Hello, 1983

Chapter 1115 Shan Xing grows up!

Liu Qingshan and his party entered the ostrich park from the main entrance. There were more than 200 people in the park, including workers and veterinarians.

There are nearly 5,000 ostriches in the garden, large and small, and a lot of people are needed just to feed and clean the pens every day.

There are four ostrich farms like this in Rainbow City.

The growth cycle of ostriches is long among birds, and it takes two or three years to fully mature.

Until that time, the breeding population can be rapidly expanded.

Fortunately, ostriches are not picky eaters. They mainly use plant fiber, and then add some feed. In fact, it is not much different from raising chickens, but they are bigger.

It's better to be bigger, but there won't be a lot of meat at that time.

Ostrich meat is high in protein, low in fat, and has higher nutritional value than beef and chicken. It is a relatively healthy meat.

There are also various processing methods, and it is best to eat it with sauce.

Ostrich eggs are also a good food, and ostrich skin can also be processed into leather, so raising ostriches has a good prospect.

When leaving the ostrich farm, Xiao Liuzi and Xiao Dili's family were holding a big ostrich egg, and the two young ladies were still studying how to eat it.

It seems that no matter how you eat, you can't eat a meal.

The team entered Rainbow City, and every time he came here, Liu Qingshan could feel the changes in the city.

How to say, to make a comparison, it is like Pengcheng in China.

Entering the urban area, you can already see some high-rise buildings with a height of more than a dozen stories. Here, it is already relatively high.

Most of the teams led by Yang Hongying came to Rainbow City for the first time and looked out of the car window with novelty.

Gradually, someone noticed something strange: "It seems to be similar to the big cities in our country?"

If you didn't look at the pointed minaret in the temple, if it weren't for the turbaned natives on the street, the city in front of you would really be similar to the average city in China, with a strong Chinese color.

There is no way, the builders of this city are all from China, and subconsciously, they built what they are now.

"The tallest building is the TV building. We can finally watch TV in Rainbow City." Xiao Wu pointed to the building passing by, his face full of pride.

Liu Qingshan was also very curious, and decided to watch TV at night and what programs were on.

Passing by another building, I saw Rainbow Bank written on it, and Liu Qingshan nodded without realizing it: Slowly in the future, he can form his own financial system.

The entire Rainbow City is actually equivalent to a country within a country.

The convoy drove into the guest house of the city hall, and everyone settled down, just in time for lunch.

"Where's Fifth Sister?" Xiao Liuzi got out of the car and looked for Shan Xing first.

"I went to the countryside with the medical team." The old monitor replied.

Hearing the medical team, Xiao Liuzi's small eyes immediately filled with smiles: "Then I'll find her tomorrow!"

The team led by Yang Hongying was warmly welcomed, with more accompanying guests than guests.

It seems that in this regard, Rainbow City has also continued the Chinese style.

The dishes are also very rich. In addition to meat, there are all kinds of seafood on the table, mainly considering that there is not much seafood supply in China.

Large pieces of camel meat are also very popular. Of course, the best thing to eat is the hump, which is fried and sprinkled with salt and pepper, which is fragrant but not greasy.

The ostrich eggs brought back by Xiao Liuzi and Xiao Dili were also carefully cooked by the chef: the egg liquid was broken up, the minced lobster meat was stirred in it, and then steamed together in a pot, it was fresh and tender, and it was eaten for two small Guy grins.

"I feel that the standard of living here is higher than in China." Yang Hongying couldn't help but praise her.

Xiao Wu smiled and replied, "Our Rainbow City is of course the richest in the Liland area. Many of the other tribes cannot eat enough."

The old squad leader also took up the conversation: "Moreover, there are frequent frictions between tribes now, and even the United Nations peacekeeping force has been sent."

Liu Qingshan was also about to scoop out a spoonful of lobster custard to taste. Hearing this, the spoon could not help but stop in the air.

He suddenly recalled: In 1993, a major event happened here, and that was the famous "Black Hawk Incident".

It looks like it was later made into a movie.

It's just that this incident has had a profound impact on the whole of Liland, completely excluding Liland from the international community, and the chaos has continued.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help shaking his head. There are too many incidents like this. Under the guise of the United Nations and under the banner of aid, they ended up getting more and more messy.

After eating and resting for a while, Yang Hongying decided to go to the factory.

"Sister, don't be in such a hurry, take a rest first." Liu Qingshan felt a little distressed for the old lady.

However, Yang Hongying is this fiery temperament, she is all over the place, and she can't wait for anything without looking at it.

So we drove to the industrial area on the outskirts of the city, which is located in the north of Rainbow City and is relatively close to the port, which is convenient for the transportation of goods.

