Hello, 1983

Chapter 767

Compared with the professionals present, Liu Qingshan's playing level is indeed a bit bad, that is, entry level.

Therefore, in front of a group of masters, it is easy to remind people of a word: Ban Men get an axe.

Or in the words of the common people, aren't you playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong?

Miss Yu, who was pulling the erhu just now, covered her face with her hands: "If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have asked him to go up."

The faces of the leaders present were also not good-looking, and some people were even dissatisfied with what Commander Ozawa did just now: Are you looking for a club to see a joke?

On the other hand, Commander Ozawa sat quietly with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was listening.

His head swayed gently with the sound of xun, as if he had already entered the country.

The conductor's ear is definitely the most sensitive. In a band with dozens or even hundreds of people, even if there is a dissonant note in it, he can accurately pick it out.

Seeing Ozawa's command like this, everyone calmed down, and then gradually merged into the melodious Xun sound.

Liu Qingshan has a long breath, and many places that need to be ventilated are all done in one go, so the tune seems unusually coherent.

The performers present were also a little reassured: Well, he can play, and in time, he may become a musician.

But gradually, there were no other thoughts in their minds, and the whole person was immersed in it.

Only the sound of xun lingered in my heart, everything outside the body, everything outside the body, all disappeared at this moment.

The wind was blowing gently, and there seemed to be a green field in front of me. A wooden house was hidden among the trees, and that was my home.

The white-haired mother looked into the distance, waiting for the wanderer's return:

When the spores of missing have grown into green leaves,

Will we still remember that piece?

Once green and lush;

As the days gradually turn yellow,

Have we read it,

Such a line of poetry after the man returns to the geese.

Ah, homeland, homeland scenery,

forever in my heart...

Everyone has the feeling of homesickness, so there is the very classic "Spring in the Northland" on the island country.

At this moment in a foreign country, this soulful and melodious melody, called these performers of the island country, could not help but dipped in tears.

When the xun sound faded away, everyone present was still immersed in homesickness, unable to extricate themselves.

There were also tears dripping from the corners of Commander Ozawa's eyes. He didn't know, where was his real hometown?

Suddenly, Miss Xiao stood up abruptly and started to slap hard.

Then, she received the accusing eyes of everyone, accusing her of disturbing the peace and sadness in her heart.

Miss Xiao couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and then retracted her seat, but she couldn't restrain her excitement.

She could never have imagined that a beginner could play such a heartfelt piece of music.

It turns out that sometimes, techniques and so on are really secondary, and the most moving thing is the revealing of true feelings.

At this moment, Miss Xiao finally made up for her shortcomings and found a way forward.

At this moment, the applause finally sounded, and everyone stood up, slapped their hands hard, and shared the feeling of the young man on the stage, giving them such a wonderful hearing experience.

Liu Qingshan only slowly opened his eyes at this time, and then gently wiped the corners of his eyes.

If you want to move others, you must first move yourself. Just now, he also thought of the small mountain village in his hometown, and the simple folks in the small mountain village.

That is a person, the most precious place in memory, because his name is hometown.

Liu Qingshan bowed slightly, and the applause from the audience became even more enthusiastic.

Liu Qingshan waved his hand and was about to step down, but was stopped by Mr. Kondo.

Kondo took a deep breath, bowed ninety degrees to Liu Qingshan, and said something.

Even without translation, from the respectful look in Kondo's eyes, people knew that he must be apologizing to Liu Qingshan.

The performers of the Chinese Orchestra, their eyes are moist again, what a wonderful young man, they all feel light on their faces.

Liu Qingshan patted Kondo on the shoulder, then walked offstage with a smile.

Conductor Ozawa was the first to greet him, and he also bowed deeply: "Mr. Aoyama, thank you for giving us such good music, thank you very much."

Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "Compared to all the professionals, I'm just a layman."

"That's a bad word."

Conductor Ozawa shook his head and looked around, especially the performers brought from the island country, and then solemnly said:

"Mr. Qingshan's music has left the technique and entered another realm, that is, returning to the basics."

The people around are listening quietly, and some people still have some enlightenment in their hearts.

Returning to the basics, that is the level they all yearn for.

Unexpectedly, this young man who is not a professional did it.

