Heads Up Hollywood

Chapter 742 Returning Hollywood to a Bright World

"Sexual assault doesn't exist."

"I would never sexually assault my daughter."

"Mia Farrow and I have been in a relationship for 12 years, and during that time we have remained boyfriend and girlfriend, but we have never lived together."

"My wife... Song Yi, is the adopted daughter of Mia Farrow and her musician ex-husband Andre Previn, not my adopted daughter as you say."

"I have never claimed to be a father in front of Song Yi. Our love is a free act between two adults."

"I fell in love with Song Yi, and the public opinion said that she was too young, and she was Mia's adopted daughter. No matter what they said, I would admit it and I would take responsibility. I accept all this. But this should not be an accusation My reasons for sexually assaulting Dylan. Those are two very different things."


Bill Cosby's sexual assault scandal spread across the United States overnight, and Woody Allen's "scandalous behavior" spread even faster.

If all this is true, Woody Allen's behavior is undoubtedly even more heinous, because he sexually assaulted his own daughter!

After the "Hollywood Reporter" reported Ronan Farrow's accusation statement, it soon made an exclusive interview with Woody Allen and published it extensively.

At the end of the article report, "The Hollywood Reporter" also objectively expounded some points of view: From a legal point of view, there is absolutely no problem with the combination of Woody Allen and Soon Yi! However, from the perspective of the family, it must be difficult to accept.

There are 14 children raised by Mia Farrow, 4 biological and 10 adopted. Among them, 3 died of illness, and 9 of the remaining 11 children called Woody Allen their father. All the children are called Sister Song Yi.

Dad has become a brother-in-law. There is no doubt that this will deal a great blow to the young hearts of the children.

In the last report of Ronan Farrow accusing Woody Allen, there is such a clear statement: "My father married my sister so that I can be both his son and his brother-in-law. It is simply immoral." gone."

In short, this incident became the focus of public opinion across the United States overnight!

Even Bill Cosby, who was once pushed to the forefront, Ted Turner, who was written into the column of shame, and CBS, whose building is about to collapse, are not so important.

More contradictions, more media anger, have been transferred to Woody Allen!

After all, Woody Allen is a well-known director in Hollywood, more famous and more topical!

Tang En was not in a good mood.

He once thought that Ted Turner was probably manipulating behind the Farrow mother and daughter.

Now it seems that Lei Shidong is not without suspicion!

Exposure to the Woody Allen affair at this inopportune time will never do Hollywood any favors.

All major film companies will be somewhat implicated.

Almost every film company has worked with Woody Allen and has a good relationship.

Warner Bros. is the core and most important asset of Time Warner. How dare Ted Turner disregard the interests of Warner Bros.?

However, for Viacom, it is very simple. Compared with the fatal pressure on CBS, Paramount's loss of profit is not worth mentioning.

Exposing Woody Allen will give cbs a chance to breathe!

Of course, it is not ruled out that some jealous Hollywood companies are jealous that the banner of women's rights is in the hands of New Universal, and they want to manipulate it secretly, disrupt the layout, and don't want Tang En's family to dominate.

"Woody, what the hell is going on here?"

Tang En invited Woody Allen to his office, and stared at him intently.

Sitting in Tang En's grand and luxurious living room, Woody Allen was quite emotional.

Sure enough, he is the richest man in the world, a new Hollywood tycoon, really different.

Just a living room is bigger than a five-star hotel.

"The benefits are just touching." Woody Allen shrugged his shoulders, as if everything was expected.


Dunn blinked his eyes, thinking about everything.

Woody Allen sighed: "Mia has not filmed for many years, she has lost her financial resources. She still has 4 underage children to support."

Tang En looked at him deeply, "What do you know?"

Woody Allen said: "In those years, Mia and I raised 11 children together, including my own son. Although I have completely severed the relationship with them over the years, some things ,I know."

Tang En couldn't help but laugh.

And the traitor too!

Woody Allen continued: "At the end of last month, some mysterious people suddenly found Mia, looking furtive. Starting this month, their lives have returned to the way they were before, and they have become better. Now, there are more parties at home."

Tang En nodded.

It seems that this Woody Allen doesn't know nothing.

Behind Mia Farrow, there must be financial support from unknown forces, encouraging them to speak out to the media during this time period.

Woody Allen sighed, and said again: "To be honest, I really didn't expect that she...she would bring this matter up again. Back then, she said that I...I thought she was just trying to snatch the child. As for the custody right, I chose to give in, to make the big issue into a minor one, to give up the custody right, and to calm down the incident, but I didn't expect..."

