"Good afternoon, Parth."

As soon as Paz left the library, the red-haired Weasley twins appeared out of nowhere, one of them put their hands on his shoulders and took him to a corner where no one was.

"Something's wrong? Paz asked calmly

"Last time, Professor McGonagall thought we had attacked Filch and were punished to clean the toilet for a week," one of the red-haired twins said angrily,"In fact, we don't even know how to use the Stunning Charm."

"But they just thought that Night Out also attacked Filch."

"Really a sad story."Twins, you say something and I complain to Paz.

"Professor Snape, what's the matter?"Paz suddenly said.

The twins were stunned. When they turned around, they saw the old bat with greasy hair walking towards this side.

"I heard about Filch. Snape glanced at the Weasley brothers with blank eyes, then landed on Paz and said,"Mrs. Pince told me that several books were taken away from the restricted area of the library." Paz said nothing and stared at Snape expressionlessly.

The two stared at each other for more than a minute before Snape took the lead and said,"Don't let me see you wandering around the castle at night. If you are caught by me, caught……"

"You won't stand a chance. Paz interrupted calmly:"Because I didn't travel at night at all.""

The corners of the twins' mouths twitched. Isn't this the one who lies without blinking an eye?

"Hum, I hope so, otherwise I will fire you myself."Snape left these words and turned around to leave.

"That's a shame, I remember only the dean has that power."

Snape left with a stinking face.

"The old bat's momentum is so terrifying! The twins looked at each other, gave Paz a thumbs up and said,"I'm afraid you are the only one in the whole school who dares to talk to him like this.""

"What's the matter with you? asked Paz.

"How did you do it last time, the magic that made you disappear?"Fred asked quietly.

"Book of Spells, page 138."Paz glanced at the twins, then turned and left.

"What did he just say?"Fred said suddenly

"Book of Spells, page 138." George repeated

"Brother, what are you waiting for?"The two looked at each other with excited smiles and immediately headed to the library.

As long as they can master such invisibility magic, they won't have to worry about being caught by Filch when traveling at night in the future.

However, is it really that simple?

Wait for Wei The Sly twins worked hard to find the book of spells in the forbidden book area, but found that they could not master such a complex magic.

It was too difficult for these wizards who were new to magic.

He hasn't even mastered the levitating spell yet.

When he returned to the Ravenclaw lounge, many people looked at him strangely.

"I heard that you made Snape very angry."Eddie suddenly said

"Who said that. asked Parth

"Just now, Qiu saw Snape frightening a Hufflepuff girl to tears. Eddie gossiped:"I heard that his face was as black as coke.""

"Are you OK? Qiu asked

"nothing. Paz said nonchalantly,"Snape has no reason to trouble me, and he doesn't have the chance.""

"Paz, can you lend me a copy of the Transfiguration paper... for reference, it will be handed in tomorrow."Marcos pleaded

"I don't have to hand over that thing."Paz shattered Marcos's expectations.

He could easily turn a match into a finely carved silver needle. Professor McGonagall generously gave extra points to Ravenclaw and exempted Paz from his after-school homework.

"I know you must be a little right!"Marcos looked at Paz expectantly.

"No, that thing is too simple, there is no need to keep records."Paz once again gave the opponent a heavy blow.

It was too... too simple.

Several people present felt like they had been shot in the heart.

"Oh no! Marcos held his head in despair,"Qiu, you must be ready!""

"No, I remember last time I saw you recording something in class. Eddie said suddenly, his words were like the sunshine in winter, making Marcos see hope again.

"That's not... never mind."Seeing their suspicious looks, Paz pulled out a dozen folded parchments from a book and handed it out.

Marcos quickly reached out to grab it and read out the title on it.

Transformation and spells are simply combined. Application: What the hell is this?

He continued to read.




Everyone is silent, what is this?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a similar spell!

No, right? Absolutely not!

The paper is long, densely packed with analysis, use and regulations of this spell.

When they patiently read the end of the parchment, there was an evaluation written by Paz: a meaningless combination, the damage it can cause is average, and a stronger iron armor spell can block it.

The only way out... flexibly control the acupuncture so that it can attack the enemy from all directions, which can effectively deal with the iron armor spell that only has one side...

Suggestion: Use the protective arrow magic to effectively prevent this magic...

Several people were confused, this is all What’s more?

"Have you developed a spell?"Marcos said in disbelief:"Also, what is this arrow protection magic? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I have only heard of the curse of Thousand Arrows. murmured Eddie.

"Thousands of needles come together."Qiu raised her wand and cast a spell on a vase, but nothing happened and the spell was ineffective.

"Your control skills are not enough."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a bang. I didn't know it was the eavesdropping senior wizard who tried the spell and broke the furniture.

"What are you doing, trying to kill someone?"Robert glared angrily at the culprit who caused all this.

Eddie swallowed, looked at Paz in awe and said,"This is really powerful. It's not a curse anymore. It may be considered some kind of black magic. Bar!"

Looking at the chair that was shot into a hornet's nest, no one would doubt the power of the spell.

As a result, such a spell received a meaningless evaluation.

So what kind of magic can be considered meaningful?

Anyway, The unlucky man who had just tried magic in the lounge had been dragged to see the dean by the angry Robert. As for the chair, it had been repaired. However

, the eyes of several people looking at Paz became complicated.

Age, when I am still practicing spells hard, others have developed their own spells.

Why is there such a big gap between people? ps: I will sign a contract when I have time in two days. I really don’t have time at the moment. I can update it twice a day, so I shamelessly ask for all kinds of information.

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