Hello, 1983

Chapter 110 The music is crazy!

The three dilapidated houses at the team site were crowded with cheerful villagers.

Liu Qingshan looked at this situation, and was really worried about squeezing this broken mud thatched house down.

Even so, there were still a lot of people standing outside the window. It was freezing cold, and it was better to be frozen than to stop everyone's enthusiasm.

"Okay, let's stop arguing, let's ask Captain Zhang to talk about the vegetable sales this time."

The old secretary banged on the table with a cigarette pot. The senior members of their village committee sat behind the table, and Liu Qingshan also got a seat, next to the boss who was holding the big bag tightly.

The room fell silent immediately, Zhang Guofu took out a few receipts from his pocket, coughed hard, and read out:

"This time we sold a total of 2,208 catties of leeks, 45 cents per catty, for a total of 993 yuan."


There was exclamation from inside and outside the house. It was nearly a thousand dollars. A few years ago, the production team settled accounts at the end of the year, and the balance was not that much.

It is then distributed to each household. The few can get ten or eight yuan, and the most is twenty or thirty yuan.

You know, that is the income from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.

"A total of 5,460 catties of celery, 3 cents per catty, totaling 1,638 yuan!"

Papapa, I don't know who took the lead, and there was warm applause in the room.

Captain Zhang was not in a hurry to read, and narrowed his eyes, listening to the excited and joyful applause, with a very enjoyable expression on his face.

Liu Qingshan also smiled, looking at the happy smiling faces, the applause was the best reward for him.

He really wanted to record this moment, which was enough to be written into the history of Jiapigou's development.

The crowd suddenly gave way, and Liu Jinfeng rushed in happily, and then handed the camera to Liu Qingshan.

She knew that her brother must be in great need of a camera right now.

Or the eldest sister knew what I was thinking. Liu Qingshan fiddled with the camera twice. After debugging, he was about to take a photo.

However, he found that the room had become quiet, and everyone was looking at him seriously, with their waists straight, their hands hanging down, and their eyes not looking sideways, like puppets.

He had no choice but to put down the camera and wait a while before taking the opportunity to capture the shot.

Seeing this, Captain Zhang cleared his throat again: "The total weight of cucumbers is 8,520 catties, and each catty is 25 cents, totaling 2,130 yuan!"

Wow, exclamations and applause broke out at the same time, if it wasn't for the crowd in the room, it is estimated that many people would jump up.

When Liu Qingshan saw the opportunity, he took a few pictures, and the camera recorded a simple smile.

He guessed that when the photo was developed, he could definitely hear the happy laughter when he looked at the photo.

When the villagers gradually calmed down, Captain Zhang said again, "These three items together add up to 4,760 yuan and 60 cents. Next, the boss will distribute dividends according to the shares of each family."

Whoa, whoa, the applause sounded again!

A total of nearly 5,000 yuan, which is tantamount to a huge sum of money for a poor village like Jiapigou.

Even the 10,000 yuan bank loan that has been pressing on everyone's heart seems to have become light now, and there is no longer so much pressure.

5,000 yuan, less than 30 households in Jiapigou, each household can definitely get more than 100, more than 100 fast, who would dare to think so in previous years?

Moreover, this is only the first batch of vegetables, and at least one more crop can be sold in the future.

In addition to vegetables, there are also big fat pigs that grow fat every day. They can be sold before the New Year, which is a big income.

The more you think about it, the more excited you become: With this dividend, you can buy more New Year's goods, and the family will celebrate the New Year happily

The old man's soju, the little girl's new clothes, the little boy's firecrackers, the daughter-in-law's flower clothes,

The old man's tunic suit...

I dare not say that I can sell it back, at least I can ask the price confidently.

The villagers imagined a better life in their minds, and clapped their hands non-stop for several minutes. In the end, even the owner of the car got anxious and shouted:

"Do you want any more money?"

Only then did the team quiet down, and then the owner of the car said: "According to the regulations formulated when our cooperative was established, 20% should have been reserved as the public accumulation of the cooperative. In the future, the development of our cooperative will also require funds."

To deduct money again?

The crowd made a buzzing noise. Over the years, everyone has been afraid of deducting money.

Seeing this, Liu Qingshan quickly stood up, ready to explain to everyone.

Seeing him stand up, the crowd immediately shut up. By now, no one would take him as an ignorant half-daughter, and his prestige even surpassed that of Captain Zhang and the old party secretary.

Everyone has a steel scale in their hearts. Don't look at them, most of them have no culture, but they know the most simple truth: whoever can lead them to a good life, they will obey.

Liu Qingshan nodded to everyone, and then said unhurriedly, "Let me explain this public accumulation!"

"Our cooperatives must develop every year, and development requires funds. It can't be like the first time, each family raises money every time, or goes to the bank for loans, right?"

Seeing someone nodding and thinking, Liu Qingshan continued: "For example, in the coming year, the planting scale of our plastic greenhouse will be expanded to at least 50 acres, and these material costs will need to be paid out of public accumulation. ."