In addition to the government officials led by Xiao Wu, reporters from newspapers and TV stations were also sent, and John personally led the team.

John is now the top leader of Rainbow City's cultural department, leading the news media.

About ten miles out of the city, I saw a large industrial area, Lili Lala, covering an extremely wide area.

"Have all the workers got off work?" Yang Hongying looked at the crowded crowd, feeling a little strange. It shouldn't be during this time.

The old squad leader cheered: "There are refugees again, ready to accept them."


People from the country were surprised. Although the country is not rich, there are no refugees.

And there are still so many, look at it, at least a few thousand people.

Among the accompanying team, several indigenous officials immediately ran out.

They often take in refugees and are already mature.

Look at the happy faces on their faces, as if these refugees are not a burden, but a huge wealth.


In recent years, due to the collapse of the government and the chaos of various tribes, there have been many refugees in Liland.

And according to statistics, in the three years from 1990 to the present, the number of refugees who have starved to death has exceeded 500,000.

That's why the United Nations came to help.

The U.S. government also felt that this was a good image project, so two successive presidents extended assistance to this side, and dispatched 28,000 soldiers to help maintain order. I hope all tribes can let go weapons, for peace talks.

If the whole world can see the US assistance to the refugees here, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the image and international influence of the US.

So on the Liland side, there was a magical scene: American soldiers with guns distributed relief food to refugees.

In fact, this situation of hunger and poverty is also being staged in other countries on this continent.

"Isn't there a joint assistance, why are there so many refugees?"

Yang Hongying was a little puzzled. Fleeing refugees and the like can only be seen in movies before liberation; in real life, their generation has never had a similar experience.

Liu Qingshan shook his head: "We have an old saying here in China, that it is very reasonable to say that one hunger cannot provide one hundred full."

Yang Hongying blinked her eyes wide, and said, "Rescue refugees, like our Rainbow City side, provide them with stable housing, and then provide them with jobs, and gradually let them support themselves. This is the best assistance."

As for the distribution of food and relief items to the refugees, it is simply a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

"So, our Rainbow City, in the whole of Liland, is the paradise that those tribes yearn for!" Xiao Wu's face was extremely proud when he said this.

At this time, Xiao Liuzi suddenly shouted: "Five sister, fifth sister is inside!"

After he finished speaking, he took his short legs and ran up.

The refugee army is gradually approaching, isn't it Shan Xing who is leading the refugees along with several medical team members.

"Six sons, when did you come? Brother!"

Shan Xing also screamed and ran up, she finally saw Liu Qingshan, rushed directly in front of Liu Qingshan, and plunged into her elder brother's arms.

Liu Qingshan gently stroked Shan Xing's head, the fifth one was obviously darker and thinner, but he looked stronger.

The most important thing is that her eyes are extremely clear and bright, and there is a trace of firmness in the depths of the child's hole. Such people must have their own beliefs in their hearts.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Shan Xing has grown up!

The rest of the medical team also came over, led by Dr. Wang Chunying, and greeted Liu Qingshan with a smile.

"Sister Wang, everyone has worked hard."

Seeing that these players were all dressed in dust, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but feel respect in his heart.

To be able to stick to this barren land, this group of people is worthy of respect.

Wang Chunying straightened the short hair in front of her forehead: "On the way back, I met this group of refugees and came back together."

While speaking, the army of refugees had already approached, and when they saw Liu Qingshan's motorcade, they were afraid to approach.

Everyone finally saw the true face of the refugees, and it felt a little underwhelming.

One by one, men and women, young and old, were naked.

Those little dolls, all skinny and skinny, with especially big eyes, looked around helplessly.

They carry a ragged bag or the like on their backs, big or small, and the rags inside are their entire wealth.

Facing the neatly dressed group of Liu Qingshan, the refugees shy away. Their eyes are blank and dull, and they don't know where their future lies.

Shan Xingdeng ran back and shouted loudly in the local dialect: "Not far ahead is Rainbow City, we are home!"

Are you home, home?

At this moment, many refugees suddenly had brilliance in their eyes.

The refugees obviously have great trust in Shan Xing, who has been with them for the past few days.

The official in charge of resettling refugees in Rainbow City also walked up: "Yes, Rainbow City will accept everyone, no matter which tribe you were in the past, you are a member of Rainbow City when you come here!"

Another local woman also shouted: "Everyone here, as long as you are willing to work, you will be able to eat enough, and your children can go to school. Everyone's suffering is over, it's over!"

Weeping and cheering sounded together, and many refugees began to pray devoutly, turning a new page in their lives.

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