I do not know the true face of Mount Lu, only because I am in this mountain.

When Commander Ozawa finished his comments, everyone was amazed. Mr. Kondo bowed to Liu Qingshan again and said something.

The translator stepped forward to explain: "Mr. Kondo wants to get the sheet music, he wants to figure out and learn."

"Don't bother Mr. Liu, I'll sort it out for everyone, but I don't know, what's the name of this song?"

Conductor Ozawa waved his hand gently. In terms of music, he was truly unforgettable.

Liu Qingshan thought about it and said, "This is when I was studying in the United States and I missed my hometown. Let's call it the original scenery of my hometown."

With his own way and his body, Liu Qingshan also played this trick today.

With Liu Qingshan's pearl and jade in front, it is not easy for others to take the stage again. The rest of the time is for everyone to communicate with each other.

Liu Qingshan also returned to his original seat, Teacher Shi came over, patted his arm lightly, and then gave a thumbs up.

A piece of ancient xun, conquering the island country's peers, this incident will soon become a music story.

And the girl in the middle also turned around, her face still had a bright red after a bit of excitement:

"Is your name Liu Qingshan, thank you, I learned a lot today."

This girl is okay, not as coy as her peers.

Liu Qingshan's heart suddenly moved, and then smiled: "Only the nationality is the world's, so each of us must work hard to carry forward the Chinese folk music."

Miss Xiao nodded her chin vigorously: "I will, my name is Yu Shuilian, majoring in Erhu."

Liu Qingshan reached out and shook hands with her: "We are from the entertainment company under the big tree, I have a plan, I wonder if you are interested?"

Yu Shuilian blinked her eyes with long eyelashes: "Are you older than me?"

Shouldn't our focus be on this?

Liu Qingshan was a little speechless, but fortunately, Yu Shuilian immediately turned to the topic: "What plan?"

"You can find some sisters in the group, all of whom play folk music, such as guzheng, guqin, sheng, flute, flute, erhu and pipa, etc., and then form a band."

Liu Qingshan's inspiration came from the later Women's Twelve Band, which is very popular all over the world.

Especially in island countries, the most sought after.

Liu Qingshan also wants to make folk music go to the world, which is not a bad attempt.

Yu Shuilian blinked her eyes: "Why are they all women?"

Can we still communicate well? Liu Qingshan is a little tired. Why does this girl's focus always go astray?

In the end, I just asked Sister Zhang to give this girl a business card of the company under the big tree, and asked Yu Shuilian to visit the company when she had time, and then asked Gao Lingfeng and the others to talk to this girl.

"Under the big tree, I seem to have heard of this company. It is quite rich and has donated a lot of money to the Asian Games."

Yu Shuilian happily took the business card, put it in her pocket, and decided to take a few good sisters to see it tomorrow.

Afterwards, several performers from the island country came to Liu Qingshan, and everyone chatted together.

Sister Zhang also inserted a few words from time to time, such as the highlight moments such as the performance of the last Mohicans in the United States, because she also participated.

This is incredible. The few performers from the island country kept bowing and bowing. Liu Qingshan was a little worried, don't break his waist.

People in the music industry, of course, have heard this anecdote and are all yearning for it.

Unexpectedly, I met the true God today.

That Mr. Kondo had the most complicated mood: I knew that a big guy like you was hiding in the crowd, so I wouldn't dare to pretend to be big on stage?

Immediately, these performers sent an invitation to Liu Qingshan: please come to their country to give performances and lectures.

In fact, they also used this method to retain some folk music talents who traveled to Japan.

How to say, the treatment is high, respected, and the atmosphere is really good.

However, using it on Liu Qingshan is definitely not good.

Verbally, Liu Qingshan still agreed. As for whether to go or not in the future, let's talk about it.

Perhaps after the establishment of the Girls' Band, in order to promote it to the world, they may also go there.

Because Liu Qingshan kept the place down, the atmosphere of this exchange was very good, and no one was stabbed again.

Towards the end, Mitsui Mu brought a few people and hurriedly entered the venue. After explaining a few words to Commander Ozawa, Mitsui Mu invited Liu Qingshan to go out and sit together.

