Harry Potter's Catastrophe

Chapter 496: Ten Thousand Galleons

It seems that there are many people who want to buy it, maybe it can be sold for a thousand gold galleons.

After a quick glance, they obediently found an empty seat and sat down. Only then did Carney scan the people in the bar. Some people who looked normal felt that something was wrong.

Because most people were looking in his direction, Carney couldn't figure it out, and he suddenly felt that except for the shop owner Tom and the waiter, everyone else might be a vampire.

But this was impossible. After looking around for a while, Carney identified some of the spectators.

He also discovered a problem, that is, these very suspicious people seemed to dare not act rashly. It could be seen from their eyes and actions. At this time, shouldn't they swarm me and hack me to death or something.

Why are you drinking drunkenly here, without the arrogance of a villain at all?

Carney thought that a classic villain would come out and use his mouth for seconds, then walk up to him and ask me to kneel down and give him something.

"The wine you asked for." The waiter brought four glasses of bright red wine and winked at Carney crazily.

Only then did Carney come back to his senses and looked at him. Old Tom made an intriguing expression at him behind the bar counter, because Old Tom had an ugly expression.

Probably because he wanted to feel like handing over his things and running away, but Carney didn't feel the need to run, because the KN-1 missiles were aimed at all locations except where Carney was sitting.

"One thousand gold galleons? Is that much?" the man said cheerfully, "There is still a way to do it with only one thousand gold galleons."

"Of course it's more than that. Now it's ten thousand, and you also have to tell me what it is and what it does." One thousand gold galleons is already a lot, but they didn't bargain, which Carney didn't expect.

It is conceivable that a thousand gold galleons is nothing more than a small thing to them, and Carney thinks they should be able to afford ten thousand.

"Boom!" The slightly shorter man in black robes on the right suddenly hit the table with his fist, causing the table to collapse and sawdust flying.

However, the four glasses of red wine and the money bag were floating in the air motionless. The moment his fist landed on the table, they were levitated by Carney.

The bar suddenly became quiet and the atmosphere became tense.

Everyone was motionless for a while, but Carney was not intimidated at all. Seeing Carney sitting calmly, the man who hammered the table seemed to be stunned.

"What's the matter with you? Or do you have something to say?" Carney asked doubtfully. Why is this person so baffled? You smashed the table while you were talking. Could it be that you suddenly wanted to smash the table, so you smashed it?

"I...I just suddenly wanted to smash the table, so I smashed it." It was also a man's voice, probably in his early twenties, no, maybe in his early 200s.

"You have to pay for it." Carney saw Old Tom's face twitching at the moment the table was smashed.

"Of course, waiter, here it is, no need to look for it." Their leader said, taking out a few copper nuts and throwing them to the waiter, who took them tremblingly and immediately ran to Old Tom.

The man waved his hand and a table next to him moved over. Carney was a little surprised. This didn't look like magic.

"How about it?"

"make a deal!"

the man asked. "But we didn't bring that many today."

What do you mean you didn't bring so much? It's because you don't have any at all. After all, how could a vampire have a wizard's currency? There are still so many.

"If you don't have enough gold galleons, you can also exchange them with things, of course, if you have good things." Carney said.

"How about using something in exchange? How about I marry my daughter to you?"

"Ah? No, it seems that you don't have anything good, I just want money." Kanil was stunned for a moment, what is this, why are we still related to each other?

Carney immediately refused, wondering how a vampire could have a child since he was already infertile.

The car lights outside suddenly flashed, and Carney looked at the clock hanging in the bar. It was already past eight o'clock.

"Let's do this. I will accept this one hundred gold galleons first as a deposit, and pay the remaining nine thousand nine hundred gold galleons within three days. If it is overdue, the deposit will not be returned." Carney picked up the money. Weighing the bag in my hand, I saw it weighed a hundred gold galleons.

"That's such a pity. After all, my daughter is so good. It's fine as you say." The man regretted not marrying off his daughter. "Then how should we find you? If you don't keep your promise."

"Don't you already know?" Carney stood up and walked out of the bar, asking at the door, "What do you call me?"

"Carlos Guzman," the man said.

"It's a good name." Well, I finally knew what it was called and no longer needed to address it by that man. Carney got into the car and drove away.

As soon as Carney left, the guests in the bar also left. When they left the door, everyone turned into agile supermen, running faster than a 60-mph car.

Carlos sat in his seat and watched everyone leave before saying calmly, "Let's go and see if we need the nine thousand nine hundred gold galleons."

Only after everyone left did Old Tom dare to speak and stamped his feet in the bar, "Damn it, my table is not worth four copper nuts!"

Sitting on the sports car that reached a speed of 120 miles, Carney listened to the roar of the engine and tapped the armrest rhythmically.

"Still trying to catch up with me? A bunch of fools." The pace was still rising, and it was difficult for Carney to run so fast, let alone those weak bats.

Despite the speed, the vampires gave him an eyeful.

A guy with big wings in the sky had already surpassed him and flown in front of him. He even flew past the car window, showing his wild smile, and his pale and bloodless face was full of confidence.

"So wild? He must think he's going to eat me." Carney picked up the booger and popped it out of the window. Although it was a booger that was not worth mentioning, the booger hit him hard at this speed. It hurts. I hope no one is running on the road in the middle of the night.

"Emit ultrasonic waves to interfere with him." Looking at the flying vampire who was about to attack the car, as soon as he finished speaking, some device in the car turned on.

Strong ultrasonic waves were emitted from the car, and the mid-swooping flying vampire flew in an arc and fell straight to the ground.

"Humph, fight me and live for another few decades."

As he said this, a more powerful person came up from the side of the car. He was really running on foot, and his speed almost caught up with the speed of the car. Carney stared at him in stunned silence as he ran closer, and then caught up with him until he was parallel to the car.

It was a vampire with bangs, but he ran so fast that his bangs ran to both sides. It is worth mentioning that there was a green-black object stuck to the middle of his white forehead.

Carney recognized it at a glance as the unknown object that popped up just now. He wanted to remind him kindly but was afraid of irritating him, so he seemed hesitant to speak.

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