Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 798 Mind Hunter

When a person has to look at the dark and ugly side of human nature every day, he is like staring into the abyss. When fighting monsters, he must be careful not to become a monster himself.

Just as Jack the Ripper wanted to know what was going on in the woman's mind, so did the detectives who were hunting Jack, trying to figure out what the serial killer was thinking.

They want to catch him, get fame or something, because most of them are men after all.

Only women like the victim would want to find him out of the crowd.

Compared with the desire to pursue fame and fortune, the desire to survive is stronger, and those children who are sent into the labyrinth of the Minotaur will also run for the desire to survive.

Only drunk people will be confused in the dark, tortuous maze where monsters appear.

I didn't even know I was running, and no matter how others reminded me, it was useless.

Not everyone, like Harry, would give up the temptation of being a champion and go back to Cedric.

However, the end of the labyrinth is not the way to escape from birth. The monster is waiting for people who can't stand the temptation of fame and fortune to step into his trap.

Human beings will have fear and curiosity when facing the unknown. If the curiosity is too strong, such as dissecting a woman's body like Jack the Ripper and studying the structure inside, this kind of curiosity is not as good as the negative emotion of fear.

Like love, it can make your heart beat faster.

At this time, adrenaline will soar. This is a stress response to the external environment. People who are not clear-headed will become obsessed with serial killers.

Fascinated by the dark and terrifying thoughts in the minds of despicable monsters, people prefer to be "hunters" rather than "prey."

The Death Eaters met these psychological needs of people. Some wizards joined them and put on masks, so that they could enjoy the joy of killing without worrying about being judged after losing the war.

No one really hoped that Voldemort would win. This is what Severus said. At that time, there were so many followers of Voldemort, and they could get some benefits from joining this "family", such as power, treasures, collection of books, and even participating in the killing of Muggles. game.

Normal people will find them disgusting, and abnormal or incapable of distinguishing right from wrong will find these "killers" cool.

More than a hundred years have passed, and few people sympathize with those victims, and more people are "followers" of Jack the Ripper.

They are not the same as the successful "detectives" who are eager to catch "Jack".

If serial killers are an extreme representation of human culture, these killers can be intelligent, organized geniuses. People like something because of their own desires. Those "followers" have the desire to do evil, but because they fear the law and the police's investigative skills, they have to obey the law.

Serial killers have evolved in the same way human civilization has evolved.

Streets with cameras are no longer suitable for public dissection, not in rural and remote areas, but you can change the way of thinking, such as building a hotel, Lucius Malfoy's ancestors did this, but at that time they used the Black Death as a An excuse to conceal the mysterious disappearance of those Muggles.

The 1893 World's Fair in America was held in Chicago, and Henry Howard Holmes, the handsome son of a farmer, took advantage of the opportunity to conceive a sinister plan in his mind.

He started to renovate his hotel. The first floor is an ordinary shopping mall selling clothes and jewelry, while the more than 100 guest rooms on the second and third floors have no windows and excellent sound insulation. In addition, gas pipes were laid in some airtight rooms to be used as gas chambers. In order not to discover his plans, Holmes replaced several batches of workers during the construction of the hotel.

The hotel has been in operation for three years, and the police dug up more than 200 corpses under his hotel, almost all of them were women, some of them were migrant workers, and some were traveling.

Holmes was sentenced to be hanged in 1896. Before he died, the devil did not forget to justify himself and asked himself to use cement to seal his coffin after his death. The reason was to prevent other doctors from stealing his body for research. .

Henry Howard Holmes was a student in medical school. At that time, there were frequent traffic accidents in Chicago. It was not difficult to obtain the corpse, but he was short of money. Holmes went to the school morgue to steal the corpse and pretended to be a traffic accident. In order to defraud the insurance company of the insurance money.

With the money defrauded by his ex-wife's legacy shops and universities, Holmes began to manufacture and sell counterfeit and shoddy medicines. In just a few years, he accumulated a large fortune and used this wealth to build a building. In a three-story luxury hotel, he can enjoy the joy of "chasing" in this "maze" designed by himself. Maybe he dissected those girls, so he was particularly afraid of being studied. Einstein's brain was dissected Now, people wonder if it is the difference in body structure that makes these people different from ordinary people.

Even serial killers have something to be afraid of, how scary are "fearless" people.

Just like we humans treat animals, we domesticate and kill them, just like serial killers enslave and kill their human playthings.

A lunatic does not feel that he is a lunatic. He has his own set of logic. For example, prostitutes and homeless people are dirty and should be destroyed. Killing them is to make the world "cleaner". Scavenger" and the like, while dissecting the body of a prostitute contributes to scientific progress, he counts as a "waste utilization", rational madmen are more cunning than those chaotic madmen. The chaotic lunatic made no secret of it. Bellatrix was an example. She was obsessed with the Dark Lord, and she always took the lead in every killing mission, but she was very obedient in front of the Dark Lord.

In the 1970s, such women were not uncommon, and they were still jealous of Bella, because Tom Riddle was extremely handsome, and Sirius Black was also very handsome, but he was like the brightest star in the dark, while the Dark Lord was pure Evil and dark, his extreme thoughts cater to many people, especially those purebloods who have magical powers but live without the comfort of rich people.

Don't flaunt your wealth, it will make others jealous, and you will act aggressively, but some people still won't listen.

Why should they listen to a poor ghost teacher?

The desire to show off is also a desire, which will attract the attention of others, and the envious eyes of others will make him feel that the way of life he chooses is correct, and the knowledge passed down by his ancestors is outdated.

Maybe they won't realize that the world they live in is not so safe until they are robbed and killed by homeless men like Batman's parents, but it's too late to regret after falling in a pool of blood.

They made their own choices, listening to the vibrato of the devil, and those who chose to listen to the angel's trumpet, such as Batista and Zanetti, whose status was very different, but did not hinder their love.

When the peasant girl Zanetti fled to Venice because of the famine and war, Batista helped her, and then they helped more people in need together. Maybe they didn’t leave any sculptures and paintings, these exquisite paintings works of art, but their "inheritance" has been inherited.

Just like William, the pastor of the town of sages, wrote on the epitaph: "I hope you will pass on the goodness."

She is obviously an evil and greedy witch, why should she listen to these priests' nonsense?

On the wood-panelled wall of the library hangs a charcoal sketch of the Church of San Antonio, with exactly seven Byzantine-temple-like cupolas.

"I hate 7," she cursed, staring at the painting.

"Me too." Severus said, "The old fool is confused, and I am also confused. Including Harry Potter, there are only seven Horcruxes."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Severus was silent for a while, and just when she thought he wouldn't answer, he said, "Witches should be protected, men must grow up, you have suffered enough."

She heard this sentence very well.

"Like you only beat Harry and Ron and leave Hermione alone?" she asked.

"What else could be the reason?"

"That's why I like wizards." Pomona put her arms around his neck, leaving a lipstick mark on that pale and thin face.

"Oh, hell." He wiped away the lip marks on his face as if he was dirty, which made his face turn a little bloody, and he no longer looked like a ghost, but a real living person.

"You're cute, Severus." She smiled at the scary old Slytherin bat.

It's fun to watch him chase and pack the dreamy duo through the labyrinthine Hogwarts castle, even though he's just as ugly as the faun.

Being praised so directly, he seemed petrified and didn't know how to react.

After a long time, he pulled his robe and turned away. The moment he turned around, the corners of his mouth were upturned, as if he was smiling.

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