Magic may not be the deciding factor in the outcome of a battle between wizards, but it is an important factor. Especially for an ancient family like Selwyn who had a monopoly on a large number of forbidden spells, the use of many ancient spells consumed a lot of mana. And the deeper the accumulation of mana, the more advantageous it will naturally be in battle.

Not to mention Solim, even Ogle has not had the slightest chance in his life to catch up with Cadmus in magic, let alone catch up, and don't even want to do it - this is not something that can be determined by innate talent, nor can it be made up for by acquired efforts, this accumulation of magic can only rely on time, a lot of time.

"Maybe you don't know what the spells that wizards like them use in battle look like—or are they really spells? They look more like wizards than ordinary wizards. "

Ogle sighed and said, "You haven't seen that kind of scene, so you can't feel it." The conclusion is clear: if you want to get rid of all the influence and control that your family exerts on you, then those old immortals led by that person are the 'enemies' you have to face. "

If Cadmus were to be considered an "enemy", then this wizard who was a little younger than Nicolame would definitely be a qualified enemy. With centuries of accumulated magic, Solim couldn't have imagined what it would be like when they burst out.

You know, even Solim can get a snake wood wand that can carry magic almost infinitely, as the real ruler of the Selwyn family, will Cadmus have nothing good in his hands? Not to mention, a wizard like Cadmus must have mastered some forbidden magic, which is not comparable to something like the Death Curse, but something more obscure and terrifying.

But if you think about it, if there is no miracle, it is almost impossible for a wizard born after Cadmus to surpass him - whether it is the accumulation of magic power or the mastery of those monopoly magical knowledge, it is simply not comparable to an old monster like Cadmus.

"So here's the problem—" said Ogle, "if you want to get rid of the old thing's grip on you, that Ancestor, you must have the same strength as him, if not surpassing him. "

"It's impossible. Solim shook his head, "Even a person like me who had a magic riot at the age of four would never surpass him in the accumulation of magic power, this is not a matter of talent, but a matter of time, without the accumulation of time, no matter how talented a person is, he cannot be compared to him." And those forbidden magical knowledge also takes time to learn and master, not to mention, if he really wants to resist, he is not the only one who has to face. "

"Correct!" Ogle affirmed Solim's opinion.

"But you're talking about following the same path that wizards have always followed – accumulating mana, sublimating the soul, and then accumulating mana and learning the obscure ancient magic...... If he did this, it would be impossible for him to get close to that ancestor. "

Countless wizards have paid all kinds of costs and taken all kinds of forks in the road to explore a path that belongs to wizards, and it is very difficult to surpass their predecessors on this path. At this point, it was necessary to find another way, and it was not difficult to hear from Ogle's tone that he had found that way.

"How much do you know about the world of ordinary people?" Ogle asked, "Your grandfather didn't tell me how you view ordinary people. Of course, judging by your past performance, you certainly won't be one of those wizards with bad brains, but what I want to know is what you really think of those ordinary people, and what you think they can get to where they are today...... Scale, on what basis?"

"Science. "

"It's so nice that you can say that. Ogle smiled, "I really didn't misunderstand you, you and those two stupid ...... It's not the same. "

"Yes, science - that's where the ordinary people who are looked down upon by wizards are really powerful. Suddenly Ogle seemed to be in high spirits and began to talk endlessly.

"What wizards can't do, ordinary people can often do with their technology, and in the eyes of those ancient wizards, those ordinary people's technology is more like magic. They have been able to get to where they are today because of science, they study everything, they study the origin of all kinds of phenomena in depth, which wizards can't match. "

Ogle had obviously been suppressed for too long, and he couldn't say these words to others, so he could only keep them in his heart, and when he saw that his son was similar to himself in this regard, he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Have any wizards ever thought about what these things make up our world? Why do we stand on the ground instead of floating in the air? But the ordinary people thought about it, and not only did they think about it, but they did all kinds of research to figure out these questions. And what about us? What about us wizards? What are we doing? Are we innovating? Not only are we not innovating, but how many things are we losing? Look at the wizards now, what's the difference between them and ordinary people without their wands?"

Ogle calmed down and stabilized his mood.

"You probably know a little bit about the Presbyterian Church, they know what ordinary people are capable of, and they know how powerful the weapons they make are - they even know how to send people to guard those nuclear weapons. "

Speaking of this, Ogle shook his head: "But they never wanted to delve into the power of ordinary people—which is what you just said: science. "

"Where do you think wizarding society is headed, and is it possible for us to merge with ordinary society?" Ogle's question made Solim instinctively wary.

The problems of wizarding and Muggle societies are not something that no one has ever considered, and the last person to put it into practice was called Gellert. Grindelwald – Voldemort doesn't count, he's just a bastard who does evil under that banner.

"That's not something I should be thinking about. "

Ogle looked at Solim's face carefully, "You don't have to be so nervous, I just want to hear your opinion, and you don't have to worry about me doing anything out of the ordinary, I don't have that ability at the moment." "

At the moment – Solim has a good grasp of the keyword.

Ogel, who had been watching Solim, was keen to catch his reaction. He smiled meaningfully:

"I have a lab – you should know what it is. There are experts there who are responsible for the scientific study and interpretation of our magic. If you're interested, ask Raymond and them to show you around. "

Crazy man - Solim defines what his father did.

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