Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 423 Territory has an end

Dunn didn't think much of what Jere Welch said.

It seems that the success of the STA TV network still hasn't made this old guy realize the correctness of "content is king". In addition to having a complete distribution channel, Universal Pictures also has more than 1,500 film copyrights and rich Hollywood resources, which are wealth!

"Mr. Welch, if you think the success of the STA TV network is accidental, what about the dispute between Disney and Time Warner last year? If it weren't for the strong appeal of "Who Would Be a Millionaire", maybe Time Warner would have cut Disney off." TV network."

Tang En was talking about an old news that caused a sensation in the United States last year.

At first, the target of AOL America Online's merger was Disney, but Michael Eisner thought that America Online's stock was inflated waste paper, and there was a lot of sarcasm in his words.

As a result, AOL chose to merge with Time Warner's century, involving an amount of up to 165 billion U.S. dollars!

Time Warner exchanged real assets for AOL stock. Ted Turner, the major shareholder of Time Warner at the time, also expressed his position to the New York Times in a high-profile manner: "The excitement of this merger case is no less than the first time I had sex 42 years ago!"

It became a temporary scene.

Michael Eisner panicked at the time, because the feud between Disney and AOL would affect the cooperation between Disney's TV network and Time Warner!

Disney's TV network covers the entire United States, and because of anti-monopoly provisions, it is impossible for any TV operator to independently operate Disney's huge TV network.

There are few STA users, and it is far from touching the anti-monopoly clause, so it can be exclusively authorized to operate by Comcast. Because of the exclusive authorization, the operating commission will be lower.

Disney's ABC TV network must be divided into several sections and handed over to most TV operators, including Time Warner Cable.

As Michael Eisner expected, Time Warner directly cut off the ABC TV network, resulting in 3.5 million household users in the United States who could no longer watch Disney programs through Time Warner's operating services.

This directly caused Disney's stock price to plummet and its image to suffer greatly.

Disney expressed its willingness to change TV operators for these users, changing from Time Warner to Comcast or DirecTV, but the effect was not good.

But what happened?

Disney's flagship show, Who Would Be a Millionaire, launches a Celebrity Quiz Series!

Because of the competition between the two major companies, home users were unable to watch such a phenomenal variety show, and launched various protests. Even the children of many congressmen participated in it, which immediately aroused the attention of high-level officials.

In the end, Time Warner had no choice but to make a compromise and accepted more than 30 "unequal treaties" from Disney. Michael Eisner's prestige was able to stand firm under the repeated blows of Twain, dominating Hollywood!

Time Warner CEO Richard Parsons also issued a public apology, saying: "There is no corporate public relations department in the world that can defeat a show like "Millionaire."

That's the power of content!

A phenomenal variety show that almost saved Disney.

How Much Content Does Universal Pictures Have?

Is this pattern small?

In Tang En's view, Jack Welch still didn't understand the core of the entertainment industry.

Jack Welch waved his hands, his voice was mellow, "You misunderstood, what I'm talking about is not the content, not even the business. As I said, this is a grand topic, and what I'm talking about is the structure."


"In other words, it can also be said to be the goal!"

Tang En immediately showed an expression of enlightenment, and understood what he meant.

Jack Welch is worried.

Tang En's current wealth, 15 billion US dollars, is simply unstoppable!

Put it on the Forbes list, at least it can enter the top 15!

Such a large sum of wealth, if Tang En was allowed to squander it, he would not be able to spend it in a few lifetimes.

If this huge amount of wealth was placed on an old guy who had worked hard all his life, maybe it wouldn't cause much sensation, but Twain is too young, he is only 23 years old, and his future is full of infinite possibilities!

At the same time, it is also full of uncertainties.

An old man who has gone through vicissitudes and hardships may be able to control this large amount of wealth, but a young man who is obviously not experienced enough, with such wealth, is likely to quickly fall into confusion.

Even though Tang En was a human being, after cashing out huge wealth from the stock market, he fell into confusion for a while, and did not pay enough attention to his own movie "A Beautiful Mind".

There is still a purpose in life!

Without goals and lack of motivation, you will be intoxicated and completely sunk.

That's what Jack Welch should be talking about.

Tang En was silent for a moment, his voice as gentle as jade, "Actually, my goal has never changed, I want to become the master of Hollywood!"


"In 1996, I was just a very inconspicuous little assistant in the crew. Later... I was lucky enough to found Tang En Pictures, which launched "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "Wedding Crashers" and "Spider "Heroes", was in the limelight for a while, and even overwhelmed many movie giants."

