Hello, 1983

Chapter 712: 1 emperor and 1 courtier

The headquarters building of Wang An Computer Company welcomed the new chairman Liu Qingshan.

A cadre of company executives, led by acting CEO Miller, greeted him at the front of the building.

Because of the failure some time ago, Wang Lie was dismissed from the position of chairman, and then a professional manager, Mr. Miller, was invited.

In fact, because of Liu Qingshan's intervention, the timeline of this incident was advanced by nearly a year.

Miller is indeed a talent. In the original development trajectory, after he took office, he quickly wiped out the debts of Wang An Computer of hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, the collapse of the building cannot be saved alone. Wang An Computer declared bankruptcy in 1992.

Liu Qingshan looked up at the huge LOGO above the company building. On the sky blue background, there were several huge letters: WANG.

Liu Qingshan said softly in his mouth: "WANG, I will not call you down, I will only make you more glorious, and you will become the real king in the industry!"

The surrounding employees were all moved.

Their mood is actually very complicated. On the one hand, they have feelings for their old club in their hearts.

On the other hand, they are also worried about being fired. After all, since the beginning of this year, the company has laid off a large number of employees due to poor management.

You must know that when Wang An Computer Company was at its peak, the number of employees exceeded 30,000, and it was definitely a top big company.

It was in this uneasiness that the company welcomed the new president Liu Qingshan.

But at least the first sentence they heard gave them a good impression of the new president.

Miller and other company executives, surrounded by Liu Qingshan and Jiang Renyi behind, entered the building together.

This is just the company's headquarters building, as well as several supporting factories. The most awesome thing is that there is also the largest laboratory in the computer industry in the United States.

In the laboratory, there are hundreds of top computer experts, and the annual cost of feeding these experts is several hundred million.

Mr. Wang An's foundation is really good.

In addition to the unqualified heirs, the biggest problem that contributed to the decline of Wang An Computer was the huge deviation in business strategy.

Mr. Wang An has always believed that computers should take the high-end route and produce complex and sophisticated computers for those large factories and enterprises.

This, in the early stages of computer development, is not wrong.

However, in the mid-to-late 1980s, the focus of computer development has shifted to simpler, more affordable office computers and home computers.

In this transformation, Wang An Computer did not seize the opportunity and was eliminated by the times, which is also reasonable.

A group of people came to the largest conference hall, a huge round table, and there are currently more than 40 executives of Wang An Computer.

Liu Qingshan's eyes slowly looked around:

"Everyone, good morning, everyone. I am very happy to meet so many elites in the industry. This proves that Wang An Computer Company has a talent pool that has re-emerged. I hope we can work together."

Regardless of the purpose, the people present still applaud politely.

Liu Qingshan nodded lightly and continued: "Let me talk about personnel appointments."

All the people present could not help but stiffen their backs, because this is related to each of them's job.

In fact, they are also somewhat psychologically prepared. The principle of one emperor and one courtier is universal.

Liu Qingshan's eyes first fell on Jiang Renyi next to him: "This is Mr. Jiang Renyi, the company's newly established technical president, responsible for the company's technology research and development and development."

Jiang Renyi got up, bowed slightly, and everyone applauded.

Liu Qingshan continued: "Mr. Miller, officially appointed as the company's vice president, mainly responsible for product sales."

Miller also stood up and bowed. Although he was the CEO, he was acting as an agent. Since the boss has changed, it would be good to get a vice president.

As for the company's president, when everyone thought about it, at the beginning of the company's change,

It must be the boss.

Liu Qingshan began to announce the third personnel appointment: "Mr. John Chambers, the new president of the company, in charge of company affairs, everyone is welcome."

People began to applaud and all looked at the Mr. John.

"Is it me?" John was a little confused. He is only a sales manager now, how did he become the president all of a sudden?

Liu Qingshan also smiled and applauded: "Yes, Mr. John, we all believe in your ability."

It is estimated that if they know the experience behind this John Chambers, everyone will believe it.

