Hello, 1983

Chapter 598 Too far behind!

In the camp, families set up tents.

Not to mention, once you have a tent, you immediately feel like you have a home and feel like home.

On the other side, a cauldron had been buried, and the group did not find any firewood, so they carried the coals they brought over to a few sacks and began to boil water to cook.

The water was taken from a depression not far away, and Xiao Wu had already warned everyone that the water here cannot be drunk directly, it must be boiled before drinking.

It was already dark, and the generators in the camp also roared, carrying several large mercury lamps, shining brightly.

Don't look at the number of people, but the division of labor is clear and the organization is relatively strong. The rice and millet brought in, wash it, and cook the rice directly in the pot.

There are not many vegetables, only bean sprouts are left.

There were lights flashing in the distance, and they were moving towards this side. The militiamen in charge of the sentry quietly stepped forward to check. It turned out that there were dozens of local indigenous people with torches and a lot of fish in the car to bring them food.

"Haha, the fellows are still very enthusiastic." Everyone naturally welcomed them, and happily unloaded the car, without paying any money, they directly gave some small things, even as a thank you.

The food sent by others, of course, also reciprocated some food, which are uniformly produced ham sausage and instant noodles, and put a few boxes in the ox cart.

Xiao Wu looked at the ham and hurriedly asked everyone to bring it back and replaced it with two boxes of canned fish.

This ham is made of pork, and it is really eaten by the locals. If they were told, there might be a war.

This group of people unloaded their things, and they were not in a hurry to leave, they were all watching the fun in the camp.

Seeing that there were a few other children in the entourage, all with little white teeth, happily following along, Liu Qingshan asked someone to give them a few pieces of bubble gum.

Xiao Wu hurriedly shouted from the side: "This can't be swallowed in the stomach, it's blowing bubbles."

After he finished speaking, he gave a demonstration. These little dolls were all overjoyed. They were all chewing bubble gum, practicing blowing bubbles, laughing and laughing.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshan suddenly felt that it was not much different from those monkeys in Jiapigou.

"It's close to the sea, so you can go fishing in the future."

Lao Liang and the other captains got together and studied while smoking.

This question, Liu Qingshan has long thought of, the purchase list, fishing boats, fishing nets, etc., are very complete.

Seeing a few black brothers approaching, Captain Liang handed him a cigarette.

Those few people waved their hands again and again, indicating that no smoking, smoking and drinking are not allowed.

A black old man squatted in front of the simple stove and gave a thumbs up to a veteran who was shaking a blower.

The veterans couldn't understand what he was saying either. It was estimated that the hand-cranked hair dryer was easier to use.

On the stove, several chefs were busy stewing fish. The seasonings they brought were relatively complete, and the aroma quickly drifted over the station. Those natives were even more immobile.

"Hey, come down, come down, the pole was just buried, it's not strong." Someone shouted, it turned out to be an old black climbing up the wooden pole.

There are wires on it, and then the mercury lamp. It is estimated that this old man wants to study and study at a close distance.

Everyone asked Xiao Wuyi, and only then did they know that there was no electricity in the local area. It is said that only the big cities and surrounding areas have electricity, which occupies less than 10% of the area.

No wonder the natives didn't leave, they were all wandering around under the lights.

They're all running here for the light.

"This side is much behind us." Everyone couldn't help but sigh for a while.

Wang Gong and the technicians looked at each other: One more item: repairing the power station.

There are no rivers here, but in the territory of Chief Adu, there are two open-pit coal mines.

Thinking about the purchase list that Liu Qingshan distributed to them when he came, there was a set of thermal power generators, and Wang Gong and the others couldn't help but admire him: Mr. Liu, regardless of his age, is really thoughtful enough to think about things.

The light brings light, but it also brings some troubles, attracting many nocturnal creatures that like light, including mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes here are large and venomous, and soon many people were recruited, and large bags were bulged on their skin.

However, everyone was already prepared, and they took out a thumb-sized iron box, dug out a little ointment from it, and applied it to the place where the mosquitoes were biting, and it was immediately cooler and more comfortable.

And after applying the ointment, the smell is very annoying to mosquitoes, and it also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes.

The mosquitoes here are the most powerful and can infect a variety of diseases, so Liu Qingshan has long been prepared and prepared a lot of cool oil and mosquito coils.

