Hello, 1983

Chapter 105 2 Entering Spring City

Everyone was stunned for a while: what is it calling?

Liu Qingshan quickly reminded: "It's a call."

When the old party secretary heard this, he picked up the receiver in a panic: "Crooked, crooked, Wei, Wai... You are talking, you are really anxious!"

"Grandpa Zhishu, you took down the receiver."

Liu Qingshan can only remind one more thing.

Oh, it turned out to be the opposite, not skilled in the business, after all, the old party secretary turned the receiver upside down without changing his face amid the laughter of the children.

Then he shouted "crooked" four-tone training in front of it, and the little boys were wondering: Why does it seem like Teacher Yang is teaching us Chinese Pinyin in class?

"Can you change someone who understands to answer the phone!"

Everyone around heard the roar from the phone.

The old party secretary also heard it this time: "Is it Secretary Sun of the commune, Secretary Sun, what instructions do you have... Ah, ask Liu Qingshan to answer the phone, good drop, good drop."

He nodded a few times, clicked, and snapped the receiver back onto the phone.

Then turned to face Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, I'm looking for you!"

The first call Jiapigou received was from Liu Qingshan, but the old party secretary who was unfamiliar with business ended up hanging up.

What a historic moment, just screwed up like that.

The first call from Jiapigou was also made by Liu Qingshan, who was looking for Secretary Sun of the commune.

After talking for a few words, I put down the phone. It turned out that Secretary Sun was transferring the instructions of the county magistrate, and the county magistrate also relayed the call from the Spring City Automobile Factory: The imported car that Thomas presented to Liu Qingshan has arrived!

It's convenient to have a phone. Finally, I don't have to make a lot of trouble like last time.

For the car, Liu Qingshan didn't have much expectation, he was tired of driving it long ago.

But the villagers in Jiapigou didn't think so, and their faces were happy, they were even happier than the owner of the car, Liu Qingshan.

"Cars, they are all big cadres. Qingshan, I will ride around in your limousine and experience the feeling of being a big cadre."

Zhang Ganzi was the first to sign up, and then the villagers began to arrange numbers spontaneously.

At this time, Da Zhangluo suddenly shouted: "You all go to the back row first. On New Year's Day, my family's Dajiang gets married and picks up the relatives in a car. I'm sure I can shock my in-law's house!"


Everyone's minds are alive. The winter slack is the peak season for wedding arrangements. Several families are preparing to marry wives and daughters.

In the past, we used a big carriage to pick up our relatives, and getting a few bicycles was considered high-end. If we used a car to pick up our relatives, the scenery would be so beautiful.

The little dolls couldn't squeeze into the slot, so they jumped and screamed anxiously. In the end, Er Zizi, the arrogant child, simply sat on the ground and howled loudly.

While howling, they also kicked their legs: "I want to take a car, I want to take a car!"

Liu Qingshan was also a little dumbfounded: "Don't cry, don't cry, when the drive comes back, pull the children first, and the adults will all be in the back row."


The second child stopped howling, and got up quickly, and together with the little boys, surrounded Liu Qingshan in the center, not to mention the joy.

Liu Qingshan also shouted: "Hey, who is this, rubbing my nose with snot!"

Yang Hongying immediately took the opportunity to educate: "How many times have I told you to talk about hygiene, and whoever doesn't talk about hygiene in the future will not be asked to take a car!"

"Okay, okay, you little bastards, get out of here, we still have business to discuss!"

Captain Zhang scolded and scolded people and started to drive people away.

Liu Qingshan took the handkerchief that Yang Hongying handed over and wiped the snot from his body. He really didn't feel dirty at all. Who didn't come here when he was a child?

And he observed that during this time, the children in the village,

Happy all day.

Not only little children, but also more and more smiles on the faces of adults, this is what Liu Qingshan wants to see.

To change his family, to change his villagers, isn't this his wish?

He is familiar with the development of the times. After a few decades, although people's material life is extremely rich, but for some reason, people's smiles are getting less and less, and their lives are becoming less and less happy.

Looking at it this way, these simple smiles are now more worthy of cherishing.

There were only adults left in the team, so they started smoking and chatting. Liu Qingshan didn't smoke, but he always liked to carry a box of filters in his pocket, still wrapped in tin foil.

Usually it's Daqianmen or Jiangfan or something, just sprinkle a circle around it.

"Qingshan, this time I went to Spring City. I happened to contact the car factory. The vegetables in our greenhouse are about to be harvested for the first time."

As usual, the old branch book clapped his cigarette pouch and said everyone's heartfelt wishes.

In fact, Liu Qingshan was mainly thinking about this matter when he went down the mountain this time. Even if there was no such thing as a car, he was going to take a trip to Spring City.

Nodding and agreeing, he said more thoughtfully, "I'll see if I can ask the car factory to come out to pick up the vegetables. Let's prepare more straw curtains and quilts at home. Good vegetables should never be frozen. Hey."