After Wang An Computer went bankrupt, Mr. John joined a company called "Cisco". At that time, Cisco's annual profit was only 70 million US dollars, and its market value was about 600 million.

After John became the president of Cisco, in five years, Cisco's sales revenue reached more than 12 billion, and the market value exceeded 500 billion US dollars.

John is also known by his peers as "Mr. Internet".

Such a big bull, of course, he has the qualifications to be the CEO of Wang An Computer.

After a little bit of confusion, John was invited to sit next to Liu Qingshan, and he quickly regained his composure, and there was a feeling that a scholar died for his confidant.

In fact, after Wang Lie joined the company, some senior executives began to resign one after another. John also had this idea, but now, this idea has completely disappeared.

Liu Qingshan looked around again, and then smiled: "The personnel in other positions have not changed for the time being."

It was obvious that many people let out a sigh of relief.

But there was no time for them to rejoice, Liu Qingshan quickly entered the next link:

"Next, let's discuss the company's development strategy, because I read the financial statements for the first half of the year, and the company lost 200 million yuan."

"That said, if we continue to follow our previous strategy, we will obviously continue to lose money, so the time has come to change."

Everyone nodded in unison, and after their positions were temporarily stabilized, they all regarded themselves as members of this company.

This is also the reason why Liu Qingshan put personnel appointments in the first place.

These executives all began to think about it, trying to find a practical solution to make a good impression on the new boss.

Because they found that the new boss seemed to attach great importance to talent, just like John, who was directly promoted to CEO.

And the original acting CEO, Mr. Miller, obviously had already studied the company's situation and had an improvement plan, so he was the first to speak:

"I think that the company should lay off workers on a large scale at present. I have investigated the personnel agencies of various factories, and at least one-third of the workers and managers can be laid off. In this way, it will greatly save costs."

An employee who can save money for the boss is, of course, a good employee.

But Liu Qingshan, the boss, doesn't think so: layoffs are a sign of incompetence, and large-scale layoffs prove that you are not far from Huangpuzi.

Perhaps inspired by Miller, another department manager spoke up immediately: Gu

"And our company's laboratory is too large. The company is mainly dragged down by it. I think it should also be scaled down on a large scale."

Liu Qingshan declined to comment on this. In fact, the laboratory is the lifeblood of a company's sustainable development. Many later large companies will invest 20 to 30 percent of their profits into research and development.

The crux of Wang An's computer is not in the laboratory. It is only because the business is shrinking that the laboratory is regarded as a drag.

"Can I express my thoughts?" A voice came from beside Liu Qingshan.

It's the new president, Mr. John Chambers, who obviously hasn't defined his position yet.

Liu Qingshan smiled: "John, you have the most say here."

In the conference room, there was a burst of laughter, and the atmosphere felt a lot more relaxed all of a sudden.

Chambers smiled. This guy is very handsome, and he has good taste in clothes. He is a very attractive man.

He said: "I used to do sales at IBM for a few years, so let's talk about the differences between the two companies."

"Although they all operate computers, I think the routes are very different. We are more focused on high-end, large-scale commercial computers."

"And two companies, IBM and Apple, make mostly personal home computers."

"So I think, does the business direction of our company need to be adjusted?"

Liu Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard it: Talent, he immediately grasped the essence of the problem.

Subsequent developments have proved that personal computers are the mainstream, and Wang An Computer Company was eliminated because it failed to seize the opportunity of this transformation.

Microsoft's Bill later commented: If Wang An Computer can successfully transform, then Microsoft will be nothing, and I will not become the current technology star, or be a teacher and lawyer somewhere.

However, for the idea proposed by John, many executives shook their heads. In their opinion, large-scale commercial computers are more technological and can demonstrate the strength of the company.

When there is a disagreement, Liu Qingshan finally has to make the decision. He smiled and nodded to John: "I think John's proposal is very good, and personal computers are the general trend of development in the future."

