Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 222: Griffon

The boy with black circle glasses, Carlson Meder, silently retracted his transformation and looked at the judges' table with anxiety.

It is enough to get the same score as yesterday this time, but it must not be lowered.

The bottom score is now eight points, his top score is four points, the previous contestant's score is four points, and this score is four points.

If his hand is under four points, then he will be at the bottom, and the bottom among the bottom.

No! One of the contestants, Carlson Meade, a boy with black circle glasses, shouted in his heart that he must get four points.

The judges' bench gave him a steady answer, 1100000011, which is four points.

Phew, contestant Carlson Meder took a long breath and smiled at his mentor at the professor's table.

When contestant Carlson Meder, a boy with black circle glasses, returned to his seat with his chair, the next contestant came on stage.

"Jasmine Melis." This time Carney paid attention to the names of the contestants.

This is a female contestant, the same contestant who had the lowest score of three points yesterday and almost cried in shame.

Not surprisingly, she was the last contestant in this Transfiguration Exchange Meeting.

Jasmine Melis also dragged a chair into the venue with a red face, but she dragged two chairs.

The chair has become the popular polymorph archetype from the second game, at least that's what it seems for now.

After she waved her wand and began to transform, both chairs transformed.

The two chairs transformed and flew into the air. They were both flying creatures. This process of transformation has not yet been completed.

The transformation was completed after the two deformed creatures flew high into the sky. It must be said that this transformation was somewhat novel, and the appearance of these two creatures shocked many people.

One is the white-feathered head of an eagle, with a body of two meters long, two wings on its back, six or seven meters in length, and its four front legs are impressively thick talons.

An eagle in front and a lion in the back, this is the gryphon, one of the few overlords in the sky.

The griffin's eagle eyes were sharp and arrogant, and it flew to the highest point of the restaurant as soon as it spread its wings.

Only then did Carney notice that there were some changes in the restaurant. One of the changes was that the ceiling became higher. This was not just a little bit higher, but more than ten meters higher.

The previous restaurant was big enough, but not high enough. Today's transformation is obviously the home of the flying class, and there is enough space for the griffon to fly around.

But no one will pay attention to the higher ceiling. The gryphon is interesting enough.

In comparison, the other flying magical creature is much inferior. It is not a matter of transformation, but a matter of type.

The other one is a hippogriff. Although it is also a rare flying magical creature, its rarity and nobility are far different from the gryphon.

So most people's attention is on griffins, and naturally so is Kani. You can find them just by looking around the hippogriff school, but not necessarily griffins.

"It's a griffin!" Someone immediately exclaimed. Griffins have appeared in many books, and there are various pictures of griffins.

But their appearance is similar, with a eagle's head and a lion's body with large wings that can fly into the sky.

"The question actually has a gryphon question. Hey, my questions are all about human suffering..." Actor F said, no longer daring to look at his own question.

"The eyes of this gryphon are so sharp to me." Actor G said.

"I didn't expect him to be a big boss. It was my fault that I misjudged him." Actor A made a regretful expression.

The two flying beasts, one high and one low, hovered over the restaurant for several times before landing next to the female contestant Jasmine Melis.

After landing, the people around him could feel the aura from the gryphon even more.

The gryphon and the hippogriff behaved completely opposite to each other. The gryphon's eagle head was completely invisible to the outside world. It parked next to Jasmine Melis with a proud look on its face, full of disdain for the surroundings.

The hippogriff had a wary look on its face. It didn't dare to show off when there were griffins around, even though their heads looked like brothers.

As time passed, female contestant Jasmine Melis released her transformation, and the two giant beasts turned into two chairs.

The gryphon and hippogriff are both large in size, almost three meters in length, and all four of them are 1.8 meters tall on the ground.

The hippogriff has a wingspan of five meters, while the gryphon has a wingspan of six meters, making it a giant beast.

The difficulty of the second game is more than twice that of the first game in terms of body shape. From the game until now, Carney has not seen any small or medium-sized questions.

Carney's own is also big, and there is also a dog-headed harpy and a blue-tailed beast. Its size is similar to that of a griffon, but Carney has raised its size to the limit of Carney's ability to transform.

This Jasmine Melis is a dark horse. Although she only scored three points in the first game, her score this time was not low.

The little ninety-nine contestants of the contestant Stephenson Hensonsky with yellow hair and the contestant Carlson Meder, a boy with black circle glasses, should be in vain.

Sure enough, the score board at the judges' table was immediately raised, 1111100111.

With eight points, her score immediately surpassed the contestants Stephenson Hensonsky with yellow hair and Carlson Meder with black circle glasses.

"Wow." Many people wowed, but now there are not many who have an 80% score.

A veritable dark horse, as long as she maintains eight points in the next game, her total score will still not be low.

Jasmine Mellis is actually quite capable. It was just her first time competing and she got a simple question. She just made a simple transformation during the competition without much expectation of any effect.

The result is a most common transformation, winning three points.

The person in charge of her at the professor's desk turned green and looked at her with shocked eyes.

Only later did I realize that I had to use all my strength, no matter how difficult the questions were, to be the most perfect, not just in appearance, but in all aspects.

She was very satisfied with her score in the second game. As long as she continued to maintain her performance, she could still get good grades and go back to school.

He happily jumped back to his seat. Then he remembered that he had not taken back the chair he had taken out, so he immediately ran back to take it back.

There was a chair that she went to the housekeeper to bring extra, but no one else would lend it to her for transformation.

"She fell behind again." Carney thought, this may be the disadvantage of playing early. Watch more games and learn from experience.

The two transformed flying beasts of hers didn't even roar twice. They were more powerful when they roared, and the gryphon's appearance was not in vain.

When Carney looked for the training room, it was clear that there were roars in seven or eight rooms. The first few players may not have thought of it. Even though they heard the roars coming from other training rooms, they could not immediately think of it and apply it to their own problems.

Two more contestants followed, finishing in last place and tied for first place with four points each.

One of them used a roar. No matter that his deformed creature and the roar didn't match at all, the sound was small and had no effect at all.

After the two of them, another high-quality contestant came, the first man to choose the topic, the first man to get seven points.

"Psius Louis." The old man in the white wizard robe said.

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