Hello, 1983

Chapter 740: Thinking of money, crazy!

At noon on the second day after Liu Qingshan returned from Dongshan Village, Captain Guo arrived with thirty villagers.

After the group got off the car, they inquired along the way, and soon found the warehouse. The warehouse of Longteng Company is still very famous in the city, and most people know the location.

Captain Guo and the others were standing outside the warehouse with their luggage rolls on their backs, and their eyes were not enough.

There are long queues of big trucks that don't usually see one a year.

There are also all kinds of goods on the car, which makes them look at it.

"Village chief, don't look at it, let's hurry up to work, there are so many cars, no one is unloading!" A villager shouted.

Yes, work.

Everyone rolled up their luggage and was ready to start work.

Wang Yufeng, who happened to be loading a car nearby, came to hear the news: "Uncle Village Chief, everyone is here, don't be busy, have lunch right away, and then work after dinner."

"Eating two meals at home, let's work first, I see that you are all too busy."

Captain Guo also looked at the vehicles waiting in line for unloading, a little anxious.

"We only have three meals. If we don't have enough food, we can't have the energy to work. This is the same as the principle of sharpening knives without accidentally chopping wood."

Wang Yufeng couldn't help but lead the group to the dormitory first, put away the salute, and then go to the cafeteria to eat.

"The food is good." Some villagers muttered, each of the snow-white steamed buns was as big as two big bowls.

One meat and one vegetarian two dishes: pork stewed cabbage vermicelli, which is actually a big piece of meat.

There is also a spicy tofu, just look at the meal.

There is also a sauerkraut vermicelli soup. Put some mutton in the soup, and it must be fresh.

Wang Yufeng waved his hand: "Do it yourself, the food is full, just don't leave any leftovers."

When the villagers heard it, they were so polite, they immediately rushed over, and at home, they also ate such a big steamed bun with white flour during the Chinese New Year.

Many people use black noodles for steamed buns.

The so-called black flour is that when the wheat is crushed into flour, the wheat bran made from the outer seed coat is also mixed inside, so the color of the flour does not look so white.

As everyone knows, after a few decades, such flour is still more popular.

Because people have gone from eating well to eating well to eating healthy.

Captain Guo was not polite, he used chopsticks to tie the steamed buns directly, and made a string, like a candied haws.

It's just that the steamed buns are a bit big, and only three skewers are made. Let's do this first, and then make another skewer after eating, and it's almost the same.

At this time, people have a lot of appetite. It is normal to eat five or six steamed buns at a time. Captain Guo and the others eat dumplings at home, and they can eat a curtain by themselves.

Then put a big bowl of sauerkraut soup, use a small pot to hold vegetables, and put a big piece of meat into your mouth, it's called a fragrance.

Liu Qingshan was in the warehouse's office at the moment, and he was gesturing on a map with Sergey across from him.

On the map, the location of Dongshan Village has been circled by Liu Qingshan with a pen.

"Liu, on our side, there is a birch forest by the river leading to here." Sergey pointed at the map, and then said:

"But no problem, we can cut a road, and it's more hidden, isn't it?"

A smile appeared on Sergey's face, and he stretched out a big hairy hand: "Liu, it's a pleasure to cooperate."

For their forces, making a way in the woods or something should not be too simple.

Liu Qingshan shook hands with Sergey: "Comrade Sergey, it is estimated that there is no way to build a wharf there, so we can only trade in winter.

Is this okay? "

On their side, from November to April next year, it is all frozen, which is almost half a year.

So Sergey has no objection. If he builds another pier or something, it will be too blatant, and he is worried that it will not be able to cover it.

After the negotiation, Sergey left in a hurry, and he still needed to go back and make some preparations.

Liu Qingshan checked the time, and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

After he entered the cafeteria, he saw Village Chief Guo and the others at their tables, one by one, eating in full swing.

Liu Qingshan also picked up a plate of steamed buns, filled a bowl of soup, and then leaned over: "Everyone is here, Village Chief Guo, how are you feeling, are you still used to it?"

"Mr. Liu." The villagers greeted one after another.

The village chief Guo smiled and nodded towards Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, you are used to it, your business is really not small."

Seeing all this, Village Chief Guo was completely relieved. He felt that their Dongshan Village was operating from time to time, and they were favored by such a big boss. Everyone should wait and live a good life.

