He and It

Him and It_Mrs. Lianhe【Complete】(535)

The night wind howled, and several palace lanterns around him suddenly went out, and a line of white smoke erupted, trembling uncontrollably.

"...Nothing is free in the world." Shengzong asked hoarsely, "What are your conditions?"

The most evil laugh.

It lowered its voice and pressed countless greasy fingers on Sheng Zong's shoulders, giving him a chilling yet extremely reassuring sense of strength.

"I want your time," it said, "the best time of your life. Of course! I won't ask for more, I only want...two hours."

Shengzong froze, and then added: "Every reincarnation of yours, I want you to shorten the length of two hours to me. I am not a big talker. Think about it, what choice do you have left? , what’s the retreat?”

It's right.

Shengzong knew full well that neither he nor the auxiliary chief guards he cultivated and selected with great concentration could stand up to the most benevolent saint. The Supreme Good came here to judge his own sins and demand his end. Only this completely unfamiliar "evil" is willing to lend a helping hand to him with an uncertain future.

"I..." Shengzong swallowed hard, his lips suddenly became horribly dry, "I agree to your request."

"The deal is done!" Zhixie said happily: "I hope we can have a happy cooperation, the most noble emperor in the world."

The author has something to say:

Yan Huan: *smiling creepily, planning the emperor's death in a small notebook* Oh, this will be fun!

Liu Fuguang: *With the same warm smile, he bids farewell to innocent ordinary people one by one* Goodbye, goodbye, and have a safe journey, everyone!

Shengzong: *Feeling the cold wind blowing on my soul, I suddenly fainted for some reason*

Yan Huan: *continues giggling, giggling crazily* This will be the best idea ever!

Chapter 204 Ask Here (32)

"Wait a minute!" Sensing that the evil was about to leave, Shengzong hurriedly called, "I...I have one more thing that needs to be made clear!"

The mist stopped and turned towards the Holy Sect.

The emperor of Wuping mustered up his courage and said boldly: "Let me make it clear first, I can only give you two hours, without increasing or reducing it. It will not happen that I will give you two hours this time and return it next time. It's going to take two extra hours'... and after the transaction is completed, you must leave completely and are not allowed to stay in Wuping."

"Do you think I'm a peddler at the market, here to buy goods from you?" The evil voice lowered dangerously, "Don't worry, the emperor of this world. A transaction is a transaction, and I won't play any word games with you..."

Shengzong didn't know whether he should be afraid or relieved.

"If you are still not at ease, then we might as well make an oath." The most evil one said boredly, "I will help you eliminate the threat of the most good and will not go against you. You are willing to shorten the two hours in this endless reincarnation and give it to me as your gift. The reward is Huang Tian's testimony. If I violate my oath, I will suffer the pain of soul-destroying and heart-breaking pain, and the pain of true Yang burning my body. How about that?"

Shengzong calmed down and repeated the oath as promised. After finishing speaking, his heart immediately went numb, as if it was tightly tied up with a rope, and his fingers were also painful.

Even with the guarantee of an unbreakable alliance, the emperor still felt uneasy. Realizing that the evil was about to leave, Shengzong suddenly thought of something and quickly shouted: "Your Excellency, stay! I...there is still something unknown."


"Since the young man in white is the supreme good, then what is the origin of the man in black following him?"

Zhixi paused and suddenly laughed.

"He," said the evil lazily, "he is just a dog of the good, nothing to be afraid of."

The night wind was quiet, and the silence in Shengzong's ears was as dead as a tomb.

The worst evil has left.

The moon and stars were sparse, and the rustling sounds of insects could be heard from the mountains. Liu Fuguang looked through the collected information with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"The rebellion in the north was put down, with the help of wise ministers and capable people, the weather was smooth in all directions, several major cases were carried out, and the powerful officials and members of the court were eradicated one after another... In the harem, the queen and him

childhood sweethearts

, has a smart and intelligent personality, is currently pregnant with a child, and will give birth soon. It is said that she is the future prince, the most favored concubine, and the most beautiful woman in the world... What is all this mess? "

Yan Huan stood next to him with a flattering smile: "The collection is a bit messy, so I can just look at it."

Liu Fuguang said with a smile: "You just have to write down the color of his pajamas..."

After a moment of silence, his smile faded, and he sighed: "I'm afraid, this is the most fantasy a man can dream of, right? The Nine-Five Supreme, with power over the world, a stable border, and everyone at home and abroad worships him and is loyal to him. He is an immortal minister, and the people under his rule have neither the slightest nor the slightest objection. Whether it is personal prestige or the royal power in his hands, they have all reached the highest peak. Not to mention the childhood sweetheart Queen, who is absolutely stunning. His concubine...oh, he will soon have a prince."

Hearing the emotion in his words, Yan Huan looked at his expression carefully and cautiously asked: "Do you... like it?"

"Like it?" Liu Fuguang gave a rare sneer, "It's vulgar and full of crazy fantasies. How can I like this kind of delirium?"

He threw the information aside and whispered: "It seems that he condensed all the images he yearned for and the beauty he was most obsessed with in his life into a very short period of time, and then lived it over and over again... …”

"Yes," Yan Huan laughed, "This is the real evil of greed."

Liu Fuguang raised his eyes. His gaze flickered on Yan Huan's face for a moment. He had an idea in his mind but never said it out loud.

——The evil of greed of the Holy Sect is actually a part of you, and it is only a very small part.

"What promise did you make to him?" he asked.

Yan Huan said: "I promise to help. I promise him that I will help him... eliminate the threat of the Supreme Good."

"Oh?" Liu Fuguang raised his eyebrows, seeming to be interested, "What about the reward? What did you want from him?"

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