Seems to understand a bit, and more villagers nodded.

"For another example, we have to start planting rice next year, which also requires investment; it is also possible to build a wild vegetable processing plant, which requires the purchase of corresponding equipment."

Huh, so many more projects to do!

The eyes of many villagers lit up. They have just tasted the sweetness, and it is the time when they are at their peak. They can't wait to roll up their sleeves and work hard.

Seeing that everyone basically understood, Liu Qingshan smiled, sat back again, and replaced the boss and continued to announce the accounts.

According to different methods such as capital investment, labor investment, and production materials investment, the shares of each household have been announced as early as a few months ago.

Then, based on the total income and the total number of shares, the share value of each share is calculated, and then distributed according to the number of shares held by each company.

There is another thing that needs to be flexibly grasped, that is, the output of vegetables in each greenhouse should also be included.

After Uncle Boss talked for half an hour, the people in the room were basically confused.

In the end, he shouted loudly: "Don't talk about these useless things, just read how much each family can share, and quickly get the money and leave!"

When everyone heard it, they immediately cheered in support.

The owner of the car also took advantage of the situation to end his long speech and began to roll his name: "Zhang Ganzi!"

Zhang Ganzi was huddled in the crowd. He didn't expect to be the first to be pronounced his name. He didn't react for a while. It was Zhang Dashuai who was beside him who pinched him, and this guy shouted, "Here!"

Then he grabbed the sack and squeezed happily in front of the table: "Is this enough, why don't I go home and get another noodle bag?"

A big sack, even the car owner's big bag can be stuffed in it, do you think it's enough?

The owner of the car gave him a sideways look: "If you want to have fun, then I'll go back and exchange it for a penny of steel for you."

"Don't, don't, let's not cause trouble to the bank, let's talk about it, how much can I share?"

Zhang Ganzi smiled and stretched his neck to look at the ledger in the boss's hand.

Only then did Uncle Boss announce loudly: "Zhang Ganzi deserves fifty-eight yuan and sixty cents."

"Haha, fifty-eight, I want to send it!"

Zhang Zhanzi raised his hands high and opened his mouth in a silly manner: "Haha, I Zhang pole, I have never seen so much money before, haha..."

At first, everyone thought he was happy and didn't care too much.

As a result, the guy kept laughing, and for more than a minute, the tone of his laughter changed, his voice became a little hoarse, and he was still laughing non-stop.

"Is this crazy?"

"It must be a sinister, hurry up and find Grandma Zhang San for a needle."

Everyone finally realized that something was wrong, how could a good person keep laughing like this?

At this moment, Zhang Ganzi's laughter felt a little panic in his ears.

Even the old party secretary panicked and wiped away his tears: "You are unlucky, you went crazy just after you split the money, where are you going to find a daughter-in-law?"

At this moment, I heard a loud shout: "Uncle Pole, you have less money, each family should be divided into more than 100 yuan!"

Zhang Ganzi's laughter came to an abrupt end. He glanced at Liu Qingshan who was shouting at him just now, and then reached out and grabbed the collar of the owner's jacket: "If you dare to hack my money, I will fight with you today!"

The people next to them hurriedly pulled them away, and Zhang Ganzi was still jumping with anger.

"Hehe, Uncle Pole, how are you?"

Liu Qingshan said something cheerfully, and then everyone reacted, so they all followed suit.

Zhang Ganzi was confused just now, so Liu Qingshan prescribed the right medicine.

This hand is even better than Butcher Hu's slap in the Ru Lin Wai Shi.

The boss explained: "Zhang Ganzi, this is calculated from your shares, it must be correct."

"You have the least share in cash, and only one person in the labor force. The output of the greenhouse at home is also the least. If you didn't have land to buy shares, you wouldn't even get fifty-eight yuan."

Everyone also nodded their heads: Zhang Ganzi is a bachelor. If there is more than one side of the labor force with them when the dividend is distributed, then they must be unbalanced.

Zhang Ganzi has no choice: "Then I can't have such a little money, it's not enough to marry a daughter-in-law..."

The owner of the car was also amused by him: "Look at your prosperousness, although your dividends are not large, but you work on the pig farm and perform well. You have a subsidy of 50 cents a day, 15 yuan a month. At the end of the year, it will be calculated according to four months, and the extra income is 60 yuan, adding it together, it is 118 yuan six!"

"Okay, it's almost there!"

Zhang Zhanzi almost had fun again, took a handful of notes, and threw it on his hand a few times, making a crunching sound.

Following, he seemed to remember something, and slapped his forehead vigorously: "I haven't cleaned up the pig manure this morning, so I'll go to work, haha, it's better to work, and you can get money for it."

People let out a burst of kind laughter, and they all saw the changes in Zhang Ganzi.

Lazy people can make money, and if they are diligent, if they are compared to lazy people, they will be ashamed and thrown home.

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