The rest of the time, Pasi basically spent in the company of books, he himself did not feel boring, most arcanists squat at home, usually conducting magic research for several months.

By the time he came to his senses, it was already the end of August.

After packing his luggage and resting for a few days, he headed to London Railway Station alone. The collection of books at Hogwarts is a great attraction for Paz.

He needs that knowledge.

Where is Platform 9 and 3/4?

Paz didn't know, but that didn't stop him from finding the entrance.

Magic will always leave some traces, and the constant arcane vision on his body allows him to easily detect traces of magic.

There are several wizards nearby who are staring at the area. They don't know what they want to do, but they are sure that the target is not themselves.

Not far away, a boy pushed his luggage and rushed towards the ticket gate between platforms 9 and 10. He disappeared before others noticed anything strange.

It has always been difficult for Paz to understand why this decent wizard hides like a mouse.

After the family disappeared, he followed them into the station. At the moment they disappeared, he felt several eyes falling on him.

"That boy just now was also a student at Hogwarts?"A wizard dressed as a Muggle looked at Paz's disappearing back and whispered:"Where is his salute?"

Both wizards thought that Paz was an ordinary Muggle, but they didn't expect that the other party had successfully passed through the wall.

Paz was unaware of the doubts of the two wizards. He was observing the changes in front of him. It turned out that the ticket check The entrance turned into an archway with the words: Platform 9 and 3/4.

A dark red steam locomotive parked next to the platform filled with passengers.

The sign on the train read: Hogwarts Express.

The smoke of the steam locomotive lingered over the noisy crowd, and the carriage was already filled with wizards. Some of them leaned out of the windows to talk to their families, and some were playing in the seats.

Paz found a quiet empty seat and used magic. Locking the carriage door and blocking out the sound from outside,

Qiu Zhang knocked on the carriage door with her hands at some unknown time, followed by the girl she met in the wand shop last time.

"What's up?"Paz opened the door and asked

"What's going on with this door? Why can't it be opened? Did you lock it with magic? Marietta looked at Paz suspiciously, then glanced at the book on the table and said,"I hope we didn't disturb you.""

"If you think you're disturbing me, you should get out."Paz said unceremoniously

"Paz likes to read books? Qiu said slightly surprised,"You will definitely be assigned to Ravenclaw.""

She was already sitting opposite the boy, looking at the book on the table,"The Fifth Element: Exploration"》?

"Are you sure you can understand this book?"Marietta looked at Paz suspiciously, and found that the boy ignored her, and muttered a little annoyed:"Pretentious."

However, Marietta didn't speak anymore, because Paz looked directly at her calmly, causing the girl to look away involuntarily and shut her mouth obediently.

Qiu Zhang secretly pulled Marietta, signaling her not to say that, and raised her head to say He caught Paz's gaze and asked,"By the way, have you received my letter? Why didn't you reply to me?"

"I don't have an owl."Paz responded. He didn't know where those letters were. He hadn't read any of them yet.

"We're almost at the station. You'd better change clothes quickly. Marietta didn't like this annoying guy very much, and suddenly asked:"By the way, where is your luggage?""

"It's none of your business."Paz moved his eyes to Marietta and said calmly

"you're right!"Marietta stood up angrily, took Qiu with her and prepared to leave.

"Ah, Marietta, I haven't said thank you to Paz yet."Qiu looked at her friend reproachfully

"That guy won't appreciate it. Look at his attitude just now, as if someone owed him a bunch of galleons. Marietta said angrily,"That's just a nuisance."……"

"Okay, if you don't want to go, just wait for me here."Qiu said helplessly. She could see that Marietta hated Paz.

"Okay, I'll follow you there again. Marietta was a little reluctant and muttered:"Qiu, you should be careful. Guys who hang out in Knockturn Alley are not good people.""

"Know."As soon as they turned back, they saw the boy in the box, raising his wand as if he was preparing to cast a spell.

Marietta curled her lips disdainfully, but saw Paz tap lightly on his clothes with his wand, and the Muggle suit The clothes turned into a set of ordinary wizard robes in the blink of an eye.

"this……"Marietta was stunned for a moment, and even Qiu was stunned.

The girl's face turned red. What did she say just now... Now, those words were like slaps on her face, hitting her hard and blinding her.

"How could he use such complicated magic."Marietta roared in her heart, but the reality is so cruel

"How did you do that just now! Marietta asked in surprise as she opened the door forcefully.

"How is it done? Paz asked doubtfully.

"Did you just use... magic on clothes?"

"Don't you know how? Paz raised his eyebrows and said,"It's very simple, isn't it?""

"Very simple! Marietta said weakly

"It was difficult. It took me a long time to get the top of the match to be sharp. Qiu said softly

"This robe is actually a magic item. Paz suddenly said:"It is dustproof and can be switched between wizard and Muggle costumes.""

There's another point that Paz didn't mention. Clothes can activate an improved version of defensive magic to block magic and physical damage.

An arcanist would be too embarrassed to go out without a few magic items on him?

Although, he doesn't think Hogg Watts, what a dangerous place it is

"It turned out to be a magic item?"Marietta breathed a sigh of relief and asked how there could be such a big gap between the two sides.

"Where did you buy this robe?" Qiu asked curiously."Knockturn Alley?"

"If you want it, 120 galleons a piece."Paz said calmly.

"120 Galleons, so expensive! Marietta couldn't help but widen her eyes:"Wait, you mean, you did this yourself?""

"Of course, otherwise what do you think? Paz said calmly:"If it's too expensive, don't buy it.""

"you are lying! Marietta's face flushed, and she clutched her heart, feeling that she could hardly breathe.

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