Tang En stared closely at the skinny old man, "You mean... Mia Farrow's accusation of sexually assaulting your daughter was fabricated? The accusation back then was for the purpose of fighting for custody?"


"You really didn't do that?"

Woody Allen's face suddenly changed, and he was a little emotional, "Of course not! How could I sexually assault a 7-year-old girl? Or my adopted daughter? Besides, my relationship with Song Yi had been exposed at that time , the relationship with Mia is extremely cold, almost an enemy. If I really did something illegal, how could she not call the police?"

Tang En looked at him deeply.

I really can't see anything.

It is true that Woody Allen is a great director, and he is also a very good actor. Many of his films are written, directed and acted by him, full of talent.

It's normal to pretend to be a little bit.

Tang En stared at him for a long time, but he couldn't tell whether he was showing his true feelings or acting. Then he smiled and waved his hands, "By the way, this matter didn't affect your work, did it?"

Woody Allen smiled bitterly, "How is that possible?"


"Originally, I have already agreed with Fox Searchlight that we will collaborate on a movie "Twins of Melinda". It is planned to start in May, and the release schedule has been set, and it will be in mid-October. As a result, they have informed yesterday that there will be unlimited The project has been put on hold for a while.”

Ou Faner's veteran director like Woody Allen has a fast filming speed.

Usually, it takes 3 weeks to finish shooting, 4-5 weeks to finish the post-production, and 3-4 weeks to operate and release. From the start of filming to the release, half a year is enough.

A low-budget comedy film, with a big director like Woody Allen in control, is very efficient.

Tang En smiled mysteriously and pointed to his chest.


Woody Allen's eyes widened.

Tang En smiled and said, "Can't you? Hehe, Twentieth Century Fox is afraid of risks and dare not invest, but I'm not afraid! I can't give any reason to reject an excellent director and an excellent project!"

Woody Allen's movies cost very little and are all excellent. Even if the box office is zero, it is difficult to lose money.

This is also the main reason why he has a new movie every year and never lacks investors.

"But... But it's about Mia?"

Woody Allen looked surprised.

At this moment, Tang En could see that he was pretending and acting.

With Woody Allen's shrewdness, he certainly couldn't fail to see the purpose of Tang En's invitation to come over today.

"Didn't you say you didn't do those things?"


"Isn't that all right? Those who clean themselves will clean themselves. What are you afraid of?"

Tang En waved his big hand, quite a bit like calling the wind and calling for the rain.

Woody Allen frowned, hesitantly said: "But the outside world's opinion..."

Tang En shook his head, smiled, and said: "I said, clean up yourself. Since you haven't done it, no one can slander you! The New Universal Women's Rights Association will fight for the legal rights of every victimized woman, and for them Rights protection. However, we will never allow some women with ulterior motives to wantonly attack others under the banner of women's rights!"

Woody Allen had a strange expression on his face.

These righteous words are obviously not a reason.

Tang En didn't care, and said lightly: "This matter is not related to you personally. Mia Farrow is creating chaos in Hollywood and harming Hollywood's decency!"

Woody Allen shook his head and said: "I'm afraid the legal means will not work. They will definitely not sue me to court because it is fake. I will not sue either. If Mia and Dylan are sent to prison, the whole family will suffer. It's over, my children, and you won't forgive me."

Tang En blinked, "Are you sure they won't sue you?"

"Of course!" Woody Allen looked confident, "I promise! As I said, a fake is a fake, and they can't produce any evidence!"


Tang En slapped his thigh, and said seriously: "If the law is not involved, then it will be easy. Woody, you can continue to prepare your movie, Focus Pictures will find you. As for Mia Farrow...you see Mine! On your side, you just need to cooperate. You can no longer speak up without authorization, and you don’t need to listen to the suggestions from the brokerage company.”

"You... what will you do?"

"What should I do? Of course, it's to return Hollywood to a bright future!"

Woody Allen pondered for a while, "Mia is a smart person. Her parents are both in the entertainment industry. She knows too much about the entertainment industry. With her wisdom and experience, if there were no particularly powerful people behind her to support her , she will not risk lying against me in the media."

Tang En snorted coldly: "No matter who that person is, I will definitely not let him go!"

The life and death of Woody Allen has nothing to do with Tang En.

However, ruining his layout in Hollywood would be a big mistake of ransacking his family and exterminating his family! (https:)

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