On the day of the exam, the teacher gave the students new quills specifically for exams, with spells to prevent cheating.

Of course, the first-year exam at Hogwarts is not difficult at all for Paz, just like filling in 1+1=? Just as easy.

He completed all the exams easily, and his grades were among the best in the grade. After all, they were all perfect scores.

This undoubtedly confirmed his reputation as a genius, but Paz himself didn't care about these things at all.

Now, Paz is participating in a Wizard Chess event held by the Transfiguration Club. Both sides control a human-sized wizard chess piece and engage in a brutal fight on a huge chessboard array. This is undoubtedly a very interesting thing.

"You lose, Diggory."

Digory's black king was chopped down by the white knight Paz, which brought the curtain to this tragic battle.

Digory stepped forward to shake hands with Paz and said with a smile:"You are really powerful. Maybe, you can Consider participating in the International Wizards Chess Tournament"

"I'm not interested in that stuff."Pasi Dao

"Well, I guessed you would say that too. Digory shrugged and said,"Which one of you is ready to challenge?""

"I didn't expect Lannister to be so good at chess."Percy couldn't help sighing, and took the initiative to step forward and said,"I'll give it a try."

Of course, the result can be imagined. Percy lost, and the advantages of losing were miserable.

"It seems that you have no talent in this area. Penello looked at Paz with a smile and said,"By the way, Lannister, Professor McGonagall is looking for you and is waiting for you in her office.""

"Oh, Professor McGonagall?"After Paz said goodbye to several other members of the Transfiguration Club, he walked towards Professor McGonagall's office. He knocked on the door and opened the door after receiving permission.

"What's the matter, Professor McGonagall?"Paz asked straight to the point.

"Dumbledore wanted to set up a secret room in the school to protect the Sorcerer's Stone. He said that if you know about the Sorcerer's Stone, you can be trusted."Professor McGonagall is willing to believe in Dumbledore's vision. She also knows that Paz was at Nico's place a while ago. It is not surprising that he knows about the Philosopher's Stone.

"Oh, the magic stone! Therefore, Dumbledore planned to place the Sorcerer's Stone in Hogwarts to lure Voldemort over. This was a brilliant idea. Paz looked at the slightly trembling Professor McGonagall, frowned slightly and asked,"What's wrong, Professor?""

"Nothing, don't say that name."Professor McGonagall said rather helplessly.

"oh! Paz responded casually,"What does the professor want me to do?""

"I hear you're very good at wizard chess."Professor McGonagall said what she wanted to do to find Paz.

"So, you're going to use the chessboard as a level? Paz frowned and reminded:"With all due respect, that thing is as fragile as a toy. If you are guarding against the person, you can easily break through his defense.""

"I know that, and we will make other arrangements."Professor McGonagall explained,"However, the difficulty of the chessboard does not need to be too high, it just needs to be so that those naughty students cannot get in.""

"It turns out that it is used to protect others! Paz nodded and said:"I think this matter is very interesting. Since you are planning to set up a trap to hunt Voldemort, please let me participate. I also want to see that person. Oh, I almost forgot. I will go to Dumbledore right now." Lido said this"

"Goodbye Professor McGonagall."Paz left quickly under the stunned gaze of Professor McGonagall.

After saying goodbye to Professor McGonagall, Paz went directly to the principal's office on the eighth floor to find Dumbledore.

Snape was also there, and the two seemed to have just finished discussing something. thing

"What's the matter, Mr. Lannister? asked Dumbledore

"I hear you, you're going to have fun with Voldemort, so please leave the level setting to me. Paz said directly, not paying attention to Snape's stunned expression.

Snape let out a bad laugh, coughed slightly and said,"With all due respect, Mr. Lannister seems to be too arrogant because of the perfect score in the exam."

Paz just waved his hand gently, seeming to say to Snape:"Children, go and play.""

"Why, Mr. Lannister is interested in this."Dumbledore asked with a smile.

"It should be said that I am interested in Voldemort, if you don't mind letting me come."Paz ignored Snape's murderous gaze and said to Dumbledore:"Since he is a very powerful dark wizard, I am very interested in having a strange duel with him."

"What are you going to do?"Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"Tell me what kind of person Voldemort is"

"He, he himself is very capable, but he is also a person who doesn't like rules very much. Most of the time he likes to use violence to make the other party submit."

"This is not difficult to understand. Strong people will do this. After all, rules are originally prepared for the weak."Paz said something that stunned the two of them without caring.

"Where do you plan to locate the location? I will give you the plan in two days. By the way, you need to provide the materials."

"In fact, I plan to involve other teachers to design the levels together"

"I've heard of Professor McGonagall's guarding style. To be honest, it's very simple. It makes no sense at all for people like Voldemort. Why don't you let me design the levels? I'm still good at this. Besides, I believe you won't deprive me of the fun."

"Right, Mr. Principal."Paz looked at Dumbledore and said word by word.

"Well, I can agree. Dumbledore said with a smile:"But before that, I want to see the level you designed.""

"Of course, you will definitely find it very interesting"

"With all due respect, I don't think the freshmen will come up with anything good."Snape reminded again, obviously with a deep distrust of Paz.

"Of course, of course, I can understand your point of view. Paz looked at Snape with a smile and said,"After I design the level, I hope you can try the power first. It will definitely be very interesting. I promise.""

"Dumbledore, do you really believe what he says?"Snape looked at Dumbledore in disbelief.

"Aren't you curious? Believe me, Mr. Lannister is more reliable than you think."

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