Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 477: Preparations before going home

The hotter weather has brought them closer to the holidays, and it's time to pack up. Everyone is packing up and taking some necessary things home.

"I received another notice. When I get home, my wand is no better than chopsticks." Seamus threw the wand into his suitcase, and a notice that he could not use magic after leaving school was sent to every underage wizard.

"Oh, where did my annoying cauldron go?" Ron dug out the old cauldron that had been missing for half a semester under his bed, and the base was rusty.

"You should throw it away." Harry Carney said as he stuffed the cauldron into his suitcase.

"I think it can also be used for other purposes, such as growing flowers."

Carney came to the greenhouse holding the Black Ghast Tree. There was no way he could take this home. Who knew if it would have any impact on the unborn baby.

Keeping it in the dormitory is obviously not a good choice. After thinking about it, only Professor Sprout can help him. She will definitely like to take care of it, probably.

"Professor, it's a beautiful day today." Carney found Professor Sprout in the greenhouse with his tree pot.

"Yes, you can go home and enjoy your vacation tomorrow." Professor Sprout will take care of several greenhouse plants by himself, if there are no other teachers to help.

"I have a tree that I would like to ask the professor to take care of. It just needs to be watered every few days." Carney placed the Black Ghast tree on the table.

"This is? A black tree! So small?" Professor Sprout recognized the tree at a glance and picked up a magnifying glass to look through the hollow.

"It's not just an ordinary black tree. There must be more than a dozen corpses in its trunk." Professor Sprout could tell how much the tree had eaten from the thickness of the trunk. "Where did you find it?"

"Forbidden Forest, I used the shrinking spell to bring it back for viewing and daily research." Carney said, "It needs someone to take care of it during the holidays."

"If it's still in the soil, it doesn't need to be taken care of, but it does need it in such a small flowerpot." Professor Sprout looked at the quality and amount of soil in the flowerpot. If it is not watered every once in a while, it will be so dry. The weather may make it difficult to spend the holidays.

"Of course. This is the first time I have seen a black tree in this condition. Do you mind if I cut some of its branches?" Professor Sprout was not intimidated by the black tree's reputation.

"He is older than the Whomping Willow. If they were transplanted in the same place, it would be difficult to say who would win, but this would not happen." Professor Sprout said.

. . . I won't let such a thing happen, Nagan told me that such a thing would happen.

"You mean you want a transplant?"

"Yes, otherwise how to cut the branches? The branches are very hard and it would be troublesome to use an iron saw." Professor Sprout said.

No wonder she wanted to transplant it to the whomping willow. The whomping willow should be able to break some branches, or so she thought.

"This hollow layer can be opened. Now you can cut it how you want." Carney showed Professor Sprout how to open the flower pot.

"You didn't tell me to open it."

"You didn't even ask. This is to prevent its branches from hurting people, and if you don't want it to cause damage at night."

"Then I have to break more branches to prevent their hands from getting too long." Professor Sprout said.

"Of course, you can cut the branches as you like, there are so many of them anyway." Carney didn't care that Professor Sprout shaved the head of the black soul tree. It might be more beautiful if it was sparser.


The Hogwarts red train puffed out steam and stopped on the Hogwarts platform, and the little wizards lined up to get on the train in an orderly manner.

"Carney! Carney!" Hagrid found Carney from the crowd and quickly squeezed past.

"Kani, I almost forgot, these are snake-leaf seeds. Although it's a little late, the holiday time should be enough to plant them." Hagrid handed a small bag of seeds to Kani.

"I forgot about this." Carney himself had forgotten that there was still something else to do, and it must have been several months.

"I almost forgot, but I suddenly remembered it when I went shopping in Diagon Alley yesterday. I hope I didn't delay you." Hagrid said apologetically.

"It's okay, no delay, I'm almost used to Xiao Hei wrapping around me." Carney put away the seeds, and Xiao Hei was now hanging around his neck.

"That's good." Hagrid said goodbye to them, "Harry, remember to write to me, and you."

"We will."

Before getting in the car, Hagrid gave each of them a hug, waved and said, "See you at the start of school."

The five of them found a workshop in the second-grade carriage. Carney saw Stellan walking towards other workshops and quickly stopped him.

"Stellan, come on, don't get separated when we get off the car." Carney asked his younger brother to join him in the car.

"How could I get separated?" Stellan put down the box.

"There are also child traffickers at the station. If you are trafficked, I won't be able to find you." Carney made the chairs and tables in the workshop longer so that six people could sit down.

"Hey, didn't the school notice say that you can't use magic after leaving school?" Stellan's eyes widened when he saw Carney's hand.

"Yes, but this is for ordinary students like us. If you can cast spells without a wand, you can too." Seamus said strangely.

"Oh, I will do the same in the future." Stellan sat down and said matter-of-factly.

Stellan was not honest in the carriage. Not long after he sat down, he opened the door and ran out.

Spending the whole day on the train is really boring, for Stellan, who is riding a train for the first time.

"We are wizards, right?" Strand said.


"Why can't we just go to where we want to go in one go?" Strand said.

"Yes, you're right." Ron lay on the table and almost fell asleep.

"You can just take a nap and you'll be fine. Do you need my help?" Carney was turning the multi-flavor beans into flies.

It was such a simple deformation. It took ten minutes for Carney to deform each one, and the deformed fly even flew out, through the gap in the carriage door.

"No need, my dear brother." Strand said, can you let go of those candies? If you don't eat them, give them to me. "

"Do you dare to eat them?" Harry interjected. You had no idea what these candies turned out to be. Touching them while Carney was transforming was not a good choice.

"Maybe it's just a pea, or maybe it's a pebble."

"I didn't say it, but there's no need to transform into flies. They were originally transformed from flies by you."

"If you're hungry, just eat one and you'll know."

"No need. I think what's waiting for me at home will be cream cakes, roasted suckling pig, turkey milk and steaks." Stellan licked his mouth and said.

Several people who were sleeping soundly swallowed their saliva unconsciously. They were not really asleep. The sound of the train made it difficult to fall asleep unless they were really sleepy.

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