He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(196)

But before he could straighten up, he screamed in pain - the banshee that attacked from the air grabbed Yu Mengzhou's arm and suddenly brought him high into the sky!

The author has something to say:

【Fasten your seat belt and start the roller coaster ride.

Generally, the transition chapter before something happens is not easy to write. This chapter has been revised and revised many times, so today is extra late. There will be more tomorrow! 】

Chapter 87 Dark Sky Reserve (Twenty-Two)

Yu Mengzhou had to hold the tool box with one hand and wave it around randomly with the other hand, trying to hit the banshee. The banshee's sharp toes dug deeply into the clothes and into his flesh, and red and warm blood instantly flowed out, soaking the damaged fabric.

In an instant, the banshee screamed miserably and hurriedly let go of his body. Yu Mengzhou's blood was like the most powerful sulfuric acid, instantly penetrating into her claws that were harder than steel, corroding her invulnerable body, making a boiling sound.

"Holy shit!" Yu Mengzhou shouted in fright, and now he became a falling object again, but he couldn't fly!

Another banshee swooped over and caught him in mid-air. The previous banshee that rashly grabbed Yu Mengzhou had already been torn apart in the white light and exploded into dripping flesh and blood.

With this lesson learned, latecomers no longer dare to rush in impulsively and cause wounds on the hostages. Yu Mengzhou seized the opportunity and struggled fiercely in mid-air. With his strength, those banshees who could tear the lion to pieces were unable to get close to him for a while. They were either cut to pieces by the hoof trimming knife or were splashed with blood drops on his arms. to, vanishing into nothingness in white light and screams of agony.

More and more reinforcements arrived in the sky, and silence completely enveloped the magic horse in the fortress, turning Yu Mengzhou into an isolated and helpless individual. The banshees rushed over in an endless stream, using the tactics of a sea of ​​people to suicidally flood the space in all directions.

No matter how different his physique is from ordinary people, Yu Mengzhou is still just a human being. He has never received professional training in this area. Even if he falls into hell, except for the face-to-face contact with the frightened little demon on the first day, in the following days, Thirteen Demon Horses will Staring at night was like an invulnerable barrier, protecting him so that not even a hair could be hurt.

Therefore, the outcome of his confrontation with the Banshee is almost doomed.

But he was unwilling to give in. He didn't know what method the Demon Prince used to cause the horses to fall into a coma, but he still wanted to try his best to support him. Maybe there would be a turn for the better at dawn, maybe the next moment, the next second. Is there any turning point?

——However, there was no "next second". A sharp howl sounded from behind him, and the banshee's eagle wings passed through the gap in the defense and hit Yu Mengzhou heavily on the back of the head.

I wonder if my blood can be like the goose feathers in "The Wild Swan", guiding Falce and the others to discover my whereabouts... Well, it's just that I'm not a prince in trouble!

Before passing out, Yu Mengzhou clutched the hoof trimming knife tightly. This was the last thought that flashed through his mind.


In an unprecedented sleep, Falce dreamed for the first time of the place where it was born.

The magma in the center of the earth is the real, sleeping core of the Demonic Realm, the amniotic fluid that breeds all Demonic Horses.

It stood comfortably on the thick, clear golden red liquid, and the temperature here had already exceeded the limits of all imagination. Even Angra, the supreme ruler of the Demon Realm, does not dare to stay here for a long time, because the original power of the earth's core magma will decompose all creations that do not come directly from it and recycle them into pure energy.

How did it get here? From the moment it was born, it completely broke away from the control of the center of the earth and became a free creature.

Although that freedom is also extremely short-lived, as short as an illusion.

But here, Falce really felt the tranquility that he had not seen for a long time. Of course, that's not to say that it won't be calm when it's around Yu Mengzhou... Well, but to be honest, human beings' breath, emotions, and even souls make it experience the taste of endless hunger all the time. These days, Falce can't shift his thoughts to his horns at all. Whenever he thinks of what happened that night, the blood in his body will heat up unbearably as if it's melting.

…Okay, now it’s getting hot again.


Deep in the earth's core, the magma pulsates loudly like a heart, issuing dull instructions.

Stay here...

Falce took a step back and said suspiciously, "Are you talking to me?"

When you regain your freedom, you have all looked forward to it for too long and suffered for too long. Stay here and wait for the final good news...

"What do you mean?" Falce pressed, "What news do we need to wait for?"

Your fellow citizens, like you, wait in safe sleep. Soon, soon...

Surrounding the magma in the center of the earth, the figures of the other twelve demon horses really flashed out. Falce looked at them, but his heart became increasingly uneasy.

There is no trace of human beings. Where is humanity? Where is its humanity?

"I can't sleep," it said prudently, "I still have unfinished tasks, and I have never made Angra unable to survive and wailing unable to die!"

You cannot end the life of the sinner, who knows your roots...

"Can't be ended?" Falce bared his fangs, "I am the first demon horse to come, and I am the true incarnation of the demon realm. You know this best. Even if he understands me, he is still a creature of the demon realm. How can you defy the will of this world?"

So, to put it another way, no matter how many times you eliminate him, he will be like a lingering ghost, entangled with you almost forever, entangled with the devil horse's life...

"What do you mean, have you found a once-and-for-all solution?" Falce asked in a deep voice, "It's a pity that you and I are two people. If I can't annihilate Angra, then you also -"

It suddenly stopped speaking sarcastically.


A human who suddenly fell into the demonic realm because a big hole opened in the ground; a human who holds equipment that the devil has never heard of, and possesses abilities that the devil has never seen; a human who always laughs, is gentle, and is full of compassion for the horses Love...its humans.

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