Hello, 1983

Chapter 1084 Sustainability is more meaningful

Now there are at least tens of thousands of people who come to Jiapigou to visit and study every year. The old party secretary felt that it would be a great thing to build such a new Jiapigou village.

Thinking about that picture, every household is an exquisite two-story building with flowers in front of and behind the house, which is definitely more beautiful than the city.

In fact, it is more convenient to live in a bungalow in rural areas. First, it is more convenient. There are chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs at home, which is convenient to take care of.

Second, there is also the issue of heating. They are cold in winter here, and heating is a major issue. A bungalow can burn a large stove and set up a heated kang. If you live in a building, I wonder if you can sleep on the heated kang?

But the situation in Jiapigou is very different from other villages.

Because of the existence of cooperatives, garden farming and planting were basically cancelled and changed to a unified scale.

For example, when raising chickens and raising pigs, there are special chicken farms and pig farms, so that there is no need for individual households to disperse farming.

Pig farms, chicken farms and dairy farms are outside the village, so the inside of the village is clean and suitable for living in buildings.

For the villagers in Jiapigou, going to work every day is more like going to work.

Liu Qingshan also took a look at the plan of Erbiaozi, and then added a few more points: There should be a leisure activity square in the village.

The grove outside the village needs to be expanded and built into a small forest park.

It happens to be guarding the Xiaosongjiang River there. Some facilities can be built along the riverside. The original water bubbles can be transformed into lotus ponds. In this way, the planning of the entire village is initially completed, and it is a little prototype of a beautiful village.

As for high-rise buildings and the like, Liu Qingshan is not going to do it, the countryside must have the characteristics of the countryside.

Er Biaozi also nodded again and again: "Sanfeng is still thoughtful. If our village is built like this, it won't be like a fairyland."

The big head, who has always said few words, also said, "Grandpa Zhishu, when the time comes, you will lead a group of old gods to walk around the village, and you will be guaranteed to live a hundred years."

The old party secretary also smiled happily: "Okay, then build it according to this, but what should we do with these old houses in our village?"

"Why don't you tear it down, these homesteads take up too much space." Uncle Boss suggested.

Most of the old houses are mud and thatched houses, which are shabby and dilapidated.

"Don't, we can't tear it down. These old houses are the testimony of our history in Jiapigou. No matter when, we must keep them, so that future generations will see the hard times in the past, so that they won't forget their roots."

It is still thoughtful by the old party secretary. This is also Liu Qingshan's idea. The original old house in the village should be preserved as much as possible.

In a few years, when people in the city are tired of living in high-rise buildings, it is time to come to the countryside to experience rural life. At that time, these old houses will just come in handy.

In this way, the new village is planned to be located in the east of the village. Now, there are more than 70 households in Jiapigou, and there are at least nearly 100 two-story buildings.

In this way, the floor space is not small, and it has to be reported to the town and county for approval.

However, such an image project belongs to putting money on the face, and I believe the county will definitely support it.

The county leaders led the visiting groups that came and went, and there was a light on their faces.

After the plan is finalized, let Professor Wu help design the style and overall planning of the building, and strive for perfection.

As for expenditures, each family does not need to pay, and the cooperatives have public accumulation, which is enough.

It is cheap to build a house now, both in terms of wages and materials. For a building, it only costs two or three hundred yuan per square meter. For a two-story building with more than one hundred square meters, it costs tens of thousands of yuan.

The plan to build 100 such small buildings is only a few million, so it is not a problem for the cooperative.

After the study was over three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone dispersed and went home for dinner.

After the meal, the loudspeaker in the village rang, and everyone was called to the team headquarters for a dividend meeting.

Because last year's Million Yuan Village had a sensational impact, reporters came to interview as usual this year.

If the dividend can be sustained and stable, it will be convincing.

And this continuity,

It will also be more instructive.

In fact, the development model of Jiapigou Cooperative has now been imitated by many rural areas.

Although it is not possible to engage in all-round cooperation, a single joint effort is still possible.

For example, in many places, rice planting cooperatives, or dairy farming cooperatives have been established, and a large number of chicken raising kings, rice kings, etc. have emerged.

A variety of cooperatives have emerged in terms of planting and breeding, which is also called the "Jiapigou effect" in the newspapers.

After all, there are so many people who come to Jiapigou to learn Buddhist scriptures throughout the year, more or less, there will always be some gains.

With the development of Jiapigou, more and more talents have joined in, such as Wei Tiezhu, Bai Liyan and others, so the equity of the cooperative is also adjusted appropriately.

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The Liu Qingshan family originally had the largest share of the stock. Later, one after another, some shares were distributed to those who joined later. Up to now, there are only 5% left.

This ratio is just right, not more or less, too much, it is easy to make people jealous; too little, it does not match the effort.

In fact, with Liu Qingshan's current situation, he doesn't care about the shares and dividends, but this is what he left to his family, belonging to his mother and grandparents.