Everyone nodded together, and said with a big smile: "There is no car factory, just a lot of cars, definitely no problem!"

After the business was finished, it was time for the bullshit, and Zhang pole patted his thigh:

"Qingshan, do you think it would be better if you got your car back sooner? The day after tomorrow, I go on a blind date and drive the car, why can't my daughter-in-law bring it back?"

The owner of the car next to him began to help: "Yes, that's right, even Zhu Bajie and his second aunt have to get in the car obediently!"

Everyone burst into laughter, Liu Qingshan felt that in such a situation, there was no need for him to be a young man, so he stood up and walked home.

Walking past Zhang Pangzi, he couldn't help wrinkling his nose and reminded, "Uncle Pole, don't forget to take a good bath before going on a blind date."

"Hey, no, I just smell like this. This is the true nature of working people. If you don't like it, tell her to stay away!"

Zhang pole patted his chest, blowing the cowhide carelessly.

But in my heart, I secretly remembered what Liu Qingshan said, and decided to take care of it. What if it happened this time?

When he got home, Liu Qingshan went to work in the greenhouse for a while, divided the branches of the old thorns into small bundles, buried them in the soil, and watered the vegetables again, and then went back to the house to rest.

The next day, I was busy at home for another day. I went to Captain Zhang's house in the evening to eat pork, and waited until the third day to head to Spring City in a leisurely manner.

Originally, he planned to call Datou, Er Biaozi, and the three little brothers to go together, but Datou said that the greenhouse was a critical period, and he could not let go.

Er Biaozi just came back not long ago, and everyone at home and abroad also wanted to help with more work.

Then you have to find a partner!

One person is private, two people are public, Liu Qingshan finally took the uncle of the boss and went together.

After all, Uncle Boss is the team's accountant. When it comes to finances, it's easier to have him present.

The village opened a letter of introduction, and then went to the commune to exchange the letter, and the two finally came to Spring City the next morning.

This is Liu Qingshan's second visit to Spring City. Compared with the previous apprehension and embarrassment, in less than half a year, he has gained a lot of confidence.

Right now, I can clearly feel that there are more vehicles running on the street. In addition to the trams, I can occasionally see a few old-fashioned cars passing by.

The signboards on both sides of the street have also become more and more abundant. Liu Qingshan has sharp eyes and found that among those state-run signs, a few individual signboards have appeared.

Just like the plaque that reads "Zhenzhen Hair Salon", the shop with a picture of a beautiful woman with a big wave on the window is obviously self-employed.

It forms a very sharp contrast with the solemn and solemn "People's Barber Shop" not far away.

On the side of the road, Liu Qingshan even saw a steaming big oil barrel, and a middle-aged woman shouted from time to time: "Roast sweet potato, hot roast sweet potato."

The corner of Liu Qingshan's mouth couldn't help but smile: the individual economy has quietly emerged, no longer covering up, but taking the stage of history openly.

"Qingshan, what are you looking at?"

The owner of the car held a pocket in his arms and felt that his eyes were not enough: This is a big city, it is too big!

"Look at that stall selling roasted sweet potatoes, Uncle Boss, what can you think of?"

Liu Qingshan happily asked back, he knew that the owner of the car is also a relatively knowledgeable person in Jiapigou.

The owner of the car swallowed embarrassedly: "The roasted sweet potatoes are very fragrant. I can smell the fragrance here."

Well, let's have breakfast first, the same thing will have different meanings in the eyes of different people.

Although there are no breakfast stalls on the street yet, but there are breakfast shops run by self-employed individuals. After walking for a while, the two found one.

After entering, I found that the business was pretty good, and it was full of people.

After finally finding two vacancies, Liu Qingshan asked for steamed buns and gruel, and then found that the boss was staring at the big fried dough sticks that he had just fried, his eyes were straight.

The fried dough sticks were more than a foot long, golden, and exuded an attractive fragrance. Liu Qingshan couldn't help but ask for another fried dough stick.

As for the uncle of the boss, he directly asked for three fried dough sticks and a large bowl of bean curd.

The boss uncle scooped a small spoonful of chili into the tofu brain, mixed it well, and then ate it deliciously.

These fried dough sticks are crispy, crispy, and full of fragrance. The boss's uncle is like a cloud of wind. In the blink of an eye, the three big fried dough sticks are in the stomach. When you touch your belly, it seems that you are only half full.

Three fried dough sticks, and each is a pair, the price is really not expensive, only eight cents a piece.

He was embarrassed to eat any more, and whispered to Liu Qingshan: "The food stamps our grandfathers have brought are not too many, so we have to use them sparingly."

When Liu Qingshan saw a waiter wiping the table, he asked, "Comrade, do you need food stamps?"

The waiter smiled at Liu Qingshan, then nodded, and explained enthusiastically: "Yes, but the price is more expensive."

This is the difference between the state and the individual, one is rigid and the other is much more flexible.

If you go to a state-run restaurant and don't have food stamps, you're going to waste your money, and they really won't sell it to you.

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