The cliffs didn't bother Dumbledore and Solim, as wizards with phoenixes, the terrain wouldn't get in their way, but Harry couldn't, it was extremely difficult for him to get out of the cliffs without a broomstick, but luckily, they had wands and two phoenixes.

Ash had been summoned by Solim, and the adult phoenix had no problem flying with the two little wizards - Harry had experienced it in his second year.

"How?" said Solim as soon as he landed, "Does it remind you of some of the past?"

Harry looked at the phoenix on Solim's arm with envy, envy to envy, but the feeling of being carried by the phoenix and flying by himself was still different, Harry still preferred to ride a broomstick.

"You don't mind getting wet, do you?" said Dumbledore, "We're going to be in the water later." "

"I think it's okay, Headmaster, it's not too hard for me to cover my whole body. Solim took out his wand and tapped it at Harry, then tapped it again.

Seeing Solim's things, Dumbledore nodded, "Since you're ready, follow me." "

With that, Dumbledore plunged his head into the icy waters, and a wave disappeared.

"Seriously, our principal doesn't look like a centenarian at all. Solim put his wand away and said to Harry, "Let's not be sluggish, let's keep up." "

After saying that, Solim also jumped into the sea.

The last time Harry was swimming in the water, Harry had used a cheek sac grass, and it was the first time he had experienced the bubble head charm covered in his body. To be honest, Harry found it a little difficult to control his body in the water, because the bubble head charm is a big bubble that wraps a person, and it is not a problem to breathe in the sea, but it is more difficult to swim.

Harry couldn't smell the salty smell of the sea, nor could he feel the coldness of the sea, and he was struggling to follow Solim and the glowing spot in front of Solim, who was Dumbledore's wand guiding them.

Thankfully, the rocks in the water can be a great help, and Harry saw Solim do it. Pushing the rocks with a hard kick of his legs, using the reaction force to keep them moving forward, Solim and Harry even caught up with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore motioned for them to stop, and Harry realized that there were steps leading to a large cavern. He struggled up the steps, the water flowing down the bubbles formed by the bubble spell.

"It looks like it's a natural cave. With the glow of Dumbledore's wand, Solim began to look at where they were.

Solim pointed his wand at Harry, and when he lifted the Bubble Head Charm, a damp and salty smell rushed straight into Harry's nose.

Dumbledore was already standing in the middle of the cavern, wand held high in his hand, and he slowly spun in circles, carefully examining the rock walls and the ceiling.

"That's right, this is the place. Dumbledore said.

"How do you know?" asked Harry in a whisper.

"There's a trace of magic here. "

Solim didn't feel any "traces of magic", but he could see the traces of man-made here, and the stone steps they had just come up were artificial.

It was very cold in the cave, and in addition to the damp cold that is characteristic of the seaside, there was also a kind of cold that penetrated into the bone marrow. It stands to reason that they shouldn't have felt cold so quickly when they had just lifted the Bubble Head Charm, but Harry was already shivering by this time.

"It's just the antechamber, it's the entrance hall," Dumbledore said after a moment, "we need to get inside...... It's Voldemort's trap that stands in our way now, not the obstacles set up by nature......"

"What mechanism?" Harry pulled out his wand and began to look around, but there was nothing unusual about him except stones and moss.

Dumbledore approached a flat rock wall, stroked it with his fingertips, and whispered something in a strange language. Dumbledore walked around the cavern twice from the left, touching the rough walls as much as he could, occasionally stopping to grope his fingers up and down somewhere. Finally, he stopped and pressed his palms flat against the cave wall.

"Solim, what do you think?" Dumbledore looked at Solim, who was speechless.

"The flat wall is quite abrupt. Solim unleashed his Patronus, and the silver-white phoenix provided a modest amount of light in the cavern.

"I don't see any signs of magic. Solim shrugged, he could tell what signs of magic he was at his age, "But it's clear that someone has been here, the stone staircase we came up just now, and the rock we're facing now - it's so flat, if I want to try, I'll start with this wall first." "

Harry looked at Solim and Dumbledore with a questioning mark, and Harry noticed the flat wall, but he still didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"Well," Dumbledore turned his head and continued to stare at the wall, "you're right, there's something wrong with this wall. "

"What's the problem?" asked Harry.

"We're going to go through it. Dumbledore looked back, "But we have to pay some price. "

Harry didn't ask Dumbledore how he knew. He had never seen a wizard solve a puzzle like this: he only saw with his eyes and touched with his hands. But Harry had long known that it was usually the characteristics of people with a lower level of skill who made a lot of ping-pong and smoke, not the style of a master.

"At what cost, Professor?" Harry felt a little uneasy, he had a bad feeling.

Dumbledore took a few steps back from the cave wall and pointed his wand at the rock. Suddenly, the outline of an arch appeared there, radiating a dazzling white light, as if there was a strong light shining behind the crack.

"Professor—you succeeded!" Harry said, but before he could finish his sentence, the outline was gone, and the rock was as hard and thick as it had been, with nothing on it. Dumbledore turned his head to look.

Obviously, Dumbledore had exposed the traces of magic on the rocks, and Solim didn't know what kind of spell Dumbledore was using, after all, Dumbledore hadn't chanted a spell just now.

"Don't babble. Solim patted Harry on the back, "The Headmaster just let the traces of magic on the rocks reveal for us to see, and if we weren't there, he wouldn't need to borrow the spell." "

Harry was about to say something to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore had turned his attention to the solid walls of the cave. He didn't try anything else, just stood there, staring intently at the cave wall, as if something extremely interesting was written on it.

Harry and Solim stood motionless.

"What is the Professor doing?" Harry whispered in Solim's ear, "haven't we found a way in?"

"Who told you we had found a way in?" Solim didn't look at Harry, but at the wall like Dumbledore. But it was clear that the wall was not the same in Solim's eyes as it was in Dumbledore's, unless Dumbledore liked to stare at a rock that was nothing.

After trying to no avail, Solim turned to Harry, "The Headmaster just told us that there were traces of magic there, and that there was a price to pay to get in - didn't you just hear that?"

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