Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 474: Lu Wei pounces on food

Hermione took out her wand and thrust it into the place where it hit the wall before, opening a big hole in the barrier.

"The weekend is too long." Hermione put away her wand, and it was clear to enter again.

The strength of the barrier is not high, and a small amount of magic can open the hole. Looking at the gap in the barrier, Carney waved his hand to fill it, and followed Hermione into the forest.

"Don't you have anything else to do?" Hermione asked. If this guy stayed with her, the unicorn wouldn't come close even if he was there.

"Ah, I'm just ensuring your safety. After all, there may be werewolves, vampires, etc. in the Forbidden Forest, or worse, there are perverts who molest witches," Carney said.

"...You don't believe this yourself, do you?" Hermione was speechless. If you want to talk about being a pervert, Carney must be the pervert himself.

"You'd better stop messing around and don't scare away the unicorn." Hermione walked towards where she was yesterday, although the road was not easy.

"Can unicorns tell the difference between girls transformed by Polyjuice Potion?" Carney and Hermione chatted one after another.

"Of course, they can see through a person's true face at a glance."

"Are you sure unicorns will eat these things?"

"Of course, I went to the kitchen to find them strictly according to the book." Hermione suddenly thought of something, "Those house elves are so pitiful. I just thanked them and they would bang their heads against anything. Regarding house elves, Plans to break away from this kind of thinking should be put on the agenda as soon as possible.”

"Hermione, you must be too busy. The courses you chose are conflicting. I really think you should give up a few." Carney tried to persuade.

"You should have a fulfilling life at school. I think you should choose a few more subjects so that we can discuss them together." Hermione suddenly turned her head and looked at Carney expectantly.

"...Oh, Hermione, I can still discuss it with you even if I don't go to those classes. I'm reading all your notes." Carney was almost persuaded, why should he take the classes he didn't take?

"You know, those certificates are of little use to me." Carney said, looking at the crushed trees next to him, and suddenly heard a shrill scream in his ears.

"Did you hear anything?"

"Yes, what is that?" The cry was really shrill and mournful, and it was getting closer and closer, right in front of them.

Birds in front of them soared into the sky one after another, and the trees swayed wildly as if they were pushed aside by some wild beast.

A wild boar sprang out of the bushes, letting out a shrill scream. Carney pulled Hermione away and immediately avoided it.

Followed closely was a big black dog with three heads. Its big mouth was split and its tongue was flicking irregularly with the movement of its body. Its saliva was splashing, and its six eyes were fixed on the wild boar.

A tall head next to him caught a glimpse of Carney and Hermione, but his body was not under his control, so he could only watch Carney and the others disappear from sight.

"Wow, that's Lu Wei?" Carney was a little surprised as he looked at the scattered trees that were ruined along the way. This was the settlement Hagrid was talking about.

"That's right. There should be only Lu Wei, a three-headed dog, in the woods." Hermione was also surprised.

"It seems that the Forbidden Forest is not safe." There are almost no more spiders, but there is an extra large carnivore? Might also be an omnivore.

As they continued to move forward, there were more and more animals in the Forbidden Forest. In just seven or eight minutes, they saw five or six deer, as well as many small animals, including night cats, flying squirrels, lizards, foxes, and rabbits. .

"It's really strange." Carney looked at the animals hiding because of their approach. He had never seen so many animals before. Where did they come from?

"It's indeed strange, but it may also be because of the unicorns. Animals like to go to places where unicorns are active, and they may be attracted to them." Hermione guessed, and this was indeed the most believable.

"Probably." Carney shrugged. He didn't go to the Forbidden Forest many times when he was in first grade, and he didn't go particularly deep into it. Maybe this was the scene inside.

They looked for several water sources but did not see any unicorns. They might not see any unicorns today.

"Phew." Hermione put the basket down and looked at the small lake, hoping that the unicorn would smell the aroma of fresh grass and run out on its own.

But this was obviously in vain. A few deer were attracted and pretended to drink water by the lake, but kept staring at the green grass in the basket on the ground.

"We've come this far, come with me to see how the wooden people are doing." They were so deep that Hermione's legs were almost broken when she walked, but she still didn't see the unicorn.

Seeing Hermione's fatigue, Carney picked up Hermione and disappeared with a snap.

Hermione grabbed Carney quietly, feeling the world spin for a while. When her vision returned to clearness, she had arrived next to the Black Forest.

"I almost forgot that you can Apparate." Hermione patted her chest and said. The first few Apparitions were indeed uncomfortable, and it took Carney a while to get used to it.

"I almost forgot. After all, it can't be used within the castle." Carney checked the condition of the three wooden figures. From the outside, nothing could be seen.

"Have they abused you? If they hit you, you have to fight back. Hit them hard with branches, and work together to push them over and knock them down. You're welcome." Carney said to the three wooden trees.

"???What are you talking about?" Hermione asked, who hit whom.

"These black trees are not honest. When I was here, they were submissive and groveling."

"How do you see that they are subservient and groveling?" Hermione planned.

"This is such a consciousness, an adjective. When I was away, they went wild, used hands and feet, and beat and cursed my wooden man." Carney explained

"Then you still put them here?" Hermione was even more confused.

"So, when there is oppression, there will be resistance. As long as the wooden man resists on his own, he is not far away from thinking for himself." Carney pointed to the broken branches on the ground. Those were the ones that were interrupted, but under the influence of his magic It quickly grew back under the influence.

"I see, this is what you said yesterday about the communication between tree people?" Hermione had to admire, "I really don't know what you are thinking. If the black trees keep attacking the wooden people, it is possible that the wooden people will attack them. Fight back."

"But what does that prove?" Hermione asked.

"That proves that they don't like to be beaten, and this will become a fixed thought, just like they take root to drink water and perform photosynthesis. Probably, this method will work, and then it will breed other thoughts, and then it will become clear. ." Carney is not sure whether this can work. After all, it is just an idea, but he has the conditions to do this experiment.

"What is photosynthesis?" Hermione caught one word.

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