Tang En slowly recalled, with a bit of struggle flashing in his eyes, "You may have heard that I had a big conflict with Disney. But you must not know that Disney is only a small part that surfaced. "

"Twentieth Century Fox is suppressing me; Time Warner's media is inciting my bankruptcy speech, trying to meddle in the copyright of "Harry Potter"; Universal Pictures is my partner, but it is also promoting "Spider-Man". I have to keep it, and I have to pay the promotional expenses myself; Columbia Pictures took advantage of the situation to forcefully buy the copyright of Marvel’s heroes, and Paramount is eyeing my animation studio..."

Tang En never mentioned this passage to others. At that time, he was under too much pressure. On the surface, it was Disney's ban, but behind the scenes, how much turmoil was there?

This is the first time he has revealed his heart, "At that time, everyone thought I was a reckless, flamboyant, foolish kid who dared to start a war with Disney. Humph! If I don't start a war, Tang En Pictures may really be reduced to No. 1 Two DreamWorks! If you start a war, you may die, but if you don’t fight, you can only survive! I don’t want to get along, I want to use my hands to fight a way out of the siege!”

"Fortunately, my strategy was right."

"I put on a disguise, pretending not to understand the situation, and head-to-head with Disney. Facing the other five giants, I expressed my goodwill one after another, and contacted Michael Ovitz, and came up with the 'Assortment Investment' plan to win people's hearts. Focus all your firepower on Disney. As you can see, Disney can make Time Warner bow down with "Millionaire", and I can completely turn around with "Spider-Man"!"

Jack Welch nodded. During that period of time, he always saw similar remarks in the newspapers, mocking Tang En as a reckless, stupid, arrogant, and conceited fool.

However, after a short contact, Jack Welch realized that this kid's maturity and intelligence far surpassed those of his peers.

It was Tang En's words that made him truly understand the intricate and turbulent situation at that time.

"So... you want to dominate Hollywood and make those bastards who bullied you openly and secretly kneel at your feet?" Jack Welch looked at Dun En with a smile, his eyes full of appreciation.

Tang En shook his head, his expression cold and resolute: "There is no right or wrong in the competition of each master. Warner, Sony, Paramount, and Universal Pictures, I don't hold any grudges. I even started a fight with 20th Century Fox. A series of cooperation. But I have a blacklist, and those who make trouble when I am in danger are not counted, and those who humiliate me, don’t even think about it!"

When Jack Welch was young, the internal bureaucracy of General Electric was serious, and the phenomenon of seniority was serious, and he was greatly unfair.

After he took office, the first strategy he launched was layoffs, which he dubbed: reforming the style of work.

All the guys who suppressed him, bullied him, and played tricks on top of him back then will all be fired!

So Jack Welch could understand Tang En's thoughts very well, and asked, "So... your goal is power?"

Tang En admitted it generously, and said in a frank manner: "Throughout the ages, what have men pursued? Wealth, power, and beauty! I have enough wealth, and beauty... I also don't lack. What I lack most now is power! Hmph Hmph, do you know Kirk Douglas? An old man who has retired for twenty years dares to challenge me!"

Jack Welch shook his head amusedly, "No matter what, having goals is a good thing, but don't forget, power is endless."

Tang En thought for a while, and said: "I may invest in some companies, but I won't participate in them. It's just an investment. My business scope will be limited within the framework of the media field."

Jack Welch looked deeply at Tang En, his eyes full of admiration.

It is difficult for a young man worth more than US$15 billion to have a clear mind, neither arrogance nor impetuosity, and pursuits and ideals, without empty talk or delusions.

More importantly, he understands that the territory has an end!

It's like the invincible Napoleon, who thought that he was invincible and boundless expansion, and sooner or later he would encounter Waterloo.

There has never been a victorious general.

The precondition for being invincible is not to advance endlessly, but to turn around at the right time, eliminate all new forces that may surpass you in the field behind you, and become the master of this field!

Tang En was able to clearly understand this at such a young age, which is commendable.

"Your goal is power, I've already made it clear." Jack Welch nodded, with a smile on his lips, "Then what about Tang En Pictures' goal? It won't be the acquisition of Universal Pictures, right?"

Tang En smiled heartily, "Of course, Universal Pictures is only the first step. There will be bigger acquisitions in the future. For example, the NBC TV network you fell in love with back then. I am very interested."

Jack Welch shook his head, "Not enough, not far enough!"

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