Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 278 The Ungraspable Life-saving Straw

On November 6th, a new week begins. The low-cost horror film "Saw" will be screened on 1,237 screens in 867 theaters across the United States.

Although the number of expanded theaters is not as many as expected, at least this horror film that was almost killed by the Film Association finally has a chance to appear in mainstream commercial theaters!

At the same time, in addition to some second- and third-line reports and advertisements, this B-grade film also appeared in periodicals such as "Film Review", "Hollywood Reporter", and "Complete Movies", and it has become a mainstream movie with mainstream attention. The world of movie fans.

Of course, some screenshots of the movies that accompany the report usually reveal a depressive and suffocating horror atmosphere.

"Newcomer, new director, new team, new company, "Chain Saw" is challenging your guts!"

"If you are brave, please watch "Chain Saw"! Maybe this is not the scariest horror movie ever, but this movie can definitely be ranked in the top three! The philosophical content and theme presentation of the movie are also better than those Crude B-movies are a cut above."

"This is not a perverted killing game, this is a philosophical dialectic about life. The newcomer director Zack Snyder has shown a creepy value discussion through "Chain Saw."

"If you are a horror film lover, then don't miss this movie-"Chain Saw"!"

"There is no doubt that "Chain Saw" is a success. Twain, who is behind the film, makes us think deeply. As we all know, Miramax is the most outstanding independent film company in Hollywood, and Dimensions is the The most exciting small-budget film production company. The Focus Films and Rampage Films models established by Twain seem to be challenging Harvey Weinstein's field of power."


Driven by some advertisements and some professional reviews, the popularity of "Chain Saw" has gradually spread. Although the favorable rate has declined, it is still as high as 80%.

This is unimaginable for a B-grade film!

In exchange for the film's box office success...

Monday, $1.08 million; Tuesday, $890,000; Wednesday, $770,000; Thursday, $640,000…

A new round of weekends is coming, and the North American box office of "Chain Saw" has exceeded 4 million US dollars!

On the weekly box office list, such a B-movie with an investment of 1.5 million US dollars is only behind the action blockbuster "Charlie's Angels 1" starring Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore, and Adam Sandler's "Little Nicky" and "Scuba Divers" starring Robert DeLoney and Charlize Theron!

The box office results of "Saw" are quite different from the previous ones, but it is ahead of Warner's action thriller "Red New Ball" which opened in 2703 theaters, which is enough to prove the box office strength of this movie!

What about the small cost?

As long as it is related to Twain, it can dominate the box office list!

As for the old Hong Kong film "Drunken Master" that Miramax wants to release with Jack Chen's popularity...it can't be found in the top 50!

Another weekend is coming, it is conceivable that the popularity of "Chain Saw" will be further expanded!

As the head of Disney, Michael Eisner focused on the top priority of strategy, with one exception - Twain.

Even for a B-movie like "Saw", which cost only US$1.5 million, he notified his assistant to follow up and report the situation at any time.

When he got the box office data of "Chain Saw", Michael Eisner was silent.

He has already seen the situation clearly. Although Disney has limited the screening scale of "Chain Saw" through black box operations, this movie... is still surviving, growing, and developing in the cracks, and it is already unstoppable.

Waiting until next week, the screening scale will be adjusted again, and at this time... the large-scale screening of "Chain Saw" must be the general trend, and this is no longer within the scope of Harvey Weinstein's interference.

"Why? Why do the movies he participates in always succeed?"

Michael Eisner thought about this question many times, but couldn't grasp the answer every time.

Even the god-level director Steven Spielberg will often miss. The plight of DreamWorks is not only due to external suppression, but also a major factor because of the unstable internal development.

And Tang En Pictures...

Absolutely a wonder!

Twain's strategic planning seems so impetuous and simple, even for film investment, in the eyes of professionals, he just shakes his head.

How dare a small company that has just been established shoot several commercial blockbusters within a year?

Back then, 20th Century Fox could only do its best to provide "Titanic" as a blockbuster movie. Now Disney's production department, all the funding focus is also occupied by "Pearl Harbor".

But what about Tang En Pictures?

Not only took out 200 million US dollars for James Cameron to squander, filming "Unsinkable", but also successively invested huge sums of money in Ann Lee, Luc Besson, and Tim Burton.

Just a few days ago, Tang En Pictures and its subsidiary Focus Pictures jointly released a big news that they will spend a huge sum of 120 million US dollars to film Martin Scorsese's historical masterpiece!

This is simply a challenge to the Hollywood film investment philosophy!

The results of it?

"Chain Saw" has embarked on the road of explosion that everyone looks weird, but to Tang En, it is normal.

This guy is definitely a freak!

"I just don't know if "Undead" can withstand the pressure of "Chain Saw"."

Michael Eisner groaned secretly. At this moment, he actually hoped that "Saw" would be a big hit at the box office.

"Undead" won't be released until half a month later. If the popularity of "Chain Saw" can be exhausted within half a month, and the box office is close to saturation, then it will not pose a threat to Disney's movies.

At this time, his assistant knocked on the door and came in with a bad expression, "Boss, it's about the movie."

"The tickets for "Saw" are sold like crazy?" Michael Eisner suddenly smiled and waved his hands. Not only can we not limit the scale of the screening, but we must also help it expand!"

The assistant frowned, hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?"

"It's our movie."

""Undead Tribulation"?"

"Yes, there are many newspapers and magazines that have reported relevant information."

Michael Eisner laughed and said: "Good thing! Just by taking advantage of the trend of "Saw", maybe it can set off a wave of horror craze, and it will also be a boost for "Undead."

"No, this is not our publicity plan!" The assistant looked bitter.

"Huh?" Michael Eisner raised his eyebrows and noticed something, "What's going on?"

The assistant said bitterly: "It has been reported in many entertainment newspapers that Bruce Willis, the star of "Undead", broke up with his little girlfriend Brooke Bens. Rumors...she is dissatisfied with Bruce Willis. Si's work in bed..."

Michael Eisner immediately exploded, "What did you say?"


In another room, Joe Ruth was holding a mobile phone and yelling at Bruce Willis, "Bruce, are you crazy? You just got divorced a month ago, and you found a girl who is 26 years younger than you ? Just look for young people, have you forgotten your age? Do you think your body is as strong as you look?"

"I managed to help you clarify the negative impact of the divorce case through my relationship, and you're doing it to me again? Do you think that there are still few people making fun of you? Hehe, being laughed at by girls for being poor in bed, Bruce, Let me see where you put your old face!"

"You bastard, you killed me! If this matter affects the box office of "Undead", you will get the hell out of me and get out of Hollywood! Damn it, letting you star in "Undead" is the biggest mistake in my life." mistake!"

After cursing for a while, Joe Ruth hung up the phone, his heart boiling with anger.

"Who is going to kill me?"

Joe Ruth was in his office, yelling out as if to vent.

Tang En?

It is possible, after all, the hatred between the two sides is deeply rooted and it is impossible to resolve it.

But Tang En was so busy that he didn't even have time to date female celebrities. Would he have the energy to arrange such trivial matters?

Joe Ruth frowned, with a bitter look on his face.


"Undead Tribulation", the life-saving straw, has been farther and farther away from him.

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