The Sun family has been rich for only two generations, but they have already accumulated a lot of family property. The Wang family is a century-old family in Gu'an County, so the family property must be even greater.

In fact,

The most valuable thing of the Wang family is the two shops in Fucheng, but they have been secretly divided up long ago, and those who can stay are the leftovers.

"Six shops, the price ranges from forty taels to seventy taels of silver."

"The kiln mouth is transferred together with the workers who fired the porcelain, and the price is five hundred taels of silver. The Wang family's mansion and other courtyards will also be sold at a selected date."

Luo Captou said:

"Master Fang is also a porcelain merchant. Are you interested in taking over?"

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated.

He was very interested, but if he just took out three hundred taels and took a large amount of money, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of interested people.

At the moment I can only sigh helplessly:

"I'm interested, but I'm not strong enough. Fang's teeth are only so big. I'm afraid he won't be able to eat the Wang family's meat."

"That's such a pity." Luo Captou just asked casually, without much hope. He stood up as he said:

"If Mr. Fang is interested, you can come to me again, but don't be too late."

"Okay." Fang Zheng said:

"Wait a minute, Mr. Luo, I'll go get some silver."

After taking out one hundred taels of silver, he asked casually:

“I wonder if the firing technology of Wang Jialei’s popular porcelain can be transferred?”

"Transfer." Luo Captou said:

"It's just that it's transferred together with the kiln entrance and the employees. If it's transferred separately... it will make the people who take over the Wang family's business dissatisfied."


Has the Yamen obtained the Wang family’s porcelain-making technology?

Fang Zheng was moved in his heart and hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop the other party:

"Luo Captou, can we talk a little more?"


Luo Captou raised his eyebrows slightly:

"Master Fang is interested."

"Leizhaohong porcelain is considered to be the best in Zhaonan Mansion, so Fang is naturally interested." Fang Zheng smiled, his thoughts changing rapidly.

He has money.

Five hundred taels is not expensive.

But the wealth is not revealed. The reason why the Wang family cares about him is because the porcelain firing technology can bring more wealth.

The Wang family is easy to deal with, but others may not be.


The best of both worlds is to acquire technology and avoid any trouble.

"Luo Captou."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, made a decision in an instant, and then said slowly:

"Have you ever thought about doing some business?"


Luo Captou's eyes moved slightly.




Jade Cauldron Tower.

Private room.

The Eight Immortals table was filled with dishes, and several people sat around it, but not many moved their chopsticks.

In addition to Fang Zheng and Luo Baotou, there were also Mr. Han from the household room, Zhang Dianli from the ceremonial room, and Qi Dianli from the work room.

Five people in total.

The county government office has six rooms.

Officials, households, rituals, punishments, soldiers, and work.

The six rooms continue the six departments of the imperial court.

The Lifang is in charge of official positions, the Household is in charge of taxation and household registration, the Lifang is in charge of education and sacrifices, and the Xingfang is in charge of prisons, cases and so on.

Most of the people who worked in the sixth house were "subordinate officials". Most of them were people who had no hope of taking the imperial examination. They passed the examination or paid the millet to work in the yamen.

It may be difficult for these people to advance in the officialdom, but they are all old-timers in the yamen, and sometimes they can talk better than the county magistrate.

The county magistrate changes every few years.

They have been officials in Gu'an County for generations. Without them, the large county government would immediately cease.

"No wonder Mr. Fang can accumulate such a family fortune at such a young age. It's really remarkable. The suggestion you just made has never been heard by Han."

Mr. Han gently stroked his beard and said:

"However, it is indeed a good law."

Among them, he has the best relationship with Fang Zheng.

At the beginning, Fangzheng's naturalization was his operation. Later, during holidays and Fangci's opening, Fangzheng would have people send gifts to maintain the relationship.

"Sign the contract and we will work together to divide the Wang family's porcelain. We can start buying and selling without spending too much money." Luo Captou nodded:

"I think that's okay too."

