Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 287: Bumblebee (Part 2)

The Appearance Spell doesn't seem to work, and the Original Shape Spell doesn't work either. Isn't this iron lump just its original shape? There are so many people around, and if it changes, the whole car will change as well, so it's too easy to be seen.

The transformation spell cannot be used, but there is one that can be used, which is the flying spell. Stand away and shout "Autobot" and the truth will be revealed, but it cannot be used in public.

"I know you are hiding your identity, and you are surprised and wary that I know about you, but I really don't have any malicious intentions. How can I put it?" Carney's mind immediately started to think.

"I am a person from the future. I know the future. I know the Autobots and Decepticons. You will start a war on the earth and have fun. You don't take us earthlings to heart at all. The future is you. "My carelessness caused heavy losses to the people on earth. Now that I have returned to the past, that is, now, I must prevent such a thing from happening again."

Carney gave himself the title of Future Man without thinking, which is no different from a prophet anyway.

Carney spoke in as decent a tone as possible. After all, justice in movies always puts righteousness first, for the safety of the earth and the safety of all mankind.

"Bumblebee, I'm just a kid who traveled through time and space. I'm not lying to you. Please talk to me, please." Carney's voice sounded a little sad. "The source of fire is dangerous to humans. We must find it before the Decepticons do."

Kanikong has the protagonist's luck, but he is not the protagonist's material. He cannot speak impassionedly, nor does he have justice and love for the world and mankind, and he does not have many good qualities.

How to gain the trust of alien machine friends, waiting online, urgent!

"Okay, I don't care if you are a robot or not, whether you heard what I said or not, I just want to say that I am really a good person." Carney finally weighed it and decided to forget it. Even if he didn't win over Bumblebee, he wouldn't lose anything.

Apart from wanting Bumblebee to be the bodyguard of the house, there is nothing else he can do, and he doesn't have the ability to steal the Cube right now.

Carney continued to sit in the car for a few minutes, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel three times. He wanted to find out whether the Camaro was a Hornet, and he had to do it at night.

"Have you ever watched Hongqi's "Journey to the West"?" Carney looked at the door and then got out of the car.

He didn't miss other new cars and checked them one by one. There were no marks on the steering wheels. To be precise, there were no Autobot marks.

"Carney, we have to go back!" Claudia Dove found Carney and jumped beside a car to look inside the car. Sales would not open the door to Carney, a naughty kid.

He is really a naughty kid. He has been in and out of several cars. Just open the door and look at it, let alone buy it.

"Okay, let's go."

Others had already been waiting at the door. They had no interest in getting off the bus after experiencing it. Before I left, I took a look at the Camaro. There happened to be a customer test driving it, so I hoped it wouldn't be sold today.

The other place we walked on the way back was a park we came to by taxi, which happened to be the same park Carney came to before.

After dinner, Carney returned to the room, hoping that the car could understand. At three o'clock in the evening, he had to go to the car home to use magic to see if it was the real one. After all, a car logo could not be verified...

At ten o'clock in the evening, darkness has completely enveloped the sky.

"Dong dong dong." It's still the dark room, yes, the vampires' guests have arrived.

"Vampires, are you there? You shouldn't fall asleep now." A girl with short hair and a black pointed hat shouted outside the door.

"Shh! Can you please keep your voice down? It's really troublesome to do business with you." A young man with long black hair opened the door, but there was no sign of trouble on his face.

Mag was a head taller than her, not because the girl was short, but because Mike was actually 1.9 meters tall.

"Black Church, then the people who are looking for our services are actually old customers. What can I do to you?" The girl looked up at Mike.

"Please come in, we have lost something and we need your wizards to help find it with your magic." Mike said politely.

"He's here. If he doesn't come, this wizard will go to see Merlin." The pale man didn't speak so politely.

"Kenneth, it's all up to her to find things, or you want to fly out every night to find them." Mike said politely, and after saying this, the pale man Kenneth fell silent.

"This is the man who stole our things, and then was stolen by other wizards. The memory seems to have been forgotten." Mike brought the short-haired girl to the thief on the chair.

"Poof." A small flame appeared from the short magic girl's wand, which immediately lit up the candle in the room that had not been used for a long time, making the dark room brighter.

"By the way, have you finished your meal?" The short-haired girl looked at Mike and Kenneth.

"Of course, I can eat enough to last for several days. Miss, don't worry." Mike smiled.

"It's best. If you can't remember, it should be the Forgetting Curse. There is no magic that can restore the memory forgotten by the Forgetting Curse, at least I don't know. Then let me take a look at his memory and wake him up first. "The short-haired girl said.

"It's time to eat." The pale man Kenneth said something in the ear of the thief man, and the thief man immediately woke up with a startle.

"Legilimency!" Before the thief man could understand what was going on around him, he heard a curse, and the short-haired girl hit the thief man in the head with a Legilimency spell.

"When did it happen?" the short-haired girl asked. The pupils in her eyes were unfocused and glowing. She was using magic to check the thief's memory.

"A few days ago, that is, the day before he was captured by us, when I went to look for him the next day, someone else stole it." Mike said.

"Oh, this is so careless. In order to see a big-breasted beauty, this thief took advantage of him, and then stole a lot of things. Then, he got on the carriage, and then disappeared." The short-haired girl emerged from the Legilimency state. After recovering, the thief man who had over-interpreted his memory immediately passed out again.

"Where is his wand?" the short-haired girl asked.

"Here." The pale man Kenneth picked up the wand that was broken into two pieces from the side.

"Oh, this is really bad. The difficulty has increased." The short-haired girl looked at the wand broken into two parts and quickly thought of other solutions.

"Isn't this useful?" Mike asked.

"Of course, if he is still good at it, he can find it through the wand. There are traces of what magic he used and when. Now it is just a rotten stick." The short-haired girl shook her head and said, broken like this It might still be useful, the rod core inside is broken.

There are only some traces of magic power left, which belong to the thief man himself, which is not helpful in finding anyone.

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