And for the farmers who have been digging food in the soil since childhood, why have they not been tired or suffered?

Liu Qingshan also chatted while eating, and told Captain Guo to ask Wang Yufeng to tell everyone about the code of operation after dinner, and safety production must be the first priority.

Like fiddling with steel or something, an accident is a big deal.

Longteng Company doesn't care about losing money or something. The key is to smash people and maim them.

After the villagers finished eating, they followed Wang Yufeng to the training first, while Liu Qingshan kept the village chief Guo.

He had already communicated with the border guards in the morning, and there was no problem with Sergey. After that, the location of the transaction would be Dongshan Village.

In this case, it is necessary to go to Dongshan Village to make preparations, especially the simple warehouse for storing goods, which must be built as soon as possible.

Now that it is winter, we can only build open-air venues.

Explain to the village chief Guo and tell him to follow the team back to Dongshan Village tomorrow.

The village chief Guo was still a little unhappy. He was still thinking about working here to make money.

"Uncle Guo, don't worry, you are also working for our company, so you are still paid monthly, 150 yuan per month"

Liu Qingshan saw Village Chief Guo's thoughts at a glance, so he smiled and comforted him.

What the hell?

The village chief Guo's eyes widened, and he couldn't speak easily: "Then I, I earn more than the town chief!"

Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded: "And there is a bonus at the end of the year."

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, I will definitely handle all these things well."

The village chief Guo was about to slap his chest. He could understand that for such a big business, it was not bad at all. As long as he took good care of the villagers and cooperated well with his work, he would definitely not be mistreated.

The next day, Ding Shan led the convoy to Dongshan Village, and he was solely responsible for the affairs over there.

And Liu Qingshan was waiting on Heihe's side, and he was waiting for Li Tie's arrival.

What worried him the most was that Li Tie's team was in a foreign country, licking blood with a knife, and they traveled in and out of Lake Baikal, where the environment was the worst.

In the past two years, Maozi's side has become more and more unstable, and murder and robbery are normal.

But Li Tie and the others didn't wait. Instead, a group of hairy boys waited.

This morning, Jiang Shuichang led dozens of Maozi across the border and came to the office building of Longteng Company. These were the technicians brought by Jiang Hua.

Liu Qingshan also heard the news and came to the conference room. Most of them were middle-aged people, including several burly aunts.

The old ginger clapped his hands and said in proficient Russian:

"Comrades, please be quiet, let me introduce, this is the general manager of our Longteng company, Liu Qingshan!"

These Maozi also slapped, and the atmosphere was very warm, and then Lao Jiang introduced Liu Qingshan one by one.

With so many people, how can Liu Qingshan remember the name, anyway, it's either this or the husband, or it's the baby's.

After shaking hands in a circle, everyone greeted everyone to sit down, a few staff members came, made tea for these technicians, and started chatting, with Lao Jiang as the translator.

"Everyone knows about the treatment issue, right?" Liu Qingshan asked first.

Those people nodded their heads one after another. Of course, their treatment was good. Otherwise, who would leave their family and work and come here to work.

Skilled workers in the Soviet Union also have a grading system. Speaking of which, the technical grades of workers in our country in the past were divided into eight levels. The highest level was the eighth-level worker. This system was learned from others.

Therefore, the treatment of these technicians is to enjoy different treatment according to different levels.

Liu Qingshan didn't plan to cheat them, so he didn't use rubles as the salary standard, otherwise, in less than two years, the salary paid to them would all become a pile of waste paper.

Since it is cooperation, you have to show sincerity, otherwise, it will be boring if people don't work hard.

Of course, the currency here cannot be used, so goods are still used to pay wages.

This is just a standard, it does not mean that when it is time to spend, one person will go back with a few cases of wine.

In addition to the generous treatment, there are also the families of these technicians, all of whom belong to the Amur Komsomolsk City. Liu Qingshan also made a promise:

The salaries received by these technicians can be distributed in kind through Lao Jiang.

This can also relieve their worries, and can work in China with peace of mind, right?

Lao Jiang also handed Liu Qingshan a stack of documents, all of which were the files of these technicians, and were organized in great detail.

There are photos, personal information, family information, as well as work unit and personal expertise, etc., all written in Chinese.

