He Comes From the Void

Chapter 98 Battle (Leader Linyun Building Addition 5/15)

Kane only saw the movement of Sivir's shot, but did not see the flight path of the bone blade!

The moment Sivir shot, Kane's skin armor was already tingling.

This is an alarm, his life has been threatened!

So Kane turned on time acceleration for himself in advance.

1.5 times!

There are only two afterimages that are so fast that they seem to be able to cut the corners of the eyes, one left and one right.


He barely saw the ghostly bone blades hiding in the air, appearing like two invisible wind blades.

It wasn't until the triple speed was turned on that he barely saw it clearly—a pair of bone blades were flying in a curved shape. The special structure made it almost invisible when rotating at high speed. They easily cut through the air without making any sound.

And the intersection of the flight trajectory is his neck and lumbar spine!

Kane didn't dare to take it hard, but under the acceleration of time, his body can also keep up with the speed of nerve reflexes, so he doesn't need to swing his body to avoid the bone blade at a minimum, and make extreme operations like the famous scene of The Matrix.

In the sluggish world, he even had time to catch a glimpse of Sivir's next move.

As he rushed away from the spot, he stared closely at Sivir, watching her slowly stretch her hand behind her back and pull out another pair of bone blades, as if she knew that this would not kill Kane...or She wanted to chop Kane into pieces and flog his corpse.

But in any case, she couldn't do it.

The eyelids trembled slightly, and the flow of time returned to normal. Kane felt two wind-cracking bone blades cross behind him, penetrated the side armor of the giant beast, flew out of the body and disappeared without a trace.

This power surprised him—it was so strong that it could pierce through the horny bone armor fifty centimeters behind the giant beast!

Fortunately, he didn't have to pick it up with his hands.

Seeing the bone blade break through the armor, Keisha was shocked, and immediately raised her right hand, aiming the tip of the fist blade at Sivir, and at the same time, purple light emerged from the depths of the pod.

"Stop it, or I'll kill you!"

But at this moment, Sivir completely ignored her warning. She was shocked, wondering how Kane could avoid her ultimate move.

She clearly predicted his advance and aimed at a position in front of him.

However, Kane suddenly fast-forwarded three positions, just in time to avoid the deadly bone blade.

If you can't figure it out, then just don't think about it.

Sivir's face became ferocious again. She pulled out all the bone blades from her back one after another, and threw them at Kane with all her strength, blocking all his exits.

Seeing that she didn't listen to the warning, Keisha immediately fired a round of hovering plasma bombs, part of which aimed at Sivir, and part of which tried to block the bone blades.

But the speed of those bone blades was too fast, and her missiles landed in the air, blasting the flesh into flakes. Sivir also dodged most of the missiles, only part of the armor was blown away by the explosion.

The deadly trajectories composed of six phantoms cover all Kane's escape routes, each with a slightly different launch time, speed and angle, no matter where you hide, they will pass through your body.

He accelerated his time again to buy himself more time to react.

It was too late to move away as before, so he focused on the flying bone blade and activated the law of time.

The two bone blades aimed at his current position, one in front and one in the back, aimed at the head and chest respectively.

The speed of these two flying blades has been slowed down by three times, and they are put aside for now.

The brain begins to throb, and the simultaneous execution of different flow rates will result in a geometric multiplication of calculations.

But his life is at stake, and he must give it his all.

The two bone blades aimed at a body behind you, the closer one becomes three times the normal flow speed, let it fly behind you first, and the far one slows down three times, widening the time difference, leaving yourself safe to retreat space.

The headache increased sharply again, and Kane felt that the load on his head had almost reached its limit.

Then he took a step back, allowing all the bone blades except the last flying blade to accelerate to complete their flight trajectories, and then took a step forward, removing all influence on time, and dodged the last flying blade without moving.

His vision went dark and he froze in place.

The brain seems to have stopped accepting any external information, and is trying its best to process the redundant information before it can complete the restart.

In a daze, he heard the beating figure of the pointer, but the sound did not come from his ears.

Instead, it is everywhere, as if his brain is drifting in the long river of time, and the sound is transmitted through the river.

Sivir was shocked.

Kane dodged her hateful blow with just a feint, which was absolutely impossible.

She immediately recalled the process and found that there was something strange in it—the rhythm of the bone blade she threw piercing the giant beast's chest was wrong, and a period of time was enlarged, and the rhythm that should have been coherent was extended to both ends of the head and tail. Squeeze away.

"Can you control my bone blade?" She made a surprised voice, but Kane didn't answer her.

Sivir has spent his whole life in fighting, so he has rich combat experience, so he immediately discovered Kane's abnormality.

Although he couldn't see his expression through the helmet, but his muscles were tense but he didn't move, he must have fallen into some negative state.

Absolutely! She became more and more certain that this was the aftereffect of Kane's use of secret techniques to avoid her ultimate move.

Just like a kind of tiger beetle in the desert, this kind of beetle runs extremely fast, but after running for a while, it has to stop and rest for a while before continuing to run.

This is because their reaction can't keep up with their own speed. If they run for too long, their eyes will go dark, and they have to stop to recover. They can't continue running until the recovery is complete.

Therefore, in people's eyes, this kind of tiger armor always runs and stops.

With this thought in mind, the body has been activated.

Sivir bent her legs, kicked off, and ran between the ribs of the giant beast, quickly approaching Kane!

Her running speed is also not slow, somewhere in between.

The sharp toes prevented her from slipping in the slippery chest. She sprinted to five meters in front of Kane, then bent her knees and jumped, relying on the strong torque of her waist and hips, spun her kick and kicked Kane in the face. .

This kick will definitely decapitate him.

At this moment, a flash of lightning rushed out from the slanting stab and caught Sivir's eyes.

But until it rushed to him, Sivir realized that it was not lightning, but a figure.

She was intercepted by Keisha from mid-air, and the two of them hugged each other, drawing dozens of meters in the slippery chest. Even if Sivir grabbed the flesh with his claws, it was useless, and the two of them didn't stop until they hit the wall of flesh.

Sivir immediately fought back and wrestled with Keisha. She grabbed Keisha's wrist, stopped the fist blade that was stabbing her eye socket, and then twisted it away by virtue of her strength.

She was familiar with the weaknesses of the human body, and knew how to make people unable to walk.

She turned over and suppressed Kesha, then stepped on her heel hard, causing her soles and calves to fold severely, tearing her Achilles tendon, making her unable to run, and kicking her away again.

Regardless of Ke'sa's twisted roar, she rushed to Kane, determined to kill him before he recovered, despite the plasma shells coming from behind her.

Fifty meters!

Twenty meters!

Five meters!

She kicked up again, but at this moment, she heard a cold snort coming from Kane's helmet.

"The speed is quite fast."

Then she felt that her calf was being grabbed, and then the world was spinning, and a huge centrifugal force went straight from the bottom of her feet to the sky spirit cover. Then there was a violent impact, the feeling of weightlessness and the second impact followed one after another, and finally trembling groans came from deep in the bones of the whole body, and the pain formed a lament.

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