Hello, 1983

Chapter 101: What I Eat is Feelings

"Sanfeng'er, it's a waste of film again, what's the point of taking pictures."

The eldest sister raised her head and complained, and then saw Liu Qingshan's camera lens aimed at her, and quickly straightened the bangs in front of her forehead, lowered her head slightly, and continued to pose for embroidery.

The stove was burning in the room, the temperature was quite high, Liu Jinfeng's pretty face was slightly red, and there was a sweet smile on her face.

Yang Hongying was similar, sitting beside Liu Jinfeng and quietly watching her embroidery.

When these two elder sisters come together, they are simply two flowers.

After a click, Liu Qingshan recorded this beautiful moment, and then his mouth was not honest:

"Eldest sister, are you embroidering a dowry for the old sister?"

When Yang Hongying heard this, she immediately froze and slipped directly from the kang to the ground, shoving Liu Qingshan, trying to pinch his ears.

Fortunately, Lao Wushan Xing rescued him in time: "Brother, it's time to take pictures of me and Sister Caifeng!"

"Good good!"

Liu Qingshan touched the little guy's watermelon head and boasted, "It's my Shan Xing who knows it hurts people."

In the end, the picture of putting on a robe for my mother was also photographed. In a few decades, such a scene will basically be invisible.

Liu Qingshan reviewed his homework for a while, and the fulfilling day was over. He had already covered the hot bed on the kang, lay in it, and steadfastly, once he slept, it was a great night.

After lunch the next day, Liu Qingshan helped the fourth and fifth to carry two ice carts, with a camera hanging from his neck, and went to the river outside the village.

I heard shouts from a distance, and I saw dozens of little kids playing here.

Twitch, skateboard, nothing, as long as you wear shoes, you can slide on the ice.

This is the easiest, run a few steps, then stand on the ice, and you can slide out 20 to 30 meters at once.

Of course, if you fall, you can slide quite far while lying down.

Those with a high level can also play various tricks: squatting sliding, backward sliding, and single-leg sliding.

At the same time, it is inevitable that the car will roll over and fall on the ice with a bang. If it hits the back of the head directly, congratulations on making a fortune, and Venus must be running around in front of you.

However, at this time, the little boys were also solid, and they were crawling and rolling in the wild all day long. Their flexibility and coordination were very good, and they were rarely broken.

On the contrary, the little dolls in the future will become more and more spoiled, and their physical fitness will become worse and worse, and they can break a bone when they do exercises between classes.

Xiao Lao Si Xiao Lao Wu sits cross-legged on the ice cart. This cross-legged skill is a must-have skill, because at that time, the kang table was mainly used for eating.

So the easiest way to distinguish between southerners and northerners is to look at this, and they will cross their legs, almost like northerners.

With ice skewers in their hands, they waved their small arms back and the ice cart slid forward, and their cheerful laughter immediately rippled on the ice.

"Shan Xing, Cai Feng, let's race to see who can skate faster!"

Er Zizi waited for a few little boys, and immediately came together. The little boy was strong, and Shan Xing and the others certainly couldn't compare, and the two little girls simply started to play convulsions.

The wood made by Liu Qingshan is as big as the mouth of a small bowl, and it is covered with colored paper. It turns very beautifully.

"Shan Xing, Cai Feng, let's play, let's see who can take the longest."

Second, they came together again.

This time, the fourth and fifth are not afraid. Both sides whipped up their respective wooden sticks, and then stopped the whips at the same time. There were only a dozen wooden sticks left, which made a slight humming sound on the ice.

Soon, the wood scorpion fell. In the end, even the wood scorpion of the second scorpion fell to and fro, and only Shan Xing and Caifeng still turned very smoothly.


The two little girls pulled one back and hugged Liu Qingshan happily.

He had no choice but to bend down and ask the two little girls to kiss him on the cheek.

The second child is not convinced,

Taking the opportunity to pick up their wood and take a look, I saw a pushpin pressed underneath, no wonder they lost.

This is also what Liu Qingshan came up with with the help of the two little girls. The pushpin contacts the ice surface, which can reduce the frictional resistance.

Then, the children pulled one by one by the back placket, squatted down, and drove the train on the ice.

This requires a strong power to act as a locomotive.

This train runs fast, and it is all led by Liu Qingshan, because he is the locomotive.

Who is the biggest among this group of people?

After playing for a while, I took a few pictures and recorded the happy children in the ice and snow park.

Of course, there are also half-sized boys, and Zhang Zhuo led a group of 16- or 17-year-olds to join in the fun.

Their equipment is more advanced, with "soil ice knives" tied to their feet.

This thing is commonly known as a foot slider. First, two thick wooden boards slightly larger than the sole of the shoe must be sawed, and two thick iron wires are tied below, which is equivalent to a slide.

Then saw a convex shape at the front end of the board, saw off a layer on the back of the convex shape, and nailed a few iron nails.

Nail a few holsters on both sides of the board, wear ropes, tie them to the shoes, and you can slide.

The iron wire below is very smooth. When you want to kick the ice, you stand up on your toes and use the front end of the nail cap to grab the ice surface and get the power to slide forward.

This kind of foot slider is very fast, even when it is a beginner, it is easy to fall over if you are not careful, especially the back of the head.

Liu Qingshan also saw that his feet were a little itchy, and borrowed Zhang Shuzi's foot slider to slide around on the ice.

Maybe it was thrown for too long, so it fell several times, causing a roar.

