful. No wonder losing a pound of human flesh is so expensive now.

It's just that it's almost hard for those commoner girls to end up in that world.

If there are professional killers, there are professional corpse collectors. Werewolves like to eat human flesh, and the missing police will not file a case.

Just like pigeons attracted by pigeon food, they will basically be eaten and wiped out when they enter this "circle" until they have no value at all.

On the island of Venice, there is a monastery for girls with syphilis. Syphilis can destroy brain tissue. As the disease progresses, mental abnormalities will increase, especially the decline of personality and reason. The main manifestation of cerebral syphilis is paralytic dementia. Misdiagnosed as a mental patient.

"Tsk tsk." Pomona looked at the dirty diary in admiration.

I don’t know if the son of a rich businessman who wrote this diary is really crazy or he was mentally disturbed by syphilis. The scribbled handwriting is all about his affairs with those noble ladies and mistresses. The fundamental measure to prevent cerebral syphilis is to cleanse yourself People like him don't live long.

"What's the catch?" Severus asked.

"The collective madness that occurred in Venice in the 18th century has nothing to do with the curse of the devil. The monks in San Servolo Island used electric shock therapy and crosses to treat the mental illnesses. They need penicillin."

Can this kind of "same prostitute" friendship last forever?

Pomona burned that diary with a blazing flame. This book is worthless, and it is still a poisonous thing. Priests and monks should really burn it.

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