"Just like the earth network we operate, the number of users in the past two years has always been on the rise, which proves that the number of personal computers is increasing rapidly, so our company must also complete the transformation quickly."

Jiang Renyi also added: "And we can advertise the company's computers and accessories on the earth network."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but smile: Now the earth network is in the limelight, if they unite, it will definitely be more effective.

By the way, Wang Lie, the former president, was thinking about getting the Earth Network?

As a result, what Wang Lie failed to do is now easily solved.

"John, you and Jiang are responsible for this matter together, and strive to launch our company's personal computer in the shortest possible time."

Liu Qingshan started the deployment work: "Finally, at IBM, I will negotiate with them to try to unify the specifications of computer parts."

"Boss, I have a different opinion." Someone suddenly interrupted Liu Qingshan.

The speaker was Jack, a veteran employee of the company, who used to start a business together with Wang An.

Liu Qingshan still gave him a lot of respect and nodded to indicate that he could speak.

Jack stood up excitedly: "Our company has been fighting IBM for more than ten years, and we have never conceded defeat."

"We developed the WANG-1200 typewriter and the WPS word processing system, which once made IBM look for teeth all over the place, and had to withdraw from the competition for computers in the office field and turn to civilian computers."

Jack's face flushed red, as if he was back in the passionate era. He waved his arms vigorously: "So we must not surrender to those bastards from IBM!"

Jack's words also attracted a warm applause. Wang An Computer was once the leader in the industry, and there is still a bit of domineering.

Liu Qingshan also responded with applause. He also felt honored for the company's past, but he knew even more: he couldn't live in the past.

He is a past person, and he knows that the compatibility and unification of computer equipment is the general trend.

Unless you can unify the market, you can make rules, but that's impossible, the computer market is just too big.

After the excited Mr. Jack sat down, Liu Qingshan said with a smile:

"I'm proud of the honors we've had in the past, but we're just negotiating with IBM, we're cooperating, not capitulating."

"This market is like a huge cake. No one can eat it alone, so we can only eat it."

"The plate where you put the cake is big, and the plate where I put the cake is small, then there will be conflicts."

"So we need to unify the standard. In the future, users can even assemble their own computers. They can use Intel's processors, our motherboards, IBM's sound cards and graphics cards, Apple's keyboards and mice, and so on."

Liu Qingshan's words made everyone stunned: Can a computer still play like this, isn't that a child building blocks?

"If we don't participate and use our own standards, then we won't even be eligible to enter, let alone play happily together."

Hearing the boss say this, everyone fell into a deep thought, and their inherent pride made them want to refute the boss's claim.

But reason told them: it seems that win-win cooperation is the right way.

"I totally agree." John was the first to say.

"I also agree." Miller nodded in agreement. He was a newcomer, and of course he wouldn't have so many opinions.

The old employee Jack just blushed and asked, "Boss, do we still need to use our large-scale commercial computers?"

Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded: "This is our advantage, how can we throw it away?"

"However, if you want to invest in a new project, in terms of funding..." Jack also came from a technical background, and of course he knew that this would require a lot of money.

"Don't worry, I have injected 200 million into the company to start the personal computer project." Liu Qingshan said lightly.

Wow, there was a low exclamation in the conference room.

They all knew that the new boss was rich, but he was unexpectedly so generous.

The injection of this capital is more importantly a signal: it means that the new boss is not ready to sell at a good price after taking over Wang An Computer, which is what investors on Wall Street have done.

Now it seems that employees don't have to worry, because the new boss is obviously here to develop the company.

Thinking of this, the executives present couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Most of them are old employees of the company. They have witnessed the brilliance of Wang An Computer together, and have very deep feelings for the company.

With the gradual recognition of the new boss, this feeling slowly transferred to Liu Qingshan.

"Boss, I have nothing to say!"

Jack roared, then happily sat back in his seat.

At this moment, Liu Qingshan could clearly feel that people's hearts were condensed again.

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