He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(492)

After a pause, he continued: "But now you are back! Of course I want to return them all to you so that you can reunite with your relatives. You see, all the people and things inside have not changed. It is still here. The East Marsh you are familiar with..."

Yes, what he said was absolutely correct. To a certain extent, Liu Fuguang still wanted to thank him. Thousands of years of time are like water, and everything in the world has changed. However, he used the power of the Dragon God to solidify a country on the day he just passed away. As long as Liu Fuguang goes back, in the eyes of his parents, relatives and friends, he has just left. In just a short moment...

But many times, things like this were a clear and cold reminder to him, reminding him what kind of inhuman existence Yan Huan was.

He didn't speak, just gasped tremblingly, and Yan Huan had no way of understanding his silence. The Dragon God said cautiously: "I'll help you... restore them, okay?"

Yan Huan tentatively stretched out his fingers, circling his nine eyes, trying to peek at Liu Fuguang's expression from the side. He gently placed his hand on the edge of the miniature landscape, and seeing that Liu Fuguang was motionless, he took this as a sign. He acquiesced, and in an instant, the chessboard disappeared in his hands, and the ground in Tanggu emitted an extremely powerful roar, like the huge roar when the world first opened.

Mountains rise, rivers and lakes gather and disperse, and Sunrise Tang Valley, which has been vacant for six thousand years, finally welcomes its original residents. Yan Huan stretched out his raised left hand, and the terrain that had changed due to the passage of time returned to its original appearance. He pressed the palm of his right hand again, and the landforms that had gathered into peaks over the years had migrated tens of thousands of miles away in an instant. The position was vacated for Dongnum.

After everything was ready, Yan Huan took back his hand that was shaking the clouds and rain, and looked at Liu Fuguang timidly.

"Fuguang? It's ready," he said flatteringly, "Go and have a look, you will definitely like it..."

Is this a question of whether I like it or not?

——Liu Fuguang wanted to ask him this, but he had long since lost the strength to argue with Yan Huan. Therefore, he said nothing and continued to sit on the cloud chariot, letting Yan Huan see him off.

When he set foot on the land of his motherland again, it was like he was in a dream. Pushing away Yan Huan's attempt to help, Liu Fuguang walked slowly on the jade floor of the palace. He still remembered everything here, but it took him a while to recall. It was difficult for him to dig out those old things from his mind. , spread them out under the dim light, and dry them one by one carefully.

In the red forest behind the Qingliang Palace, there are large and lush flaming red maples. There is always rosy maple leaves flying all year round, regardless of autumn. When he was a child, he loved to go there and play with the leaves; the lotus leaves in Yaoguang Lake are green, The jade-bone water lilies with white petals are in full bloom. Every summer, he takes a boat and goes to the middle of the lake to pick large and plump lotus pods. The lotus seeds here have no bitter core and are the sweetest. While sipping the lotus seeds, he whispers Humming the song "The water on the pond is pierced with bright brocade, and the mandarin ducks are attracted to the water. When the clouds are broken at night, the flowers are returned with laughter, and the gauze is low to protect the lanterns"... Thinking about it now, it really feels like a good time in the previous life.

Turning around the winding corridor, Liu Fuguang looked up at the plain white mourning flags flying all over the city, like lines of long tears swaying in the silent wind.

He lowered his head and walked past a maid who was still asleep. Yan Huan untied the time frozen here, but it still took some time to fully recover.

When you feel tired from walking, you sit down and take a rest. When you have rested enough, you get up and walk again. His feet guided him towards the harem of the royal city, which was his past residence and the residence of his parents.

He passed through the palace gates one after another, and saw more and more monks lying on the flowers on the roadside, and the heavily armed iron guards sleeping deeply under the trees. The mountain was vast, and it was also filled with soldiers lying everywhere. ——Combined with Yan Huan's previous words, it is not difficult to see that this is the scene when Dongzuma mobilized to supervise the war.

In order to avenge their youngest son who died tragically in Zhongshan, his parents were ready to risk everything even if they faced the evil Dragon God. However, before the war started, the country was reduced to the palm of Yan Huan's hand. The size was sealed.

Liu Fuguang's cheeks lost all color. He walked up the jade steps and walked into the palace door. Everything was like yesterday. The furnishings in the palace were familiar yet unfamiliar, which made his eyes dizzy.

He staggered over, and the pair of yin-yang jade chess pieces he used to use in the past were still messy on the chessboard. The banquet picture he and his brother had drawn together was still half-rolled in the gap between the table and the couch, with ink marks on the inkstone. The brush is still wet and resting crookedly on the mountain-shaped pen holder.

Liu Fuguang stretched out a finger and rubbed it awkwardly into the inkstone. He felt the wet touch on his fingertips. He raised his wrist, and a dark ink trail dripped down.

After so many years, even the ink here still keeps flowing...

Tears welled up in his eyes. For some reason, this detail overwhelmed him. He was holding the corner of the table, and his long-term calm state of mind suddenly shattered like thin ice in spring. Liu Fuguang's shoulders couldn't help trembling, and the whimpering and crying came so inexplicably. He bent down impatiently, pressed the back of his hand on the table, and burst into tears. Skinny veins appear.

In fact, Yan Huan had never gone far, always following Liu Fuguang, watching his every reaction. Seeing him suddenly crying and trembling all over, Yan Huan couldn't help being frightened, panicked, and anxious, and almost slapped himself in the face. hand.

So good, why did you suddenly start crying?

He hissed in pain, but he couldn't rush forward to give Liu Fuguang some comfort, whether it was in words or actions. I could only look helplessly in the distance, sweat dripping from my forehead, and my heart was burning. I felt all the hardships in the world for a while.

However, there was no need for him to comfort him. Liu Fuguang cried for a while and his mood calmed down a little. Then he wiped his tears and continued walking in with his eyes red.

The palace doors were heavy, with veils hanging like mist hanging above them. Liu Fuguang pushed them open. Behind all obstacles and obstructions, he finally saw his mother, Queen Xi and Xiji.

She was dressed in pale plain clothes, with a hunched back and a gloomy face. She sat tiredly on the edge of the couch, as if her body was crushed by an invisible burden. Two deep tear troughs spread out from under her eyes, almost making people feel sad. I can't see the charm that made the country famous in the past.

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