He Comes From the Void

Chapter 15: Memories of the Above-ground World

in the next few days.

No, it should be said that for the next period of time, Kane led Kesha to avoid threats and look for prey.

The concept of time has been blurred in the long darkness, what year will it be?

They sometimes try to climb up the tunnel, but due to the lack of tools and the inability to climb the steep rock wall due to their young age, they finally fail.

It's better to wait until the whole body is wrapped in void skin armor, and then try to climb to the ground.

Under the strategy of tilting resources, Keisha's skin armor developed rapidly.

Kane watched the skin armor spread from her forearm to her shoulder. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Kaisha can control the balance of the body, it will not be a problem for her to carry Kane for several kilometers with one hand.

Now, Kane didn't dare to give Kesha a hug easily, for fear that she would break some of his ribs with force.

From the current point of view, Keisha is a strong player, but compared with the void creatures everywhere, this power is really nothing.

The two once went back to the ruins of the village to find the exit, thinking that since the village had collapsed, there should be an exit above the ruins.

Then, they discovered that the ruins were occupied by a swarm of ethereal worms.

In order to dig out the cold corpse buried deep in the ground, they saw with their own eyes a Void Spirit push away a huge boulder several times its size, drag the corpse out and gnaw on it, not sparing even the bones.

They are really not picky eaters at all, regardless of fresh or carrion, regardless of internal organs or bones, as long as they are organic, they will always come.

Seeing the villager's corpse being desecrated, Kesha rushed forward in anger, raised her arm to fight a goat-sized Void Spirit, but her arm was directly bounced off by the powerful force of the blade foot, and even suffered some injuries.

Sensing the frightening number of ethereal spirits gathering in the ruins, Kane hurriedly dragged her away and never went back.

Since that incident, Kane has understood.

They have a layer of void skin on their body surface, no matter how they evolve, their strength cannot be compared with the original void creation.

The opponent's body is 100% "made in the void", and they are only "packaged" by the void, which still cannot change the fact that they are human beings inside.

If the factors that limit the size of the Zerg such as oxygen supply and nerve conduction disappear, can humans still be the overlord of nature?

Obviously, the advantages brought by intelligence are not enough to make up for the desperately huge gap in strength, speed and intensity.

This may be the reason why most of the creations of the void appear in the form of terrifying Zerg.

However, Keisha has never been a strong player. When the skin armor is fully covered, she will start to show extraordinary speed, and easily leave these ethereals behind with her legs.

And it is matched with a powerful long-range strike capability.

Void skin armor will evolve the ability to spray special flames and plasma in the future, bringing scorching destruction to these void creatures.

This is also the main reason why Kane tilted resources to Kesha.

Kesha's evolution direction is very clear and practical. And he himself relied on mind control to assist in the battle, and he didn't seem to rely on the skin armor very much, so let's consciously go back a little bit.

"Kane, I almost forgot what the sun looks like."

The two walked through the purple underground tunnels, and if Kane didn't silence her, Kesha could sometimes talk for a long time.

Kane listened to her quietly, listening to her talk about the world above the ground.

"Sometimes I forget what the sun looks like and how we know what time of day it is by the position of our shadows."

As a person who was born in the desert, but forgot the sun, Keisha couldn't help crying a little.

In memory, the surface of the water reflects its brilliance, the golden eye in the sky, and the warmth of pleasure pours into the chest with every breath.

Keisha took a deep breath, but the air was no longer the heat of the floor.

Listening to this, Kane could only be silent.

These memories have nothing to do with him, except for the memory left by this body, he can only rely on other people's dictation to imagine the sun of Shurima.

He has never experienced the world above the surface as himself, and he has been buried deep in the ground since he woke up, and there is no chance at all.

Kesha's narration let him know that he yearned for the world above the ground, and a seed was planted in his heart, and the desire to return to the surface began to germinate in his heart.

While chatting, Kane noticed that the pattern of light and temperature seen by his left eye had changed.

Keisha's sense is not sensitive enough, but after walking for a while, she also found some changes in the surrounding environment.

Light came in from the front, the dark tunnel became brighter, and the skin armor also stirred up.

Kane didn't feel the danger, but there was an inexplicable force that attracted him to go to the light source to find out.

Is it a trap or an opportunity?

Kane thought about it in his heart, and felt that there would never be any opportunities in the underground world.

Void only knows how to take, never repays.

He wanted to leave, but Keisha insisted on pulling him over to have a look. He couldn't stop that huge force.

"What if it's the skylight cast down from the ground?"

Her eyes are full of anticipation. She was talking about the sunshine on the ground just now. Will she be able to see what she wants to see now?

Keisha's character is a bit stubborn, and the things she believes cannot be changed with a few words.

"It's... alright."

Kane felt that with him around, the safety of the two of them should be somewhat guaranteed, at least safer than her going alone.

At the same time, he also felt that it was not all bad to see the danger.

At least you can gain awareness—in this perilous underground world, you know how much you really weigh, and how terrifying the unknown threat is.

"I'm not not going, as long as you slow down and be careful."

Kane tactfully accepted, and Keisha also became more obedient, slowing down and approaching slowly.

At the exit of the tunnel, they saw that the rocky edge around the exit was shimmering, like the reflection of the surface of the cave reflected by the underground lake.

The light circle rippled slightly, suggesting that the light source wasn't solid, that something was stirring the light, and they didn't know about it.

Still not aware of the existence of void creatures, Kane took two steps forward, and then stopped suddenly at the exit of the tunnel.

—he found himself standing on the brink of an abyss.

The border between the two realms ebbs and flows like the sea of ​​sand in Soontha. The purple abyss is like an ocean of evil light, and the vortex of dissolution and regeneration is constant.

The majestic energy stirred in it, and occasionally formed ugly forms-like the legendary Leviathan that lived on the bottom of the sea, something that only existed in stories.

"It's not sunshine..." Kesha leaned over, looked at the abyss below and said in a daze, "But it looks familiar."

As if remembering something, she suddenly pinched Kane's face with her hands, looking at each other.

In his eyes, she saw the same thing as the abyss.

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