He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(457)

Its human form is vague, and its dragon tail is also vague. Only the general outline restrains the shape of this ghost beast. It opened its mouth almost to the chest, with spiral-like layers of sharp teeth coiled inside.

The ghost dragon is revered, and the ghost beasts under his command become more powerful and unpredictable the closer they are to the form of a dragon. According to the records of the ancient jade slips, when the Dragon Patrol Sun comes, first there will be black clouds all over the sky, and ghost dragons will fly and fly to clear the way. Ghost beasts that are half human and half dragon will act as generals, flooding the world from all directions, and serve as the eyes and ears of the ghost dragon. and tentacles, searching crazily in every corner of the three thousand worlds.

The formation was cut off midway, so the demon cultivators failed to summon an entire army of ghost beasts, but they actually summoned an extremely violent and ominous ghost beast general!

It's over.

In the midst of extreme trembling and fear, Meng Xiaotang had a vague thought: It's too late, it's over... Is that it? Am I going to die here?

Her eyes moved slowly, and she looked at the ashen-faced senior brother, and then involuntarily moved slowly to the golden building. Liu Fuguang was still there. He held his incomplete Dantian and struggled to hold himself up. Even from a distance, Meng Xiaotang could see the beads of sweat on his cheeks, like tears, as if they had been washed by the rain.

The light of the sunrise pearl shone faintly, making him seem to be glowing too. Liu Fuguang forced himself to kneel down. He looked at the ghost beast, which was also facing him. On one end was the extremely frail beauty and fragility, as if a short-lived person could be blown away in one breath; on the other end was the extremely terrifying evil and power, which could be achieved by himself. Resist the poisonous beast with thousands of troops. The four people raised their heads and looked at this extremely contrasting scene from a distance, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Meng Xiaotang wanted to call out, "Brother Fuguang," but she was shivering too much, and she could only let out a mouthful of cold air that turned into white mist from between her pursing lips.

"...Come on." Liu Fuguang said softly. He spread his hands with a dazed look on his face, as if he saw another distant time and space through the creepy ghost beast, "Come on...come to me."

The ghost beast was riding the wind in the air. When it heard Liu Fuguang's voice, it couldn't help but take a step forward, and then stopped immediately. It shook its head and tail hesitantly, retracting its sharp claws and curling up its mouth. The dark tentacles around it split and exploded, and then merged into one, undulating and twisting so fiercely, just like the flames jumping and flickering in the cold wind.

To describe it to a bystander who was completely outside the situation, this state of mind seemed to be that one was extremely timid and was about to curl up into a ball.

The four of them stared blankly at the ghost beast general with its tail tightly clamped between its hind legs. They watched it move step by step in the direction of Liu Fuguang. The countless eyes all over its body were tightly closed and occasionally opened. One or two of them were staring directly at Liu Fuguang's face, staring at it for a few breaths, then closing it again unbearably.

In this way, it came closer to Liu Fuguang little by little. When it came to him, it was already bowing its head and its body was shaking so much that it could hardly maintain its original shape. It made intermittent sounds, which were both like a hoarse scream and a cry. Hoarse wail.

Liu Fuguang stretched out his hand and gently hugged its head. His white jade-like fingers were immediately submerged in the crazily squirming tentacles. But then, like boiling water splashed on the snow, the tentacles he touched spurted out thick melting smoke, which dispersed like a flood. Along with it, the huge body of the ghost beast was also rapidly collapsing. drain.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Liu Fuguang stroked the ghost beast's head and murmured, "There will be no more pain or sadness in the future. Go, go to the place you should have gone to for relief." That time...is today."

His voice was so gentle, filled with a huge, almost maddening forgiveness and love. He is a dream, the most beautiful thing in the world, a dream that can drown all things. People have to cry with all their strength in life to resist the burning fire brought by this love.

He slowly let go of his hand, and the ghost beast staggered back. Its deformed mouth was cracked to the extreme, revealing a gap-toothed smile. Countless shining eyes opened on its body, and they were all immersed in the overwhelming warmth. Twinkling, blissfully black.

It turned around and started running in long strides. It ran towards the bottomless cliff, towards the endless abyss, and in the center of love, it satisfactorily hit its own end - disintegration and destruction into pieces, which only happened in an instant.

For countless years when I was lying in the jade coffin and forced to sleep, I was thinking hard, why did Yan Huan betray me?

Looking at his hands, Liu Fuguang looked stunned and confused.

Now, I seem to understand, he thought, Yan Huan probably hates me very much, because I was fully capable of destroying him, but I didn't do it.

His hand dropped uncontrollably, his heart failed, Liu Fuguang's vision gradually blurred, and before he passed out completely, he heard several panicked calls.

"...Brother Fuguang!"

"Master... Master!"


In the spring of Chenghui's 176th year, Liu Fuguang sat in front of a round mirror polished like a silver moon, looking at himself absentmindedly.

"Your Highness," the maid stood aside, carefully combing Liu Fuguang's long hair, full of reluctance, "Why are you so frowning?"

Dongmo is the land of the rising sun. When Liu Fuguang was born, real immortals came from all directions to congratulate him. They said that this son received the virtues of the sun and the moon, but it was destined and inevitable to be united with a great evil god.

After receiving this ominous order, the Lord of Dongzhao changed his expression in anger and resisted the urge to scold the real immortal in person and let the banquet break up unhappy.

Slowly, Liu Fuguang grew up day by day, and the immortal's command gradually came true at the same time. He has a naturally honest, gentle and glazed Taoist heart. Not only has he advanced thousands of miles in practice, but he also has a dazzling and beautiful face. When he smiles, he looks like the spring sun shining on the earth.

As the young prince of Dongmo, he was extremely talented and loved, and he should have been the perfect candidate to inherit the throne. However, everyone in the world knew that fate had destined him to have an entanglement with the Dragon God Yan Huan. .

"I'm thinking about Yan Huan," Liu Fuguang sighed, shaking his head and saying, "He must have a strong opinion of me. How can any arranged marriage last long since ancient times?"

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