He also paid attention to observation just now, those local aborigines, mostly bare arms and calves, but they don't attract mosquitoes very much, so he asked Xiao Wu the whole story.

Xiao Wu giggled and said, "They are so dark that mosquitoes can't see them, so of course they won't bite."

I believed you, Liu Qingshan rolled his eyes at Xiao Wu, and the guy explained, "They all extract sap from a tree and apply it on their bodies to prevent mosquitoes."

This is almost the same, Liu Qingshan nodded, it is estimated that it is also some kind of volatile vegetable oil, which is hated by mosquitoes.

Liu Qingshan is curious about the indigenous people, and the indigenous people are even more interested in the cooling oil that people bring out.

I saw a black buddy digging a small tin box containing cool oil with his hand, and then put it into his mouth, as if he wanted to taste it.

The people around stopped him in a hurry, made gestures, explained the usage of the cooling oil, and gave them a small box.

These natives took it carefully and seemed to take it seriously.

Think about it too, the climate here is hot, and the cool oil for mosquito and heatstroke prevention is definitely an artifact.

When the meal is ready, put all the tables, chairs and stools that you brought. In order to save space, these tables and stools are folded.

Rows of tables and stools are arranged, and thousands of people are dining together. This scene is not spectacular.

Those natives were also invited to join the banquet. There were only a few dozen of them, and they were not bad for this stutter.

The meals are quite simple, two rice, fried noodles with bean sprouts, fried onions with eggs, these things are relatively easy to preserve, so I brought a lot.

The only meaty fish was the sea fish sent by the natives, braised in several pots, and there was a large plate on each table.

After all, most of them are veterans, so as usual, we have to perform a song before dinner.

I don't know who is responsible for the song, but soon, the majestic chorus of the motherland sang in the land of Africa:

The five-star red flag flutters in the wind,

How loud is the victory song;

Sing our dear motherland,

From now on to prosperity and prosperity...

When I was in a foreign country and sang this song, there were sparkling tears in the eyes of many people.

Everyone stood up and prepared to sing, which confused dozens of natives. When they heard the singing, they realized it, so they all gathered together, shouting and dancing, and started dancing.

One sings Chinese songs, the other dances indigenous dances, not to mention, they are quite harmonious.

After singing a song before dinner, everyone sat down to eat. It is estimated that this is the first time they have eaten stir-fried vegetables from China. The indigenous people all praised it while eating.

Especially those sea fish, they are usually tired of eating, but today, they tasted extraordinarily delicious.

Everyone was hungry, and it was like a robbery.

Whether it is the guests from the East or the indigenous people, they all eat with a round belly.

Those natives still reluctantly returned to their gathering place in the end. The lights were dark, and Liu Qingshan gave them two more flashlights, which made them all happy.

The women packed up the tableware, the men gathered the tables and stools, arranged the vigil, and everyone went into their tents to rest.

For a period of time in the future, many things need to be done, which is basically equivalent to starting from scratch.

However, the home built by such hands will surely have deeper feelings, right?

With longings and worries about the future, people gradually enter dreamland.

Liu Qingshan also slept soundly and was well prepared when he arrived. He believed that with the quality of these veterans, he would be able to overcome the initial difficulties and build this place into a beautiful home...


A harsh cry woke the sleeping people, and everyone got out of the tent one after another.

It was already bright outside, and I saw Liu Qingshan running towards the outside of the camp, followed by the band of four.

They just got up to run, and before they started to stand, they heard someone screaming over there, and hurried over to check.

I saw the two little daughters-in-law running back in a panic, their faces turned pale with fright: "Lion, there is a lion outside!"

Liu Qingshan had already seen it, two or three hundred meters away, there was a male lion, leading a few female lions to wander.

Everyone also rushed over with various weapons, knives, guns and sticks, and some people also held semi-automatic rifles in their hands.

In this chaotic place in Lyland, of course, have some firearms on hand.

"Mr. Liu, do you want to get rid of those lions?"

There are veterans with guns asking.

Liu Qingshan waved his hand, this is unnecessary.

"These lions seem to be a little small, are they all underage?" Someone saw the problem.

Xiao Wu slept in a daze, rubbing his eyes and muttering:

"The lions here are indeed one size smaller than the lions on the prairie. It's fine. Generally, they don't take the initiative to attack people, so there's no fuss."

After watching for a while, everyone returned to the camp, busy with each other, and it was dawn anyway.

