Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 458: Magical use of the crystal ball

Even if he spoke softly, Carney could still hear him, and he was planning to go home when Dumbledore wasn't around.

For someone as capable as me, you actually treat me as a messenger. When the spiders drive you out of the woods, they will come to us. You want to save face.

Carney put his hand in. If you want to help, just say it boldly, coyly.

Even if they don't come, Carney will be ready to attack the spider, and Xiao Hei is already eating it very hard.

"Grow bigger quickly." Carney continued to experiment with the wooden figures, and the enlargement spell turned these wooden figures the size of wooden piles into as tall as a big tree.

"Go to the woods and find a good place to take root." Carney directed. He originally wanted to find the remaining tree trunks from yesterday, but they had been burned by Hagrid.

Yes, that third of the trees were slashed and burned.

"Forget it, just three trees, more will consume more magic power." Carney rested in the rocking chair, waiting for Xiao Hei to come back after eating and drinking.

With Xiao Hei walking around in the Forbidden Forest every day, the Forbidden Forest was much quieter, and the spiders had reduced their activities.

The pressure on the people and horses was temporarily relieved. This time the storm was passed peacefully, and Lockhart did not mention going to the Forbidden Forest again.

However, Xiao Hei always ate half-full because the strange taste of what she ate before was still unforgettable, so Carney had to steal food from the table for her to eat every day.

The days passed and it was almost Easter. Dumbledore kept sending letters back to the school, which reassured everyone.

In the daily newspaper, criminals were caught one after another and imprisoned in the terrifying Azkaban Prison, which also slowly made the wizarding world calm.

Several escapees were also captured in Hogsmeade, and the ban on them going to Hogsmeade was lifted after repeated inspections by the Aurors.

The spiders never showed up again, staying peacefully in their own territory, but making moves in other directions in the forest, which Carney had no control over.

"It's been consuming my magic power." Hermione looked at the small piece of wood that was shorter than her and was making irregular movements. "Can't it stop? Maybe it will consume less."

"It's probably because you made a mistake in casting the spell. Stop and try again." He had already lent Hermione the book to read and was practicing the wooden figure.

"It's a little better, but it's still losing. It's best to tell me that it's successful." Hermione's magic became difficult to use after a few times.

"It's normal to feel a sense of loss. You just need to let them take root in fertile land and they won't draw strength from you." Carney said after looking at the wood that no longer behaved strangely.

"Thank God." Hermione directed the wooden man to find an open space to take root. After pouring some water on it, he really couldn't feel it anymore.

Carney wanted to do something with the pendant in his spare time, but he had no choice but to give up because he didn't have the right materials. He turned to the crystal ball.

I made a hollow ball out of crystal, equipped it with a switch, and cast a shrinking spell inside, leaving some small holes for ventilation.

The crystal ball was captured, and Carney took the crystal ball and started looking around Hagrid's hut.

"Stop looking, Fang isn't here." Hermione shouted helplessly. Carney's recent test subject for the ball has always been Fang, and Fang can only hide if he can't be offended.

"Thankfully, I brought him his favorite meat bones. It's really a kindness from Concubine Lan." Carney couldn't find anyone to use the ball, so he turned to look at Hermione.

"I remembered that there is a book I haven't finished yet. See you at dinner." Hermione packed her things and ran back to the castle immediately.

"I didn't say anything." Carney finally turned his attention to the owl huts on the castle, which were full of them.

A wooden plank floated and flew towards the owl hut. Hundreds of owls were crowded in the hut, and owls kept flying in and out.

"Conquer it, crystal ball!" Carney threw it at an owl, controlling the force just enough to knock the owl unconscious.

If it's too light, the owl will fly away or even avoid it, if it's too heavy, it may be smashed to death, and Yaya needs to be imprisoned by the Carney Confinement Curse before he can test it.

The crystal ball successfully knocked the target unconscious, and he fell sideways on the ground. His legs were straight, and he fainted. The owls around him were frightened and took off, moving away from the unfortunate guy.

The crystal ball has a marking function. It can remember which target was hit. As long as it is nearby, it will be sucked in through the main hole by a suction force. With the shrinking spell, the target will be reduced to a size suitable for the crystal ball to move freely.

With a sound of waves, the hole opened, and the fallen owl was shrouded in the light from the hole, then shrunk and sucked into the crystal ball.

As long as you go in, there is no reason to succeed or not, for some animals with little attack power.

It is impossible for them to break open the crystal ball. At this stage, the crystal ball cannot be trapped by the extremely large creatures with arrogant physical attacks and magical attacks, such as dragons, hippogriffs, giant bears, trolls, etc.

Unless the resistance and defense of the crystal ball are enhanced, a small crystal ball cannot sustain so much magic blessing.

"Wait until it wakes up and see." Carney grabbed the crystal ball. The owl inside was still unconscious. Maybe a awakening spell should be added to it, otherwise we would have to wait for them to wake up on their own.

The ball shook, and the owl woke up and flapped its wings. Its body in the ball could only open half of its wings. The owl was now as big as a small sparrow.

One side of the ball Carney holds has several rows of small ventilation holes on the other side. If you grab that side, you are likely to be pecked by an owl that wakes up.

Carney came to the auditorium with the ball, found Leffe running away at the door, grabbed it and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Carney, did your crystal ball succeed?" Ron saw Carney bringing the ball to the auditorium. What was locked inside was not Fang, but an owl.

"I think so." Carney placed a piece of bread on the ball. Some ventilation holes pressed the bread, and the owl immediately pecked at the bread under the holes.

"That's great, Leif, so you can't run away." Neville patted his pocket, "Leif?"

"Here, you are too slow." Carney took out Leif, "I just gave this to you."

He released the owl from the crystal ball and removed the switch. The crystal ball opened its mouth and the owl immediately flew out. After flying out of the crystal ball, it returned to its original size.

After going around in a circle, it flew back and grabbed the bread. This was the reward it deserved.

"Hold it." Carney closed the crystal ball, opened it and threw it on Leif's head, and Leif was sucked in immediately.

"You don't have to worry about finding Leif anymore." Neville said happily.

Finally, I no longer have to ask about the taste of cordyceps. Carney said out loud that the smell of Neville's caterpillar fungus became stronger as adults, but Harry and the others could only smell a little bit and were not disgusted by it, but Blackie couldn't stand it.

Neville placed it in the corridor for several days, attracting a lot of mosquitoes before luring Leif out.

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