In a joyful and warm atmosphere, the dividend meeting officially started.

Zhang Jangzi is the first one as usual. This year, there is no need to collect it. It has already exceeded one million, mainly because the sales of motorcycles are getting better and better.

Zhang Ganzi took the passbook happily, and held his hands in front of his chest, asking the reporter to take a picture of him.

After taking the photo, I was just about to put the passbook in my pocket when a hand stretched out beside me and dragged the passbook away.

Zhang Ganzi was about to be in a hurry, but when he saw that he was an old party secretary, he didn't dare to fry: "Second uncle, the passbook is also in your house for safekeeping."

"Whoever manages it for you, the cooperative will start production again this year, and the money has to be used for investment." The old party secretary explained.

"Tell me to keep warm in my pocket for a while." Zhang Ganzi muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Go home and find your daughter-in-law warmly." Someone in the crowd shouted.

Zhang Ganzi suddenly smiled again: "It's good to invest, our cooperative invested in the production of motorcycles, and it became a one-million-yuan village in one fell swoop. What project are we investing in this time, when will we become a ten-million-yuan village? It's called a cow!"

"Million Yuan Village, Pole, you really dare to think about it, hurry home and lie on the kang and dream." Zhang Dashuai began to arrange Zhang Pole.

Zhang Ganzi had a stalk on his neck: "Being a man, you have to have a dream, otherwise it's different from salted fish, this is what Qingshan said, I think it makes sense, let's Jiapigou, not just from 10,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan Village, and then to a million yuan village, why can’t it become a ten million yuan village in the future?”

it is good!

In the conference room, there was warm applause, and everyone applauded Zhang Ganzi vigorously, as well as their own dreams.

Afterwards, each household received the dividend, and then voluntarily handed it over to the cooperative.

In fact, the villages live a good life, and they don't spend much money a year.

The food and drink are basically produced by themselves, and there are 1,800 yuan a year, which is enough to live on.

Of course, this is the minimum standard. For a million-yuan village like Jiapigou, 10,000 yuan is enough for each family to spend a year.

Liu Qingshan hasn't been in his hometown very much this year, and he's been running around the world outside. When it is time to pay dividends, he also listens to the income of various industries in the village.

The original industries have developed steadily, and now there are two new additions: Chinese medicine planting and ginseng planting.

At present, it has been promoted in the whole consortium, but the effective period is relatively long, so we have to take it slowly.

After these two items also have income, I believe that everyone's income can be improved by a lot.

Liu Qingshan is still quite satisfied with the development of Jiapigou. Various industries are advancing side by side, and it is difficult for them to decline.

In another two years, tourism is on the rise and cooperatives can develop new projects.

The reporters at all levels who came to interview were also satisfied.

The country has been poor for too long, and it desperately needs this model of getting rich to emerge to boost people's hearts.

Moreover, the development of Jiapigou does not have any policy inclination. It is all led by Liu Qingshan, who have done the hard work, so its successful experience can be replicated.

This kind of model is established and can fully stand the test of time.

The lively dividend meeting came to an end, and everyone went home. Zhang Ganzi said as he walked, "Don't worry about it this time, just go to sleep."

"Then go to sleep and don't fight." Someone immediately joked.

Liu Qingshan also returned home, went to his grandfather's house to sit for a while, and went to his mother's house to sit for a while, the little brother and the fourth were all playing in this house.

After chatting and watching TV for a while, it was after nine o'clock in the evening that Liu Qingshan hugged Xiaolulu and returned to his old house.

There was a stove burning in the room, and it was warm. Seeing that the newspapers on the wall were a little darkened, Liu Qingshan also stretched his waist: "Go to bed today, the lake wall tomorrow."

He likes to live in an old house and feels very at ease.

Xiaolulu slept at noon, so he was still in good spirits, especially when his parents came back, the little guy was also very excited.

After Wu Tong took off the outer jacket and trousers for her, she wore a small sweater and was still having fun on the kang.

Looking at her bouncing, she really looks like a lively deer.

"Come on, go head to head with Dad." Liu Qingshan also lay on top of the quilt, one big and one small headed together.

The result was that Liu Qingshan was defeated: "My daughter's name is not wrong at all, Xiaolulu, the top rack is the most powerful."

Wu Tong put the deer on Liu Qingshan's back and rode a big horse, and Liu Qingshan also parted ways, carrying his daughter and climbing the kang.

This time, the little guy was amused, and he laughed so hard that he would have fallen off his horse if it wasn't for Wu Tong to hold it.

It wasn't until after ten o'clock that the child was put to sleep, and Liu Qingshan's heart was also filled with warmth when he saw Lulu's little face that was flushed with excitement.

"Sanfeng, let's spend more time with our children in the future." Wu Tong also felt deeply.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingshan nodded vigorously, then smiled: "Come on, let's continue riding the big horse."

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