"Yeah." Zhang Dianli squinted and said:

"Mr. Fang, this is a good suggestion, but from now on, the business will be run by you. How can we ensure that we can get that...dividends?"

"This matter is simple." Fang Zheng sat up straight and said:

"The four of them have invested in Fang Ci with Wang's kiln expertise and porcelain firing skills. I will give Fang Ci 30% of the shares and guarantee a dividend of no less than one hundred taels of silver in the first year."

"No less than two hundred taels in the second year, and there will be a minimum of two hundred taels every year thereafter."

"No limit!"

When several people looked at each other, they could see each other's heartbeat.

The dividend of two hundred taels of silver is guaranteed every year. Even if it is divided equally among several people, it will still be fifty taels. This is no longer a small amount.

The key is……

Every year!

And you don’t have to do anything.

"Good, good." Qi Dianli narrowed his eyes:

"It's not because Qi doesn't believe Mr. Fang, but what if...I mean what if, Fang Ci can't be opened and there is no profit?"

"This is also simple." Fang Zheng said:

"Fang can make a written note here. Once Fang Ci becomes unable to continue, how about returning the five hundred taels of silver to everyone first?"

"As for being foolproof..."

He chuckled and shook his head:

"Is there anything in this world that is foolproof?"

"That's right." Mr. Han said:

"I think this is feasible."

They were from the Yamen. Wangjiayaoguo said the price was five hundred taels, but with a little work by a few people, they could win it at two or three hundred taels.

You can even refuse to pay if you owe it first.

This means that the investment can be repaid within one or two years at most.

From then on, he continued to generate profits, and even made money even after leaving the Yamen in the future. This deal was a good deal.

For squares, there are benefits as well.

You can learn the firing technology of popular porcelain without having to show up yourself, which saves you trouble and gets benefits.

By establishing a good relationship with several subordinates, Gu'an County, which is so large, can go sideways. Even if something happens, these few people will try their best to protect him for the sake of future interests.

It’s the best of both worlds!

As for giving up a few shares of Fang Ci, it was nothing to him who had a world as his background. Besides, it could be redeemed in the future.

Several people discussed it and finally made a decision.


Zhang Dianli, the oldest and most senior person, nodded in agreement:

"Prepare the contract!"

"There's one more thing." Luo Baotou suddenly said:

"Master Fang, I also heard about what happened in the Sun Family Buddhist Hall last night. If Sun Die really turns into a ghost, I'm afraid you will be in some trouble."

"Ah!" Fang Zheng was shocked:

"What trouble?"

"A fierce ghost usually seeks out the person who has a grudge against him first, and then the last person he saw before his death, and so on." Luo Captou said:

"Mr. Fang was present at that time."


Fang’s cheeks twitched slightly.

Is there such a thing?

"I'm doing good things."

"Li Gui doesn't care about this." Luo Baantou shook his head:

"As far as I know, in many of the deeds of the evil spirits recorded in the Tianshi Temple, the members of the evil ghost's tribe were often killed first because they were more familiar with them."


"You should go to Sanqing Temple for a while and wait until the limelight is over."

He had no obligation to remind him of this kind of thing, but if he did business together in the future, Fang Zheng's death would affect the income.

Naturally, I have to remind you one or two.

"What Luo Captou said makes sense." Fang Zheng nodded hurriedly:

"Does Pavilion Master Du know about this? The young Pavilion Master was also present at the time."


"Then I'll go to Sanqing Temple to inquire about the situation."

He couldn't sit still.


Arriving at Sanqingguan, Zhang Mingrui was packing his things.

"Violent ghost..."

Facing Fang Zheng's inquiry, he pondered for a moment:

"If Mr. Fang is worried, why not come with me?"

"Where to go?"

"Cien Temple."

Master Wuyuan, the abbot of Ci'en Temple, is a mage with magic power that can subdue evil spirits. The key is that Sun Die is now in Ci'en Temple.

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