Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 437: Heartbeat Curse (Part 1)

Carney remembered that there is such a good thing as the love potion. It would be a good idea to learn some charming magic from Professor Flitwick.

"If any of you want to know how to make a love potion, come with me and ask Professor Snape." Carney nudged Hermione next to him with his shoulder and told everyone.

"I, how could I want to know." Hermione was suddenly very interested in the mashed potatoes on the dinner plate, digging into them with a spoon.

"Looking at Snape's face, you must not have any good juice if you ask." Harry said while drinking the juice.

"It's a pity that the production method and formula are not available in the library, otherwise I wouldn't have considered asking Snape." Carney went to the library to find a book on potion refining, but did not see any love potion or the like. .

"Why are you interested in this? Do you have someone you like?" Ron frowned, "You don't need it, right?"

"I'm just here for study, George Fred, aren't you interested? You seem to be of age for romance."

"Boy Carney, I think you just want it. Your brother is much more attractive than you. You must be dissatisfied and plan to use love potions." George said.

"You have discovered all this. You are like a roundworm in my stomach. If I get the first bottle of love potion made with the method of making it, I will definitely give it to you to try."

"You can't get there." George was fearless. If Lockhart didn't say it in public, it might be possible to ask Snape for advice, now.

Breakfast time passed in a flash due to Lockhart's interruption. Although it was a holiday, the school was not planning to have a holiday.

As soon as they left the restaurant, the dwarfs took action and played some amazing music in the castle, but the music stopped immediately because a greeting card was received.

In the first Charms class, Professor Flitwick put a few scattered greeting cards on the podium into the drawer with satisfaction. Looking at the shining eyes in the classroom, he thought that he must be asked some questions in this class. The magic of sour smell.

"Professor, can you teach us some of the fascinating magic that Professor Lockhart said?" As expected, a student asked.

"Professor, please." "You won't let us down, right?"

"This... okay, but I will only teach it once, just a magic that makes people's hearts beat." Professor Flitwick saw the students were so enthusiastic and enthusiastic, so he had to teach some magic with a sour smell.

Everyone listened carefully to this class, took out their notebooks and took notes, writing down every word the professor said, for fear of missing any link and not learning anything.

Otherwise, the serious atmosphere was quickly broken. A little man broke in, holding a stack of greeting cards in his hand. He was obviously here to send greeting cards.

"Bacon Keifer." The dwarf shouted, and a student raised his hand tremblingly. The dwarf ran over and gave the man a greeting card, and then hurried out again.

Professor Flitwick couldn't help coughing in the middle of the lecture, attracting everyone's attention back to continue teaching.

But after a while, another dwarf rushed in, looked around, ran to a classmate and said, "Susan Erin?"

"Yes." After receiving the answer, the little man stuffed the greeting card and ran out.

It came back and forth seven or eight times in one class, and it was probably the same in other classrooms, which made the teachers extremely bored.

However, they still gained something. The magic filled with the sour smell of love stirred their spring hearts and made the opposite sex in front of them feel excited.

Of course, it is forbidden to practice in class, that is, unless you and I want to practice, no one will do it.

"That's all I've taught you. You can understand it yourself. get out of class is over." Professor Flitwick shooed people away. After all the students had left the classroom, he took out the greeting cards in the drawer and opened them.

"Zi~" A stream of ink spurted out from the greeting card, and Professor Flitwick fell to the ground. . . . . .

After class, Hermione walked so fast that they couldn't catch up, for fear that they would find Hermione and try their newly learned magic.

But she could refuse them, there was no need to flee so quickly, and it was reasonable for Hermione to refuse them.

In fact, they were not going to ask Hermione to test magic. Harry was going to test it with Hedwig, and Ron was also going to try it with his own owl. Ron suggested that Harry go to Ginny. She would definitely agree and be very happy to do so. .

"It still doesn't work. In that case, I'm not sure if the magic is successful. Hasn't she always been attracted to me?" Harry said, yes, Ginny felt strange when she saw him, from normal to abnormal.

"That's right." Ron said, while Neville didn't want to know whether he had mastered this magic, because his pet Leif seemed to be a male frog. Even if he wanted to try it, he couldn't find Leif yet. Frog shadow.

Seamus had a test subject. He was still making eye contact during class, and ran off to practice as soon as get out of class was over.

The second class was taught by Professor Binns. This boring class was made less boring by the dwarfs. Many people received and sent greeting cards.

Carney also received a few, and Ron also received some appreciation. As everyone expected, the greeting cards from them combined were not as many as Harry received.

"Hey, another prank greeting card." Ron locked his neck and buried his head under the desk. Only in this way would he not be hurt by the little curse when opening the cards. As soon as he opened one, a stench hit his nose.

Ink flowed from the desk, and the wizard's robe was inevitably stained with a little ink. However, the black wizard's robe could not see the ink, and it could also add some color to his gray wizard's robe.

Greeting cards sprayed with ink are the most common and are a popular product of the Weasley twins. The more expensive ones include catapult snakes.

"Oh, it seems someone wants to make you look embarrassed." Carney checked the greeting cards he received. They were all normal greeting cards, which was gratifying.

"Malfoy!" Ron gritted his teeth. Only Malfoy and the others would be so bored and prank them, and of course his two twin brothers were not excluded, but they would not waste money on stupid brothers.

"You should be happy. They spent their own money to buy your products, and then gave the products back to you. You made money for nothing." Carney said leisurely while holding the desk, "You put the prank greeting cards Sell ​​a copper knut to George Fred, they should be willing to take it."

"This is a really good idea." Ron's eyes lit up, but he lowered his head again, "It's been dismantled and stained with ink."

"Try this, a non-marking eraser, which can erase ink traces." Harry handed over an eraser.

At lunchtime, the person delivering greeting cards was discovered to be able to sing messages to music, and even perform a shameful dance. I really don’t know how much Lockhart paid the dwarfs to make them so dedicated, or maybe it was money from students.

Harry received a Valentine's Day card with singing music just as everyone was leaving for dinner.

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