Liu Qingshan read it roughly and was quite satisfied. More than half of these people were from the military-industrial units in Amur Komsomolsk.

Half of them are engineers, there are two seventh-level workers, and the rest are mostly fifth- and sixth-level workers.

The information of these people, Liu Qingshan was going to take it back and study it carefully. Seeing that it was almost noon, he went to the Longteng Hotel to set up a few tables and hold a welcome banquet for these experts and technicians.

Together with several senior officials of Longteng Company, there were six tables in total.

Invite Maozi to dinner, no matter how the dishes are, the wine must be in place.

They don't like sauce-flavored and strong-flavored liquor, so they just go straight to Erguotou.

To Liu Qingshan's surprise, there were more than a dozen technicians who didn't drink alcohol.

It seems that among Maozi, not everyone is a big wine bag.

If you don't drink alcohol, you can drink the local birch drink, which should be more in line with Maozi's taste.

Authentic baby birch drinks, of course, have to be made with birch sap, such as mass production, that is to borrow a name.

Liu Qingshan first gave a toast, nothing more than a welcome, and finally toasted the friendship between the two peoples.

The atmosphere at the wine table was quite warm, and the Maozi also showed a strong interest in authentic Chinese dishes.

Especially the big goose stewed with dried potatoes in the sea bowl has become Maozi's favorite dish.

Furthermore, they prefer to drink tomato and egg soup. Although it is very different from their beetroot soup, it is not easy to eat tomatoes this month.

After the meal is full, the hairs are first sent to the hotel to rest.

Of course, there are also a few unpromising ones who were taken away by the waiter.

Liu Qingshan was just going to go to the warehouse station to go around, but Jiang Shuichang brought a hairy boy and said that he was looking for something.

"This is Korolev engineer." Jiang also knew that Liu Qingshan would not be able to remember the names of these hairy boys for a while, so he introduced them first.

Liu Qingshan shook hands with the other party: "Hello Comrade Korolev, how are you, are we still used to eating here? I don't think you were drinking at the wine table."

Korolev nodded: "I'm not a good drinker, and I don't want to delay things because of drinking, so I never drink at noon."

This guy is about forty years old, he wears glasses, and his clothes are very delicate. He looks very quiet, not as rough as most hairs.

"This is a good habit." Liu Qingshan looked at each other with a smile, waiting for Korolev to explain his intentions.

Korolev raised his glasses with his hand: "Liu, that's right. I need some money. I don't know if I can get it from you. What I need is US dollars."

Liu Qingshan blinked: Another one asking for dollars.

But things that can be exchanged for US dollars are definitely good things, so Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded:

"As long as it's value for money, no problem at all."

Korolev quietly looked at Liu Qingshan, as if he was judging the truth of what Liu Qingshan said.

Because of the hostile relationship between the US and the Soviet Union, news from the US side was screened and processed before it was known to the Soviet people.

It is precisely because of this that Korolev did not know that Mr. Liu Qingshan in front of him also had considerable assets in the United States, so he repeated his tone:

"Liu, the dollar amount I need may be a lot."

Liu Qingshan was a little bit disgusted by this guy, and he was used to dealing with Maozi.

Jiang Shuichang, who was the translator next to him, couldn't help it a little: "Comrade Korolev, please rest assured, our business in the United States is even bigger than here."

Hearing this, Korolev's eyes lit up: "Liu, I need ten million dollars!"

It made the old ginger a jerk: you guy, you are crazy about money!

You must know that 10 million US dollars is not 10 million rubles. Now that the foreign exchange is tight, even if the National Bank wants to take out this money, it is by no means easy.

"Comrade Korolev, it depends on whether yours is worth the price?"

Liu Qingshan was intrigued, and he was also very curious, what chips does this Korolev have in his hands, and he dared to open his mouth like a lion.

Korolev took a deep breath: "I know the formulas of several special steels. I wonder if you are interested?"

Liu Qingshan's heart also thumped a few times. If it is military steel, it is indeed worth the price.

Although their Longteng company has been importing special steel for the military, they can't always rely on imports. It's quite uncomfortable to be stuck in the neck.

Although excited in his heart, Liu Qingshan still has a calm expression on his face:

"Comrade Korolev, I'm in a trade business, but I don't want to open a rolling mill, so I'd better ask Lao Jiang to take you to the hotel to rest."

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