Coming home from get off work that night, Tao Zhi couldn't wait to walk to the coffee table in the living room. Five minutes later, on the special map that occupied the entire desktop, there was another yellow frog in a coir raincoat, crowded in the area of ​​Jinbei City inside.

In the whole picture, only the villain with the hat that Huo Ran drew yesterday has a very different style. The more Tao Zhi thought about it, he felt that he couldn't bear to be drawn so ugly, so he secretly optimized it while he was away, and finally Also added a smiley face.

When Huo Ran came back from overtime work, he immediately noticed a qualitative change in the crooked villain.

"It turns out that the painting can be changed like this, which is amazing."

Huo Ran sat on the sofa for five minutes, then took off his tie, and hung his suit in the closet.

"I didn't change it."

Tao Zhiyue was playing games in the game room, talking nonsense.

"He must have changed it himself."

There is supper in the refrigerator, and today it is ice-cold Jiuniang Yuanzi, on which there is still a note with a picture of a small Yuanzi, beside which it says: Quick-frozen food, ready in five minutes ^-^

"Really? I don't believe it."

The water heater in the bathroom was already turned on, Huo Ran went to take a shower, then came out with wet hair, and opened the refrigerator door immediately.

"Really, if you don't blow your hair and drip water all over the floor, he will come out of the map and beat you."

Huo Ran immediately turned around, went back to the bathroom, and plugged in the hair dryer.

After a rumbling noise, the hair became limp and dry.

With a sigh of relief, he took out two bowls of rice **** from the refrigerator and walked into the game room.

"I blew it dry, you can check."

"No need to check...go away."

Huo Ran leaned forward very persistently.

The game villain who stopped in his tracks, the warm lights, muffled laughter, and kisses.

The days passed like running water.

The map became more and more complete, and by the time they annotated all their memories of different worlds on it, it was almost too full to fit.

Tao Zhiyue and Huo Ran pasted this map on the wall of the bedroom together. Every morning when they woke up, they were greeted by this most special world.

Then change clothes, wash up, eat breakfast, and go to work.

The only small problem is that they have never been in the car together.

Huo Ran still couldn't drop him off to work.

They haven't even discussed it formally.

Huo Ran has accepted the past of this world and everything that happened in his life, but he still has doubts about the designed future.

Car accident, another protagonist who has not yet appeared.

Will they actually show up?

The two had similar worries, so they avoided these topics tacitly.

It's just that every morning, when they parted in the elevator, they could see the regret in each other's eyes.

When will we be able to get rid of the uncertain future completely?

On a random night, with nothing to do, we went for a drive together, watching the traffic around us melt into the night, and the gentle wind poured into the rolled-down car windows.

Tao Zhiyue really wanted that day to come soon.

The company's game projects have gone through the last turmoil and continue to move forward steadily. Everyone's psychological endurance has been strengthened a little, and the awareness of self-protection has also been strengthened. Remember to keep files and certificates at any time.

The game has begun to take shape, and the company's test machine has installed the first version of the game. Sometimes Tao Zhi would try to play the game he made with a strange mood after finishing work.

"New World" seems to be an ordinary love-oriented AVG mobile game, but it is different from other competing products in that randomness and growth are added to the underlying program logic. The degree of freedom is higher.

For example, one of the capture targets sends a date invitation to the protagonist. If the protagonist refuses, the target's favorability may drop, but it may also increase, and trigger the hidden personality of "I'd like to ask you out".

At the same time, after the protagonist refuses, his character image will also change. Others will have the impression of "difficult to approach", but may also have the impression of "shy and cute".

All changes are not only related to the choice, but also related to the order in which the player completes the main plot and the sub-plot. For example, before refusing a date, the protagonist has just completed a gift-giving sub-plot. Reject" thoughts, but it could also be "Is she kidding me".

In addition to being logical, there is also randomness.

All the operations are combined to gradually form the image of the player character and the capture target that are always growing and changing, and countless subtle random superpositions will lead to a unique ending.

In order to achieve a similar degree of freedom in word games, it is generally necessary to plan to write a large number of plots, so as to include various possibilities, but under this premise, there is no randomness, and planning may be tiring to crazy protest.

Fortunately, the amount of data in the word game is not too large, and the difficulty is not too high. Tao Zhiyue and the others refer to the technology of Animal Island to intelligently process game interactions in batches, and independently develop an underlying framework, which gives the power of weaving and direction to the intelligent program , making it truly random.

Therefore, Tao Zhiyue will have the question of "should we take the initiative to try to take the car together", and observe how the strategy target in the game will respond to the protagonist's question.

Roughly equal to an advanced version of rolling the dice.

Huo Ran often works overtime recently, so Tao Zhiyue is not in a hurry to get off work on time, and occasionally stays in the company to play with the testing machine.

Tao Zhiyue liked the opening of the game very much, and it was also his suggestion to the planner.

The protagonist wakes up and finds himself in a strange world. The background story of this world gradually emerges in his mind. Next, it is his turn to choose which area to go to.

Entering different maps and making different choices will lead to different lives.

Today Tao Zhiyue chooses to go to a bustling big city, where he will quickly meet all the targets of the raid.

Then he was going to get straight to the point and ask target No. 1, a wild and domineering CEO, if he wanted to go for a drive at night.

Although he knew that the ending would most likely result in a sneer.