Liu Qingshan asked Lao Cui and Sister Zhang to go back first, and he left the Chinese Orchestra alone with Mitsui Mu.

It's really not easy to find a cafe or a tea house or something. It's almost noon anyway, so Liu Qingshan found a restaurant nearby.

Everyone found a single room and sat down. After Liu Qingshan ordered the dishes, he saw Mitsuigi handing over a thick agreement, accompanied by cold eyes.

"It's quite efficient." Liu Qingshan picked up the agreement and looked at it.

Mitsui Wood just reported this matter to the country, which immediately attracted the attention of the entire consortium, because they all coveted the fat of the earth network.

After an urgent evaluation by professionals within the consortium, the conclusion is that it is impossible for Jade Bird to develop the most advanced mobile phone within five years.

However, for the sake of safety, many restrictions were drawn up to prevent the other party from exploiting loopholes.

This contract was drafted by the most professional lawyers. Although it was in a hurry, it was very strict, and then faxed it to Mitsuigi.

Liu Qingshan also looked at it very carefully. Whether it was a contract or a contract, there were too many traps in it, so he could not take it seriously.

While watching, Liu Qingshan shook his head slightly, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Mitsui wood pretended to turn a blind eye, and even in his opinion, the rules and regulations here were too harsh.

At this moment, the only thing Mitsuimu is worried about is that Liu Qingshan will break up after two shots, and the bet will be completely lost.

Anyway, if it was replaced by him, he would definitely not sign something that 90% would lose.

"Mitsui-kun, are you too embarrassed to write this kind of clause in it?"

Liu Qingshan pointed to one of them, which is the restriction on the weight of the mobile phone: it cannot exceed 200 grams, and it is less than half a catty.

Even the batteries of Big Brother now weigh several 200 grams.

Mitsui Mu was also ashamed for a moment, but was quickly replaced by hatred, he said with a gloomy face:

"Certainly, the mobile phone is going to be more and more portable."

This is also the most important thing to their company, because the current nickel-cadmium battery will be overweight anyway.

Then they can only develop lithium batteries. According to the information they have obtained: the technology of lithium batteries has just started in China, and it will take at least ten years to achieve results.

Liu Qingshan shook his head: "I've lost interest in this bet now, let's look at this one again, it requires at least one million mobile phones to be sold in the international market, Mitsui-kun, I want to ask you, what do you think? ?"

"If you don't dare to bet, just say it directly, why make so many harsh conditions."

Mitsui Mu's face was also a little hot, why had he been scolded by someone pointing his nose like this?

However, for the sake of shame, he still endured: "Mr. Liu, mobile phones will become more and more popular in the future, so we can't use the current sales volume to measure five years later."

Liu Qingshan shook his head in disdain again, and he didn't bother to read the remaining conditions.

After reading it, Liu Qingshan put down the contract and stared at Mitsuigi:

"From the contract, I don't see your sincerity. The bet on my side is clearly marked. Don't you need a bet, or do you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves?"

Mitsuigi nodded stiffly: "We can definitely make an equal bet, but this involves commercial secrets. We are in the United States and are conducting a secret acquisition."

"If Mr. Liu does not agree to the contract, there is no need to disclose it to you."

Acquisition, or the US side?

Liu Qingshan has gone through it in his mind. This year and next, the major acquisition projects of the island country in the United States will soon become clear.

There was a snort in the nose: "Isn't it Columbia Pictures, what's all the fuss about."

"How did you know!"

Mitsui Miso stood up at once, and it was about the acquisition of one of the eight major film companies in the United States. Except for the secret negotiations between the top management of the two sides, there is absolutely no possibility of it being leaked.

After more than a year of negotiations, the two sides formally signed the agreement at the end of this year.

However, the acquirer was Sony, but Sony could not afford billions of dollars at once, so companies such as Mitsui and Toshiba provided huge loans to Sony, and the acquisition was successfully completed.

"If you want people to not know, don't do it unless you are yourself." Liu Qingshan stood up, stretched his waist, and dropped a sentence.

Mitsui Wood's heart suddenly became cold: Are you going to leave directly?

As a result, I heard Liu Qingshan say lightly: "No problem, when will the agreement be signed?"

Mitsui Mu was stupid standing there: he agreed, he actually agreed...

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