Liu Qingshan was still skating on the ice skates, pushing the fourth and fifth who were sitting on the ice cart, and called the two little guys, and experienced the feeling of a speedy ride.

As for the real ice skates and skates, the children in the countryside can't afford them at all. The Heilong ice skates costing more than 30 yuan have caught up with the workers' wages for a month.

But this kind of free foot slide can still bring joy and laughter to children.

Even the fun of doing it yourself is even bigger.

Playing until it was dark, the children went back to their homes, one by one, all covered with ice and snow, and some of the jacket sleeves were frozen hard.

This is mainly because I sweat when I play, so I habitually wipe the sweat with my sleeves, and when I wipe it, the sleeves freeze.

Many children, in winter, their small faces and hands are frozen like numb potatoes, which is called "frozen fan" locally.

At that time, there were no skin care products, at most, some clam oil or something.

Liu Qingshan asked the fourth and fifth to sit on the ice cart, one in each hand, pulling the ice cart with a rope, just like pulling two small sledges.

The fourth and fifth are sitting proudly on the ice cart, showing off the benefits of having a brother.

Suddenly there was a whimpering cry in front of him, and Liu Qingshan hurried over, but he was a little bit dumbfounded.

I saw Er Zhizi sticking out his tongue, and the tip of his tongue was glued to the iron drill of the skateboard.

He didn't know who was fooling him to do such a tiger thing. The little kids all know that in winter, you must not lick iron things with your tongue.

Because the thermal conductivity of iron is very fast, if you lick it with your tongue, it will stick to it in an instant.

Liu Qingshan hurried over to help him breathe, but fortunately, the iron brazier was relatively small, and it quickly became hot, and it was Erzizi who rescued his tongue.

Then he proudly stretched out his hand to a little boy next to him: "I'm done licking, give me a big candy ball!"

Is it because of a sugar ball bet?

Liu Qingshan is considered to be convinced by these wild boys, and he dares to play any bet.

Just as he was about to continue walking back, he heard the four tigers beside him suddenly shout: "Oh, what's going on, why are my earlobes so hard?"

He doesn't know how powerful he is, but he thinks it's fun. There are a few little dolls next to him, and he reaches out to touch them, and two others try to play with their fingers back and forth.

"do not move!"

Liu Qingshan was frightened out of cold sweat. After the ear was frozen, it became very brittle. If you touched it hard, it could really fall off, or it might become an ear.

When I was playing crazy just now, I ran out of sweat, and the four tigers tossed the cotton hat, but the tip of the blood circulation like the ear is very easy to freeze.

Maybe inadvertently, it froze with a squeak, and the four tigers who were playing happily didn't feel anything at all.

Liu Qingshan grabbed a handful of snow with his hands, dragged Sihuzi over, and then began to gently wipe his ears with the snow.

This principle is similar to freezing pears with cold water. The surface of the frozen pears will slowly form a layer of ice, which is the performance of the cold air inside.

After rubbing for two minutes, Sihuzi's earlobes became soft again, and then he rubbed another one, and finally they were all red and glowing, like a fever.

After putting the cotton hat on his head, Liu Qingshan let out a sigh of relief, and told him to pay attention when playing in the future, a child without a mother just lacks someone to take care of it.

"Brother Qingshan, it's okay, it's just a little itchy."

Sihuzi also said that he didn't know how bad it was. After returning home, he would have edema and peeling, and finally the whole ear had to be peeled off.

Liu Qingshan took him directly to his home, and then went to the garden to pick up some eggplant seedlings from last autumn.

The eggplant seedlings that have experienced frost and snow are boiled and used to scrub the affected area to treat frostbite. This is also a folk method summed up.

After scrubbing Sihuzi, the eggplant water left over was put into a canning bottle and asked him to take it home and continue to use it.

The four tigers who disagreed were quite happy: "Brother Qingshan, I don't need to return this can. During the Chinese New Year, I asked the second brother to help me make a small lantern."

Liu Qingshan patted his head and nodded in response.

The fourth and fifth in the family had already washed their hands and faces. Lin Zhi was holding a box of clam oil and told them to smear them on their faces and the backs of their hands. Otherwise, the little face would turn into a numb potato and it would be ugly.

Playing wildly outside, of course, you will be hungry, and you will get tired of chewing the corn. Fortunately, Liu Jinfeng was prepared and took out a few potatoes that had been buried long ago from under the stove.

Knock the firewood ash on the potatoes, peel off the outer skin gently, the inside has been roasted to golden brown, and when the potatoes are opened, the surface is sandy again, and there is a strong aroma, even Liu Qingshan swallows his saliva.

This is not a baked potato, but a strong feeling!

Of course, if the bean bag is baked in the same way, it will be even more beautiful. If it is dipped in a little snow-white sugar, it must be beautiful.

Liu Qingshan was thinking about it, when he heard his mother Lin Zhi mutter: "Sanfeng'er, let's wash rice tomorrow. You used the sledge to pull the rice mill in the commune to grind it, and come back to make noodles and steamed bean buns."

Is this a mother-son connection? Liu Qingshan quickly agreed.

It is estimated that the mother is hungry when she sees the children coming back. After steaming the bean buns, she can eat two if she is hungry.

Also happy are the fourth and fifth. These two little girls are getting more and more happy, and slapped their hands with each other: "Steamed bean buns."

Liu Qingshan couldn't help laughing twice: "You two, aren't you just a first-year Xiaodoubao."

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