What if a positive answer comes out at random?

When Tao Zhiyue was having a great time playing this advanced version of dice, there was the sound of footsteps on the stairs of the villa.

"Are you working overtime?"

Jiang Ye, who was about to go home, came down from upstairs, and saw that there was still an employee in the empty villa, with a surprised expression on his face.

"No." Tao Zhiyue replied honestly, "I'm playing with the testing machine."

In autumn and winter, the banyan tree often loses its leaves, so for a long time, Jiang Ye no longer has a sloppy beard, and looks a bit like a serious boss.

Tao Zhiyue thought of the empty small round table on the balcony: "Why didn't President Rong come today?"

"It's grown too big, so it needs to be repotted." Jiang Ye explained, "The pot was just changed yesterday, so it's not suitable for moving. Wait for a few days before taking it with you."

Tao Zhiyue suddenly felt a sense of surprise when he learned that his colleague had given birth.

It seems that there is something wrong.

Jiang Ye fully understood the meaning behind his complicated expression.

"It can't be counted as having a child, it's still it."

Tao Zhiyue nodded, then smiled: "It seems that people often think that way."

"Well, I'm used to it."

Jiang Ye also showed a little smile.

After working for more than half a year, although his relationship with Jiang Ye was not as close as that of other colleagues, Tao Zhiyue almost got to know him.

There are many weirdos in the game industry, and Jiang Ye is still the weirdest one he has ever seen.

He decided to start a game company by drawing lots, and he was only responsible for paying the money, regardless of the specific progress of the project, but when recruiting, he would check the staff's temperament.

There is nothing related to games in the office, and it is full of books related to physics and occultism.

He is a very amazing person, can make people feel unreal, but also seems unusually real.

Tao Zhiyue once thought that he should be a nihilist, that's why he seemed so casual about everything that happened around him.

But he was very attached to that particular banyan tree.

Tree **** is a joke that everyone talks about. Tao Zhiyue doesn't think it's love, but everyone can see that the tree is the most important thing in the world to Jiang Ye.

According to Tao Zhiyue's observation of the various physics books on Jiangye's bookshelf, he felt that Jiangye must understand that it was just an ordinary woody plant without emotion.

Why are you still so persistent?

Tao Zhiyue is now full of curiosity about all unsolved mysteries in life.

Looking at his wandering expression, Jiang Ye took the initiative to ask: "Huo Ran is busy recently?"

"Yes." Tao Zhiyue was surprised, "How do you know?"

He paused, thinking of the boss's mysterious deeds, "Is this also intuition? How did you do it?"

Jiang Ye smiled and shook his head: "I will also watch the news, the project investment is so lively."

"..." Tao Zhi said in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I almost forgot."

"But even if there is no news, I can guess it." Jiang Ye added, "You seem to leave very late recently, and you used to get off work on time."

This powerful reasoning ability.

Tao Zhiyue refused to admit defeat: "It may also be because I suddenly love work so much."

"It's not the same, you have clearly separated life and work." Jiang Ye said calmly, "You don't go home because the coordinates are not there."

Tao Zhi was taken aback for a moment: "The coordinates?"

"Well, determine the coordinates of where you are."

This is an exceptionally accurate answer.

Shocked, Tao Zhiyue tentatively asked, "Why do you say that?"

Jiang Ye changed a seemingly irrelevant topic: "I read a book before, which talked about the chaos and eccentricity of the current world."

"People live in the ever-changing interpersonal relationship and new information emerging at the speed of light. Different spaces are spread and covered by the same style of buildings, fashion, and consumer goods. Therefore, the feeling of space is erased while everything is changing. Moving towards coldness and convergence, so that people often don't know where they are, and lose touch with their surroundings in a daze, and gradually lose the motivation to live."

"In that book, it's called Lost in Space." Jiang Ye said slowly, "It looked like a very difficult book, but at that time I found comfort from it, and the book gave an answer, saying To find the coordinates that can help you orient yourself.”

"It could be some trustworthy theory, it could be a novel about a past life, or it could be something else, like a banyan tree we grew up with."

"When I determined the coordinates, I felt that I was really alive."

Finally, he glanced at the small round table on the empty balcony, "I can see that you have also found the coordinates, half of it is intuition, and half is experience."

After listening to his words, Tao Zhiyue was silent for a long time before asking: "Do you think this world is fake?"

"Whether it is true or false, it is very bad for me." Jiang Ye's expression was calm, "So it is not important to judge whether it is true or false. The important thing is that I feel that I am alive."

"Then would you believe in things that haven't happened yet?"

Jiang Ye quickly shook his head: "I don't believe in fiction, I only believe in where the road in front of me will point."

The test machine in Tao Zhiyue's hand still displayed a beautiful game screen, Jiang Ye glanced at it, and continued: "The randomness you mentioned on the day of the interview is very interesting, it is an uncertain factor that always exists in the material world, there are good and bad , but not all of life.”

"Don't be afraid of what hasn't happened yet."

After Jiang Ye said goodbye to him and got off work, Tao Zhiyue sat there for a long time.

In the brisk music, the protagonist under his control encounters the No. 1 capture target by chance.

After a few rounds of simple conversations, at the moment of parting, he chose to ask the other party: Do you want to go for a drive together at night?

The expected sneer did not appear.

The domineering president replied wildly.

[Um? How do you know I'm about to drive out? ]

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