After Liu Qingshan led the band of four to stand, he started punching again, and when he saw him punching and kicking, he was full of enthusiasm, and everyone else was envious.

"Good ability, I guess if I encounter a lion outside, I can single out."

Among those veterans, there are quite a few fighting masters. Of course, it can be seen that what they practiced by President Liu is definitely not a pretentious one.

Liu Qingshan held back his fists: "Is there a lion fighting alone?"

Everyone thought about watching the animal world on TV, and it seemed that lions really fought in groups, so they all laughed.

After eating breakfast, I continued to go to the beach to carry the house. After a while, the natives came one after another to help. Looking at the number, it was several times more than yesterday.

In their car, they also pulled a lot of wooden barrels, which were filled with camel milk, which was given to these friends to drink.

I feel that these indigenous people are also very interesting, they really don't take advantage of them, and they prefer to exchange.

Camel milk, good stuff, Liland is the country with the most camels in the world, more than the population.

They measure wealth mostly by the number of camels they own, not by money.

Liu Qingshan also drank a large bowl of camel milk, which was very nourishing.

Just drink it at the beginning, a little bit not used to it, drink it for a long time.

The people are so good at work. After a day, they really carried all the supplies. When they were leaving, the natives didn’t want any other gifts. Each took a small box of cool oil and went back happily.

After breakfast the next day, I saw a group of natives passing by the edge of the camp, led by Evya, who went out to sea to fish.

This group of people, usually fishermen, turned into pirates when they had business.

Liu Qingshan and their fishing boats and fishing tools have not been delivered yet, so they will discuss with Evya and exchange the items for the fish they catch.

Evya and the others happily agreed. Their terrain is shaped like a number 7. The periphery is surrounded by coastlines, and the fish resources are very rich.

There are no foreign tourists, and the transportation is backward, and it cannot be transported at all, so seafood is cheaper than Chinese cabbage.

Among the militiamen, there was a captain from the seaside of Liao Province. He asked Xiao Wu as an interpreter and chatted with Evya for a while, mainly asking about the law of the tides.

After Evya and the others left, the captain said excitedly:

"Let's go out to 100 people and rush to the sea with me. The natives here don't eat crabs at all. It is estimated that after the tide goes out, the fresh goods on the beach will be old noses!"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but gear up. For most Chinese, because they have grown up inland for a long time, they rarely eat seafood except hairtail.

So I brought two groups of people over, and Liu Qingshan and others also followed the team with great interest. After all, most of them have never experienced this kind of experience.

More than ten miles away, it took less than an hour to reach the seaside. The time was just right, and the sea was ebb.

Everyone was wearing rain boots and ran towards the sea excitedly.

However, most of them are landlubbers, and they have no experience in catching the sea, but the seafood here is indeed too rich. On the beach where the sea is receding, crabs can be seen crawling everywhere.

There are also conch and various sea shells lingering in shallow water and low-lying places, and there are large and small fish in pits and pits.

People are picking up buckets with great joy.

Liu Qingshan also joined the army, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his expression was a little leisurely: If the fourth and fifth were here, they would definitely be shouting with joy, right?

He secretly made up his mind: when this place stabilizes, maybe during the winter vacation, he can take his family over for vacation...

"It's so fun. After I go back today, I'll have a seafood dinner!"

Captain Yu was shaking a crab that was bigger than his palm, and the two pincers in front were still gripping it.

Many people are rushing to the sea for the first time, and they feel that they can't stop at all. After the buckets are full, they are reluctant to go back.

You can only pick and choose, and replace the smaller one with the bigger one.

When it was close to noon, Evya and his fishing boat also returned, and the cabin was full of fish.

Everyone also surrounded the fishing boat, and saw the natives sorting the fish.

A black guy held a guy with open teeth and claws in his hand, and threw it back into the sea.


Liu Qingshan couldn't help but let out a roar, it was a big lobster, thicker than an arm, why did he throw it away?

The black guy was startled, watching Liu Qingshan jump on the fishing boat, and saw a few big lobsters in the cabin, dancing with claws.

When I asked, I found out that there are all these things in the sea. The key is that the local people don’t eat these shelled seafood at all, so they are all thrown away.

Liu Qingshan and the others looked at each other in dismay, and then they all smiled and said: Now you can copy it!

It made the local indigenous people wonder: This thing has no meat?

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